blob: a479d33f2dfc68ae9af749c0997a3dbe08d2558b [file] [log] [blame]
* Druid - a distributed column store.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Metamarkets Group Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package com.metamx.druid.master;
import com.metamx.common.Pair;
import com.metamx.common.logger.Logger;
import com.metamx.druid.client.DataSegment;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.Interval;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
* The BalancerCostAnalyzer will compute the total initial cost of the cluster, with costs defined in
* computeJointSegmentCosts. It will then propose to move (pseudo-)randomly chosen segments from their
* respective initial servers to other servers, chosen greedily to minimize the cost of the cluster.
public class BalancerCostAnalyzer
private static final Logger log = new Logger(BalancerCostAnalyzer.class);
private static final int DAY_IN_MILLIS = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
private static final int SEVEN_DAYS_IN_MILLIS = 7 * DAY_IN_MILLIS;
private static final int THIRTY_DAYS_IN_MILLIS = 30 * DAY_IN_MILLIS;
private final Random rand;
private final DateTime referenceTimestamp;
public BalancerCostAnalyzer(DateTime referenceTimestamp)
this.referenceTimestamp = referenceTimestamp;
rand = new Random(0);
* Calculates the cost normalization. This is such that the normalized cost is lower bounded
* by 1 (e.g. when each segment gets its own compute node).
* @param serverHolders A list of ServerHolders for a particular tier.
* @return The normalization value (the sum of the diagonal entries in the
* pairwise cost matrix). This is the cost of a cluster if each
* segment were to get its own compute node.
public double calculateNormalization(final List<ServerHolder> serverHolders)
double cost = 0;
for (ServerHolder server : serverHolders) {
for (DataSegment segment : server.getServer().getSegments().values()) {
cost += computeJointSegmentCosts(segment, segment);
return cost;
* Calculates the initial cost of the Druid segment configuration.
* @param serverHolders A list of ServerHolders for a particular tier.
* @return The initial cost of the Druid tier.
public double calculateInitialTotalCost(final List<ServerHolder> serverHolders)
double cost = 0;
for (ServerHolder server : serverHolders) {
DataSegment[] segments = server.getServer().getSegments().values().toArray(new DataSegment[]{});
for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; ++i) {
for (int j = i; j < segments.length; ++j) {
cost += computeJointSegmentCosts(segments[i], segments[j]);
return cost;
* This defines the unnormalized cost function between two segments. There is a base cost given by
* the minimum size of the two segments and additional penalties.
* recencyPenalty: it is more likely that recent segments will be queried together
* dataSourcePenalty: if two segments belong to the same data source, they are more likely to be involved
* in the same queries
* gapPenalty: it is more likely that segments close together in time will be queried together
* @param segment1 The first DataSegment.
* @param segment2 The second DataSegment.
* @return The joint cost of placing the two DataSegments together on one node.
public double computeJointSegmentCosts(final DataSegment segment1, final DataSegment segment2)
final Interval gap = segment1.getInterval().gap(segment2.getInterval());
final double baseCost = Math.min(segment1.getSize(), segment2.getSize());
double recencyPenalty = 1;
double dataSourcePenalty = 1;
double gapPenalty = 1;
if (segment1.getDataSource().equals(segment2.getDataSource())) {
dataSourcePenalty = 2;
double maxDiff = Math.max(
referenceTimestamp.getMillis() - segment1.getInterval().getEndMillis(),
referenceTimestamp.getMillis() - segment2.getInterval().getEndMillis()
if (maxDiff < SEVEN_DAYS_IN_MILLIS) {
recencyPenalty = 2 - maxDiff / SEVEN_DAYS_IN_MILLIS;
/** gap is null if the two segment intervals overlap or if they're adjacent */
if (gap == null) {
gapPenalty = 2;
} else {
long gapMillis = gap.toDurationMillis();
if (gapMillis < THIRTY_DAYS_IN_MILLIS) {
gapPenalty = 2 - gapMillis / THIRTY_DAYS_IN_MILLIS;
final double cost = baseCost * recencyPenalty * dataSourcePenalty * gapPenalty;
return cost;
* Sample from each server with probability proportional to the number of segments on that server.
* @param serverHolders A list of ServerHolders for a particular tier.
* @param numSegments
* @return A ServerHolder sampled with probability proportional to the
* number of segments on that server
private ServerHolder sampleServer(final List<ServerHolder> serverHolders, final int numSegments)
final int num = rand.nextInt(numSegments);
int cumulativeSegments = 0;
int numToStopAt = 0;
while (cumulativeSegments <= num) {
cumulativeSegments += serverHolders.get(numToStopAt).getServer().getSegments().size();
return serverHolders.get(numToStopAt - 1);
* The balancing application requires us to pick a proposal segment.
* @param serverHolders A list of ServerHolders for a particular tier.
* @param numSegments The total number of segments on a particular tier.
* @return A BalancerSegmentHolder sampled uniformly at random.
public BalancerSegmentHolder pickSegmentToMove(final List<ServerHolder> serverHolders, final int numSegments)
/** We want to sample from each server w.p. numSegmentsOnServer / totalSegments */
ServerHolder fromServerHolder = sampleServer(serverHolders, numSegments);
/** and actually pick that segment uniformly at random w.p. 1 / numSegmentsOnServer
so that the probability of picking a segment is 1 / totalSegments. */
List<DataSegment> segments = Lists.newArrayList(fromServerHolder.getServer().getSegments().values());
DataSegment proposalSegment = segments.get(rand.nextInt(segments.size()));
return new BalancerSegmentHolder(fromServerHolder.getServer(), proposalSegment);
* For balancing, we want to only make a move if the minimum cost server is not already serving the segment.
* @param proposalSegment A DataSegment that we are proposing to move.
* @param serverHolders An iterable of ServerHolders for a particular tier.
* @return A ServerHolder with the new home for a segment.
public ServerHolder findNewSegmentHomeBalance(
final DataSegment proposalSegment,
final Iterable<ServerHolder> serverHolders
MinMaxPriorityQueue<Pair<Double, ServerHolder>> costsAndServers = computeCosts(proposalSegment, serverHolders);
if (costsAndServers.isEmpty()) {
return null;
ServerHolder toServer = costsAndServers.pollFirst().rhs;
if (!toServer.isServingSegment(proposalSegment)) {
return toServer;
return null;
* For assigment, we want to move to the lowest cost server that isn't already serving the segment.
* @param proposalSegment A DataSegment that we are proposing to move.
* @param serverHolders An iterable of ServerHolders for a particular tier.
* @return A ServerHolder with the new home for a segment.
public ServerHolder findNewSegmentHomeAssign(
final DataSegment proposalSegment,
final Iterable<ServerHolder> serverHolders
MinMaxPriorityQueue<Pair<Double, ServerHolder>> costsAndServers = computeCosts(proposalSegment, serverHolders);
while (!costsAndServers.isEmpty()) {
ServerHolder toServer = costsAndServers.pollFirst().rhs;
if (!toServer.isServingSegment(proposalSegment)) {
return toServer;
return null;
private MinMaxPriorityQueue<Pair<Double, ServerHolder>> computeCosts(
final DataSegment proposalSegment,
final Iterable<ServerHolder> serverHolders
MinMaxPriorityQueue<Pair<Double, ServerHolder>> costsAndServers = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(
new Comparator<Pair<Double, ServerHolder>>()
public int compare(
Pair<Double, ServerHolder> o,
Pair<Double, ServerHolder> o1
return, o1.lhs);
final long proposalSegmentSize = proposalSegment.getSize();
for (ServerHolder server : serverHolders) {
/** Don't calculate cost if the server doesn't have enough space or is loading the segment */
if (proposalSegmentSize > server.getAvailableSize() || server.isLoadingSegment(proposalSegment)) {
/** The contribution to the total cost of a given server by proposing to move the segment to that server is... */
double cost = 0f;
/** the sum of the costs of other (exclusive of the proposalSegment) segments on the server */
for (DataSegment segment : server.getServer().getSegments().values()) {
if (!proposalSegment.equals(segment)) {
cost += computeJointSegmentCosts(proposalSegment, segment);
/** plus the costs of segments that will be loaded */
for (DataSegment segment : server.getPeon().getSegmentsToLoad()) {
cost += computeJointSegmentCosts(proposalSegment, segment);
costsAndServers.add(Pair.of(cost, server));
return costsAndServers;