blob: 03209d057bfce28a8f80ce29999b808bc967774c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.druid.segment.filter;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntIterable;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntIterator;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntList;
import org.apache.druid.collections.bitmap.ImmutableBitmap;
import org.apache.druid.query.BitmapResultFactory;
import org.apache.druid.query.Query;
import org.apache.druid.query.QueryContexts;
import org.apache.druid.query.filter.BitmapIndexSelector;
import org.apache.druid.query.filter.DimFilter;
import org.apache.druid.query.filter.DruidPredicateFactory;
import org.apache.druid.query.filter.Filter;
import org.apache.druid.query.filter.FilterTuning;
import org.apache.druid.query.filter.ValueMatcher;
import org.apache.druid.segment.ColumnProcessors;
import org.apache.druid.segment.ColumnSelector;
import org.apache.druid.segment.ColumnSelectorFactory;
import org.apache.druid.segment.IntIteratorUtils;
import org.apache.druid.segment.column.BitmapIndex;
import org.apache.druid.segment.column.ColumnHolder;
import org.apache.druid.segment.filter.cnf.CalciteCnfHelper;
import org.apache.druid.segment.filter.cnf.HiveCnfHelper;
import org.apache.druid.segment.join.filter.AllNullColumnSelectorFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Optional;
public class Filters
private static final ColumnSelectorFactory ALL_NULL_COLUMN_SELECTOR_FACTORY = new AllNullColumnSelectorFactory();
* Convert a list of DimFilters to a list of Filters.
* @param dimFilters list of DimFilters, should all be non-null
* @return list of Filters
public static List<Filter> toFilters(List<DimFilter> dimFilters)
* Convert a DimFilter to a Filter.
* @param dimFilter dimFilter
* @return converted filter, or null if input was null
public static Filter toFilter(@Nullable DimFilter dimFilter)
return dimFilter == null ? null : dimFilter.toOptimizedFilter();
* Create a ValueMatcher that compares row values to the provided string.
* <p>
* An implementation of this method should be able to handle dimensions of various types.
* @param columnSelectorFactory Selector for columns.
* @param columnName The column to filter.
* @param value The value to match against, represented as a String.
* @return An object that matches row values on the provided value.
public static ValueMatcher makeValueMatcher(
final ColumnSelectorFactory columnSelectorFactory,
final String columnName,
final String value
return ColumnProcessors.makeProcessor(
new ConstantValueMatcherFactory(value),
* Create a ValueMatcher that applies a predicate to row values.
* <p>
* The caller provides a predicate factory that can create a predicate for each value type supported by Druid.
* See {@link DruidPredicateFactory} for more information.
* <p>
* When creating the ValueMatcher, the ValueMatcherFactory implementation should decide what type of predicate
* to create from the predicate factory based on the ValueType of the specified dimension.
* @param columnSelectorFactory Selector for columns.
* @param columnName The column to filter.
* @param predicateFactory Predicate factory
* @return An object that applies a predicate to row values
public static ValueMatcher makeValueMatcher(
final ColumnSelectorFactory columnSelectorFactory,
final String columnName,
final DruidPredicateFactory predicateFactory
return ColumnProcessors.makeProcessor(
new PredicateValueMatcherFactory(predicateFactory),
public static ImmutableBitmap allFalse(final BitmapIndexSelector selector)
return selector.getBitmapFactory().makeEmptyImmutableBitmap();
public static ImmutableBitmap allTrue(final BitmapIndexSelector selector)
return selector.getBitmapFactory()
.complement(selector.getBitmapFactory().makeEmptyImmutableBitmap(), selector.getNumRows());
* Transform an iterable of indexes of bitmaps to an iterable of bitmaps
* @param indexes indexes of bitmaps
* @param bitmapIndex an object to retrieve bitmaps using indexes
* @return an iterable of bitmaps
public static Iterable<ImmutableBitmap> bitmapsFromIndexes(final IntIterable indexes, final BitmapIndex bitmapIndex)
// Do not use Iterables.transform() to avoid boxing/unboxing integers.
return new Iterable<ImmutableBitmap>()
public Iterator<ImmutableBitmap> iterator()
final IntIterator iterator = indexes.iterator();
return new Iterator<ImmutableBitmap>()
public boolean hasNext()
return iterator.hasNext();
public ImmutableBitmap next()
return bitmapIndex.getBitmap(iterator.nextInt());
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Return the union of bitmaps for all values matching a particular predicate.
* @param dimension dimension to look at
* @param selector bitmap selector
* @param bitmapResultFactory
* @param predicate predicate to use
* @return bitmap of matching rows
* @see #estimateSelectivity(String, BitmapIndexSelector, Predicate)
public static <T> T matchPredicate(
final String dimension,
final BitmapIndexSelector selector,
BitmapResultFactory<T> bitmapResultFactory,
final Predicate<String> predicate
return bitmapResultFactory.unionDimensionValueBitmaps(matchPredicateNoUnion(dimension, selector, predicate));
* Return an iterable of bitmaps for all values matching a particular predicate. Unioning these bitmaps
* yields the same result that {@link #matchPredicate(String, BitmapIndexSelector, BitmapResultFactory, Predicate)}
* would have returned.
* @param dimension dimension to look at
* @param selector bitmap selector
* @param predicate predicate to use
* @return iterable of bitmaps of matching rows
public static Iterable<ImmutableBitmap> matchPredicateNoUnion(
final String dimension,
final BitmapIndexSelector selector,
final Predicate<String> predicate
Preconditions.checkNotNull(dimension, "dimension");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(selector, "selector");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(predicate, "predicate");
// Missing dimension -> match all rows if the predicate matches null; match no rows otherwise
try (final CloseableIndexed<String> dimValues = selector.getDimensionValues(dimension)) {
if (dimValues == null || dimValues.size() == 0) {
return ImmutableList.of(predicate.apply(null) ? allTrue(selector) : allFalse(selector));
// Apply predicate to all dimension values and union the matching bitmaps
final BitmapIndex bitmapIndex = selector.getBitmapIndex(dimension);
return makePredicateQualifyingBitmapIterable(bitmapIndex, predicate, dimValues);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
* Return an estimated selectivity for bitmaps of all values matching the given predicate.
* @param dimension dimension to look at
* @param indexSelector bitmap selector
* @param predicate predicate to use
* @return estimated selectivity
* @see #matchPredicate(String, BitmapIndexSelector, BitmapResultFactory, Predicate)
public static double estimateSelectivity(
final String dimension,
final BitmapIndexSelector indexSelector,
final Predicate<String> predicate
Preconditions.checkNotNull(dimension, "dimension");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(indexSelector, "selector");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(predicate, "predicate");
// Missing dimension -> match all rows if the predicate matches null; match no rows otherwise
try (final CloseableIndexed<String> dimValues = indexSelector.getDimensionValues(dimension)) {
if (dimValues == null || dimValues.size() == 0) {
return predicate.apply(null) ? 1. : 0.;
// Apply predicate to all dimension values and union the matching bitmaps
final BitmapIndex bitmapIndex = indexSelector.getBitmapIndex(dimension);
return estimateSelectivity(
makePredicateQualifyingIndexIterable(bitmapIndex, predicate, dimValues).iterator()
catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
* Return an estimated selectivity for bitmaps for the dimension values given by dimValueIndexes.
* @param bitmapIndex bitmap index
* @param bitmaps bitmaps to extract, by index
* @param totalNumRows number of rows in the column associated with this bitmap index
* @return estimated selectivity
public static double estimateSelectivity(
final BitmapIndex bitmapIndex,
final IntList bitmaps,
final long totalNumRows
long numMatchedRows = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bitmaps.size(); i++) {
final ImmutableBitmap bitmap = bitmapIndex.getBitmap(bitmaps.getInt(i));
numMatchedRows += bitmap.size();
return Math.min(1., (double) numMatchedRows / totalNumRows);
* Return an estimated selectivity for bitmaps given by an iterator.
* @param bitmaps iterator of bitmaps
* @param totalNumRows number of rows in the column associated with this bitmap index
* @return estimated selectivity
public static double estimateSelectivity(
final Iterator<ImmutableBitmap> bitmaps,
final long totalNumRows
long numMatchedRows = 0;
while (bitmaps.hasNext()) {
final ImmutableBitmap bitmap =;
numMatchedRows += bitmap.size();
return Math.min(1., (double) numMatchedRows / totalNumRows);
private static Iterable<ImmutableBitmap> makePredicateQualifyingBitmapIterable(
final BitmapIndex bitmapIndex,
final Predicate<String> predicate,
final Indexed<String> dimValues
return bitmapsFromIndexes(makePredicateQualifyingIndexIterable(bitmapIndex, predicate, dimValues), bitmapIndex);
private static IntIterable makePredicateQualifyingIndexIterable(
final BitmapIndex bitmapIndex,
final Predicate<String> predicate,
final Indexed<String> dimValues
return new IntIterable()
public IntIterator iterator()
return new IntIterator()
private final int bitmapIndexCardinality = bitmapIndex.getCardinality();
private int nextIndex = 0;
private int found;
found = findNextIndex();
private int findNextIndex()
while (nextIndex < bitmapIndexCardinality && !predicate.apply(dimValues.get(nextIndex))) {
if (nextIndex < bitmapIndexCardinality) {
return nextIndex++;
} else {
return -1;
public boolean hasNext()
return found != -1;
public int nextInt()
int foundIndex = this.found;
if (foundIndex == -1) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
this.found = findNextIndex();
return foundIndex;
public static boolean supportsSelectivityEstimation(
Filter filter,
String dimension,
ColumnSelector columnSelector,
BitmapIndexSelector indexSelector
if (filter.supportsBitmapIndex(indexSelector)) {
final ColumnHolder columnHolder = columnSelector.getColumnHolder(dimension);
if (columnHolder != null) {
return columnHolder.getCapabilities().hasMultipleValues().isFalse();
return false;
public static Filter convertToCNFFromQueryContext(Query query, @Nullable Filter filter)
if (filter == null) {
return null;
boolean useCNF = query.getContextBoolean(QueryContexts.USE_FILTER_CNF_KEY, QueryContexts.DEFAULT_USE_FILTER_CNF);
return useCNF ? Filters.toCnf(filter) : filter;
public static Filter toCnf(Filter current)
// Push down NOT filters to leaves if possible to remove NOT on NOT filters and reduce hierarchy.
// ex) ~(a OR ~b) => ~a AND b
current = HiveCnfHelper.pushDownNot(current);
// Flatten nested AND and OR filters if possible.
// ex) a AND (b AND c) => a AND b AND c
current = HiveCnfHelper.flatten(current);
// Pull up AND filters first to convert the filter into a conjunctive form.
// It is important to pull before CNF conversion to not create a huge CNF.
// ex) (a AND b) OR (a AND c AND d) => a AND (b OR (c AND d))
current = CalciteCnfHelper.pull(current);
// Convert filter to CNF.
// a AND (b OR (c AND d)) => a AND (b OR c) AND (b OR d)
current = HiveCnfHelper.convertToCnf(current);
// Flatten again to remove any flattenable nested AND or OR filters created during CNF conversion.
current = HiveCnfHelper.flatten(current);
return current;
* This method provides a "standard" implementation of {@link Filter#shouldUseBitmapIndex(BitmapIndexSelector)} which takes
* a {@link Filter}, a {@link BitmapIndexSelector}, and {@link FilterTuning} to determine if:
* a) the filter supports bitmap indexes for all required columns
* b) the filter tuning specifies that it should use the index
* c) the cardinality of the column is above the minimum threshold and below the maximum threshold to use the index
* If all these things are true, {@link org.apache.druid.segment.QueryableIndexStorageAdapter} will utilize the
* indexes.
public static boolean shouldUseBitmapIndex(
Filter filter,
BitmapIndexSelector indexSelector,
@Nullable FilterTuning filterTuning
final FilterTuning tuning = filterTuning != null ? filterTuning : FilterTuning.createDefault(filter, indexSelector);
if (filter.supportsBitmapIndex(indexSelector) && tuning.getUseBitmapIndex()) {
return filter.getRequiredColumns().stream().allMatch(column -> {
final BitmapIndex index = indexSelector.getBitmapIndex(column);
Preconditions.checkNotNull(index, "Column does not have a bitmap index");
final int cardinality = index.getCardinality();
return cardinality >= tuning.getMinCardinalityToUseBitmapIndex()
&& cardinality <= tuning.getMaxCardinalityToUseBitmapIndex();
return false;
* Create a filter representing an AND relationship across a list of filters. Deduplicates filters, flattens stacks,
* and removes literal "false" filters.
* @param filters List of filters
* @return If "filters" has more than one filter remaining after processing, returns {@link AndFilter}.
* If "filters" has a single element remaining after processing, return that filter alone.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if "filters" is empty
public static Filter and(final List<Filter> filters)
return maybeAnd(filters).orElseThrow(() -> new IAE("Expected nonempty filters list"));
* Like {@link #and}, but returns an empty Optional instead of throwing an exception if "filters" is empty.
public static Optional<Filter> maybeAnd(List<Filter> filters)
if (filters.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
final LinkedHashSet<Filter> filtersToUse = flattenAndChildren(filters);
if (filtersToUse.isEmpty()) {
assert !filters.isEmpty();
// Original "filters" list must have been 100% literally-true filters.
return Optional.of(TrueFilter.instance());
} else if ( -> filter instanceof FalseFilter)) {
// AND of FALSE with anything is FALSE.
return Optional.of(FalseFilter.instance());
} else if (filtersToUse.size() == 1) {
return Optional.of(Iterables.getOnlyElement(filtersToUse));
} else {
return Optional.of(new AndFilter(filtersToUse));
* Create a filter representing an OR relationship across a list of filters. Deduplicates filters, flattens stacks,
* and removes literal "false" filters.
* @param filters List of filters
* @return If "filters" has more than one filter remaining after processing, returns {@link OrFilter}.
* If "filters" has a single element remaining after processing, return that filter alone.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if "filters" is empty
public static Filter or(final List<Filter> filters)
return maybeOr(filters).orElseThrow(() -> new IAE("Expected nonempty filters list"));
* Like {@link #or}, but returns an empty Optional instead of throwing an exception if "filters" is empty.
public static Optional<Filter> maybeOr(final List<Filter> filters)
if (filters.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
final LinkedHashSet<Filter> filtersToUse = flattenOrChildren(filters);
if (filtersToUse.isEmpty()) {
assert !filters.isEmpty();
// Original "filters" list must have been 100% literally-false filters.
return Optional.of(FalseFilter.instance());
} else if ( -> filter instanceof TrueFilter)) {
// OR of TRUE with anything is TRUE.
return Optional.of(TrueFilter.instance());
} else if (filtersToUse.size() == 1) {
return Optional.of(Iterables.getOnlyElement(filtersToUse));
} else {
return Optional.of(new OrFilter(filtersToUse));
* @param filter the filter.
* @return The normalized or clauses for the provided filter.
public static List<Filter> toNormalizedOrClauses(Filter filter)
Filter normalizedFilter = Filters.toCnf(filter);
// List of candidates for pushdown
// CNF normalization will generate either
// - an AND filter with multiple subfilters
// - or a single non-AND subfilter which cannot be split further
List<Filter> normalizedOrClauses;
if (normalizedFilter instanceof AndFilter) {
normalizedOrClauses = new ArrayList<>(((AndFilter) normalizedFilter).getFilters());
} else {
normalizedOrClauses = Collections.singletonList(normalizedFilter);
return normalizedOrClauses;
public static boolean filterMatchesNull(Filter filter)
ValueMatcher valueMatcher = filter.makeMatcher(ALL_NULL_COLUMN_SELECTOR_FACTORY);
return valueMatcher.matches();
* Flattens children of an AND, removes duplicates, and removes literally-true filters.
private static LinkedHashSet<Filter> flattenAndChildren(final Collection<Filter> filters)
final LinkedHashSet<Filter> retVal = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Filter child : filters) {
if (child instanceof AndFilter) {
retVal.addAll(flattenAndChildren(((AndFilter) child).getFilters()));
} else if (!(child instanceof TrueFilter)) {
return retVal;
* Flattens children of an OR, removes duplicates, and removes literally-false filters.
private static LinkedHashSet<Filter> flattenOrChildren(final Collection<Filter> filters)
final LinkedHashSet<Filter> retVal = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Filter child : filters) {
if (child instanceof OrFilter) {
retVal.addAll(flattenOrChildren(((OrFilter) child).getFilters()));
} else if (!(child instanceof FalseFilter)) {
return retVal;