blob: 71b477d16c37cb1c9e7f59c91b1d4432354fdee3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.druid.query;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException;
import nl.jqno.equalsverifier.EqualsVerifier;
import nl.jqno.equalsverifier.Warning;
import org.apache.druid.query.aggregation.CountAggregatorFactory;
import org.apache.druid.query.filter.DimFilter;
import org.apache.druid.query.spec.QuerySegmentSpec;
import org.apache.druid.segment.DimensionHandlerUtils;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
import org.joda.time.Interval;
import org.junit.Test;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThrows;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
public class QueryContextTest
private static final ObjectMapper JSON_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
public void testEquals()
* Verify that a context with an null map is the same as a context with
* an empty map.
public void testEmptyContext()
final QueryContext context = new QueryContext(null);
assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of(), context.asMap());
final QueryContext context = new QueryContext(new HashMap<>());
assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of(), context.asMap());
final QueryContext context = QueryContext.of(null);
assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of(), context.asMap());
final QueryContext context = QueryContext.of(new HashMap<>());
assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of(), context.asMap());
final QueryContext context = QueryContext.empty();
assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of(), context.asMap());
public void testIsEmpty()
assertFalse(QueryContext.of(ImmutableMap.of("k", "v")).isEmpty());
public void testGetString()
final QueryContext context = QueryContext.of(
ImmutableMap.of("key", "val",
"key2", 2)
assertEquals("val", context.get("key"));
assertEquals("val", context.getString("key"));
assertEquals("foo", context.getString("non-exist", "foo"));
assertThrows(BadQueryContextException.class, () -> context.getString("key2"));
public void testGetBoolean()
final QueryContext context = QueryContext.of(
"key1", "true",
"key2", true
assertTrue(context.getBoolean("key1", false));
assertTrue(context.getBoolean("key2", false));
assertFalse(context.getBoolean("non-exist", false));
public void testGetInt()
final QueryContext context = QueryContext.of(
"key1", "100",
"key2", 100,
"key3", "abc"
assertEquals(100, context.getInt("key1", 0));
assertEquals(100, context.getInt("key2", 0));
assertEquals(0, context.getInt("non-exist", 0));
assertThrows(BadQueryContextException.class, () -> context.getInt("key3", 5));
public void testGetLong()
final QueryContext context = QueryContext.of(
"key1", "100",
"key2", 100,
"key3", "abc"
assertEquals(100L, context.getLong("key1", 0));
assertEquals(100L, context.getLong("key2", 0));
assertEquals(0L, context.getLong("non-exist", 0));
assertThrows(BadQueryContextException.class, () -> context.getLong("key3", 5));
* Tests the several ways that Druid code parses context strings into Long
* values. The desired behavior is that "x" is parsed exactly the same as Jackson
* would parse x (where x is a valid number.) The context methods must emulate
* Jackson. The dimension utility method is included because some code used that
* for long parsing, and we must maintain backward compatibility.
* <p>
* The exceptions in the {@code assertThrows} are not critical: the key thing is
* that we're documenting what works and what doesn't. If an exception changes,
* just update the tests. If something no longer throws an exception, we'll want
* to verify that we support the new use case consistently in all three paths.
public void testGetLongCompatibility() throws JsonProcessingException
String value = null;
// Only the context methods allow {"foo": null} to be parsed as a null Long.
// Nulls not legal on this path.
assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, () -> getDimensionLong(value));
// Nulls not legal on this path.
assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> getJsonLong(value));
String value = "";
// Blank string not legal on this path.
assertThrows(BadQueryContextException.class, () -> getContextLong(value));
// Blank string not allowed where a value is expected.
assertThrows(MismatchedInputException.class, () -> getJsonLong(value));
String value = "0";
assertEquals(0L, (long) getContextLong(value));
assertEquals(0L, (long) getDimensionLong(value));
assertEquals(0L, (long) getJsonLong(value));
String value = "+1";
assertEquals(1L, (long) getContextLong(value));
assertEquals(1L, (long) getDimensionLong(value));
assertThrows(JsonParseException.class, () -> getJsonLong(value));
String value = "-1";
assertEquals(-1L, (long) getContextLong(value));
assertEquals(-1L, (long) getDimensionLong(value));
assertEquals(-1L, (long) getJsonLong(value));
// Hexadecimal numbers are not supported in JSON. Druid also does not support
// them in strings.
String value = "0xabcd";
assertThrows(BadQueryContextException.class, () -> getContextLong(value));
// The dimension utils have a funny way of handling hex: they return null
assertThrows(JsonParseException.class, () -> getJsonLong(value));
// Leading zeros supported by Druid parsing, but not by JSON.
String value = "05";
assertEquals(5L, (long) getContextLong(value));
assertEquals(5L, (long) getDimensionLong(value));
assertThrows(JsonParseException.class, () -> getJsonLong(value));
// The dimension utils allow a float where a long is expected.
// Jackson can do this conversion. This test verifies that the context
// functions can handle the same conversion.
String value = "10.00";
assertEquals(10L, (long) getContextLong(value));
assertEquals(10L, (long) getDimensionLong(value));
assertEquals(10L, (long) getJsonLong(value));
// None of the conversion methods allow a (thousands) separator. The comma
// would be ambiguous in JSON. Java allows the underscore, but JSON does
// not support this syntax, and neither does Druid's string-to-long conversion.
String value = "1_234";
assertThrows(BadQueryContextException.class, () -> getContextLong(value));
assertThrows(JsonParseException.class, () -> getJsonLong(value));
private static Long getContextLong(String value)
return QueryContexts.getAsLong("dummy", value);
private static Long getJsonLong(String value) throws JsonProcessingException
return JSON_MAPPER.readValue(value, Long.class);
private static Long getDimensionLong(String value)
return DimensionHandlerUtils.getExactLongFromDecimalString(value);
public void testGetFloat()
final QueryContext context = QueryContext.of(
"f1", "500",
"f2", 500,
"f3", 500.1,
"f4", "ab"
assertEquals(0,, context.getFloat("f1", 100)));
assertEquals(0,, context.getFloat("f2", 100)));
assertEquals(0,, context.getFloat("f3", 100)));
assertThrows(BadQueryContextException.class, () -> context.getFloat("f4", 5));
public void testGetHumanReadableBytes()
final QueryContext context = new QueryContext(
ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
.put("m1", 500_000_000)
.put("m2", "500M")
.put("m3", "500Mi")
.put("m4", "500MiB")
.put("m5", "500000000")
.put("m6", "abc")
assertEquals(500_000_000, context.getHumanReadableBytes("m1", HumanReadableBytes.ZERO).getBytes());
assertEquals(500_000_000, context.getHumanReadableBytes("m2", HumanReadableBytes.ZERO).getBytes());
assertEquals(500 * 1024 * 1024L, context.getHumanReadableBytes("m3", HumanReadableBytes.ZERO).getBytes());
assertEquals(500 * 1024 * 1024L, context.getHumanReadableBytes("m4", HumanReadableBytes.ZERO).getBytes());
assertEquals(500_000_000, context.getHumanReadableBytes("m5", HumanReadableBytes.ZERO).getBytes());
assertThrows(BadQueryContextException.class, () -> context.getHumanReadableBytes("m6", HumanReadableBytes.ZERO));
public void testGetMaxSubqueryBytes()
final QueryContext context1 = new QueryContext(
ImmutableMap.of(QueryContexts.MAX_SUBQUERY_BYTES_KEY, 500_000_000)
assertEquals("500000000", context1.getMaxSubqueryMemoryBytes(null));
final QueryContext context2 = new QueryContext(
ImmutableMap.of(QueryContexts.MAX_SUBQUERY_BYTES_KEY, "auto")
assertEquals("auto", context2.getMaxSubqueryMemoryBytes(null));
final QueryContext context3 = new QueryContext(ImmutableMap.of());
assertEquals("disabled", context3.getMaxSubqueryMemoryBytes("disabled"));
public void testDefaultEnableQueryDebugging()
assertTrue(QueryContext.of(ImmutableMap.of(QueryContexts.ENABLE_DEBUG, true)).isDebug());
// This test is a bit silly. It is retained because another test uses the
// LegacyContextQuery test.
public void testLegacyReturnsLegacy()
Map<String, Object> context = ImmutableMap.of("foo", "bar");
Query<?> legacy = new LegacyContextQuery(context);
assertEquals(context, legacy.getContext());
public void testNonLegacyIsNotLegacyContext()
Query<?> timeseries = Druids.newTimeseriesQueryBuilder()
.aggregators(Collections.singletonList(new CountAggregatorFactory("theCount")))
.context(ImmutableMap.of("foo", "bar"))
public static class LegacyContextQuery implements Query<Integer>
private final Map<String, Object> context;
public LegacyContextQuery(Map<String, Object> context)
this.context = context;
public DataSource getDataSource()
return new TableDataSource("fake");
public boolean hasFilters()
return false;
public DimFilter getFilter()
return null;
public String getType()
return "legacy-context-query";
public QueryRunner<Integer> getRunner(QuerySegmentWalker walker)
return new NoopQueryRunner<>();
public List<Interval> getIntervals()
return Collections.singletonList(Intervals.ETERNITY);
public Duration getDuration()
return getIntervals().get(0).toDuration();
public Granularity getGranularity()
return Granularities.ALL;
public DateTimeZone getTimezone()
return DateTimeZone.UTC;
public Map<String, Object> getContext()
return context;
public boolean isDescending()
return false;
public Ordering<Integer> getResultOrdering()
return Ordering.natural();
public Query<Integer> withQuerySegmentSpec(QuerySegmentSpec spec)
return new LegacyContextQuery(context);
public Query<Integer> withId(String id)
context.put(BaseQuery.QUERY_ID, id);
return this;
public String getId()
return (String) context.get(BaseQuery.QUERY_ID);
public Query<Integer> withSubQueryId(String subQueryId)
context.put(BaseQuery.SUB_QUERY_ID, subQueryId);
return this;
public String getSubQueryId()
return (String) context.get(BaseQuery.SUB_QUERY_ID);
public Query<Integer> withDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
return this;
public Query<Integer> withOverriddenContext(Map<String, Object> contextOverride)
return new LegacyContextQuery(contextOverride);