Fix default value (#11220)

diff --git a/docs/configuration/ b/docs/configuration/
index 0d76a71..e422a3f 100644
--- a/docs/configuration/
+++ b/docs/configuration/
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@
 |`druid.emitter.http.basicAuthentication`|[Password Provider](../operations/ for providing Login and password for authentication in "login:password" form, e.g., `druid.emitter.http.basicAuthentication=admin:adminpassword` uses Default Password Provider which allows plain text passwords.|not specified = no authentication|
 |`druid.emitter.http.flushTimeOut`|The timeout after which an event should be sent to the endpoint, even if internal buffers are not filled, in milliseconds.|not specified = no timeout|
 |`druid.emitter.http.batchingStrategy`|The strategy of how the batch is formatted. "ARRAY" means `[event1,event2]`, "NEWLINES" means `event1\nevent2`, ONLY_EVENTS means `event1event2`.|ARRAY|
-|`druid.emitter.http.maxBatchSize`|The maximum batch size, in bytes.|the minimum of (10% of JVM heap size divided by 2) or (5191680 (i. e. 5 MB))|
+|`druid.emitter.http.maxBatchSize`|The maximum batch size, in bytes.|the minimum of (10% of JVM heap size divided by 2) or (5242880 (i. e. 5 MiB))|
 |`druid.emitter.http.batchQueueSizeLimit`|The maximum number of batches in emitter queue, if there are problems with emitting.|the maximum of (2) or (10% of the JVM heap size divided by 5MB)|
 |`druid.emitter.http.minHttpTimeoutMillis`|If the speed of filling batches imposes timeout smaller than that, not even trying to send batch to endpoint, because it will likely fail, not being able to send the data that fast. Configure this depending based on emitter/successfulSending/minTimeMs metric. Reasonable values are 10ms..100ms.|0|
 |`druid.emitter.http.recipientBaseUrl`|The base URL to emit messages to. Druid will POST JSON to be consumed at the HTTP endpoint specified by this property.|none, required config|