blob: e3e958b0296b1f03d0f26c6ff4e90c1bd084fc39 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import axios, { AxiosResponse } from 'axios';
import { Api } from '../singletons';
import { assemble } from './general';
import { QueryContext } from './query-context';
import { RowColumn } from './query-cursor';
const CANCELED_MESSAGE = 'Query canceled by user.';
export interface QueryWithContext {
queryString: string;
queryContext: QueryContext;
wrapQueryLimit: number | undefined;
export interface DruidErrorResponse {
error?: string;
errorMessage?: string;
errorClass?: string;
host?: string;
export interface QuerySuggestion {
label: string;
fn: (query: string) => string | undefined;
export function parseHtmlError(htmlStr: string): string | undefined {
const startIndex = htmlStr.indexOf('</h3><pre>');
const endIndex = htmlStr.indexOf('\n\tat');
if (startIndex === -1 || endIndex === -1) return;
return htmlStr
.substring(startIndex + 10, endIndex)
.replace(/&quot;/g, '"')
.replace(/&apos;/g, `'`)
.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
export function getDruidErrorMessage(e: any): string {
const data: DruidErrorResponse | string = (e.response || {}).data || {};
switch (typeof data) {
case 'object':
return (
data.errorClass, ? `on host ${}` : undefined,
).join(' / ') || e.message
case 'string': {
const htmlResp = parseHtmlError(data);
return htmlResp ? `HTML Error: ${htmlResp}` : e.message;
return e.message;
export class DruidError extends Error {
static parsePosition(errorMessage: string): RowColumn | undefined {
const range = /from line (\d+), column (\d+) to line (\d+), column (\d+)/i.exec(
if (range) {
return {
match: range[0],
row: Number(range[1]) - 1,
column: Number(range[2]) - 1,
endRow: Number(range[3]) - 1,
endColumn: Number(range[4]), // No -1 because we need to include the last char
const single = /at line (\d+), column (\d+)/i.exec(String(errorMessage));
if (single) {
return {
match: single[0],
row: Number(single[1]) - 1,
column: Number(single[2]) - 1,
static positionToIndex(str: string, line: number, column: number): number {
const lines = str.split('\n').slice(0, line);
const lastLineIndex = lines.length - 1;
lines[lastLineIndex] = lines[lastLineIndex].slice(0, column - 1);
return lines.join('\n').length;
static getSuggestion(errorMessage: string): QuerySuggestion | undefined {
// == is used instead of =
// ex: Encountered "= =" at line 3, column 15. Was expecting one of
const matchEquals = /Encountered "= =" at line (\d+), column (\d+)./.exec(errorMessage);
if (matchEquals) {
const line = Number(matchEquals[1]);
const column = Number(matchEquals[2]);
return {
label: `Replace == with =`,
fn: str => {
const index = DruidError.positionToIndex(str, line, column);
if (!str.slice(index).startsWith('==')) return;
return `${str.slice(0, index)}=${str.slice(index + 2)}`;
const matchLexical = /Lexical error at line (\d+), column (\d+).\s+Encountered: "\\u201\w"/.exec(
if (matchLexical) {
return {
label: 'Replace fancy quotes with ASCII quotes',
fn: str => {
const newQuery = str
.replace(/[\u2018-\u201b]/gim, `'`)
.replace(/[\u201c-\u201f]/gim, `"`);
if (newQuery === str) return;
return newQuery;
// Incorrect quoting on table
// ex: org.apache.calcite.runtime.CalciteContextException: From line 3, column 17 to line 3, column 31: Column '#ar.wikipedia' not found in any table
const matchQuotes = /org.apache.calcite.runtime.CalciteContextException: From line (\d+), column (\d+) to line \d+, column \d+: Column '([^']+)' not found in any table/.exec(
if (matchQuotes) {
const line = Number(matchQuotes[1]);
const column = Number(matchQuotes[2]);
const literalString = matchQuotes[3];
return {
label: `Replace "${literalString}" with '${literalString}'`,
fn: str => {
const index = DruidError.positionToIndex(str, line, column);
if (!str.slice(index).startsWith(`"${literalString}"`)) return;
return `${str.slice(0, index)}'${literalString}'${str.slice(
index + literalString.length + 2,
// Single quotes on AS alias
const matchSingleQuotesAlias = /Encountered "\\'([\w-]+)\\'" at/i.exec(errorMessage);
if (matchSingleQuotesAlias) {
const alias = matchSingleQuotesAlias[1];
return {
label: `Replace '${alias}' with "${alias}"`,
fn: str => {
const newQuery = str.replace(new RegExp(`(AS\\s*)'(${alias})'`, 'gim'), '$1"$2"');
if (newQuery === str) return;
return newQuery;
// , before FROM
const matchCommaFrom = /Encountered "(FROM)" at/i.exec(errorMessage);
if (matchCommaFrom) {
const keyword = matchCommaFrom[1];
return {
label: `Remove , before ${keyword}`,
fn: str => {
const newQuery = str.replace(/,(\s+FROM)/gim, '$1');
if (newQuery === str) return;
return newQuery;
// , before GROUP, ORDER, or LIMIT
const matchComma = /Encountered ", (GROUP|ORDER|LIMIT)" at/i.exec(errorMessage);
if (matchComma) {
const keyword = matchComma[1];
return {
label: `Remove , before ${keyword}`,
fn: str => {
const newQuery = str.replace(new RegExp(`,(\\s+${keyword})`, 'gim'), '$1');
if (newQuery === str) return;
return newQuery;
// ; at the end
const matchSemicolon = /Encountered ";" at/i.exec(errorMessage);
if (matchSemicolon) {
return {
label: `Remove trailing ;`,
fn: str => {
const newQuery = str.replace(/;+(\s*)$/m, '$1');
if (newQuery === str) return;
return newQuery;
public canceled?: boolean;
public error?: string;
public errorMessage?: string;
public errorMessageWithoutExpectation?: string;
public expectation?: string;
public position?: RowColumn;
public errorClass?: string;
public host?: string;
public suggestion?: QuerySuggestion;
constructor(e: any) {
super(axios.isCancel(e) ? CANCELED_MESSAGE : getDruidErrorMessage(e));
if (axios.isCancel(e)) {
this.canceled = true;
} else {
const data: DruidErrorResponse | string = (e.response || {}).data || {};
let druidErrorResponse: DruidErrorResponse;
switch (typeof data) {
case 'object':
druidErrorResponse = data;
case 'string':
druidErrorResponse = {
errorClass: 'HTML error',
druidErrorResponse = {};
Object.assign(this, druidErrorResponse);
if (this.errorMessage) {
this.position = DruidError.parsePosition(this.errorMessage);
this.suggestion = DruidError.getSuggestion(this.errorMessage);
const expectationIndex = this.errorMessage.indexOf('Was expecting one of');
if (expectationIndex >= 0) {
this.errorMessageWithoutExpectation = this.errorMessage.slice(0, expectationIndex).trim();
this.expectation = this.errorMessage.slice(expectationIndex).trim();
} else {
this.errorMessageWithoutExpectation = this.errorMessage;
export async function queryDruidRune(runeQuery: Record<string, any>): Promise<any> {
let runeResultResp: AxiosResponse;
try {
runeResultResp = await'/druid/v2', runeQuery);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(getDruidErrorMessage(e));
export async function queryDruidSql<T = any>(sqlQueryPayload: Record<string, any>): Promise<T[]> {
let sqlResultResp: AxiosResponse;
try {
sqlResultResp = await'/druid/v2/sql', sqlQueryPayload);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(getDruidErrorMessage(e));
export interface BasicQueryExplanation {
query: any;
signature: string | null;
export interface SemiJoinQueryExplanation {
mainQuery: BasicQueryExplanation;
subQueryRight: BasicQueryExplanation;
function parseQueryPlanResult(queryPlanResult: string): BasicQueryExplanation {
if (!queryPlanResult) {
return {
query: null,
signature: null,
const queryAndSignature = queryPlanResult.split(', signature=');
const queryValue = new RegExp(/query=(.+)/).exec(queryAndSignature[0]);
const signatureValue = queryAndSignature[1];
let parsedQuery: any;
if (queryValue && queryValue[1]) {
try {
parsedQuery = JSON.parse(queryValue[1]);
} catch (e) {}
return {
query: parsedQuery || queryPlanResult,
signature: signatureValue || null,
export function parseQueryPlan(
raw: string,
): BasicQueryExplanation | SemiJoinQueryExplanation | string {
let plan: string = raw;
plan = plan.replace(/\n/g, '');
if (plan.includes('DruidOuterQueryRel(')) {
return plan; // don't know how to parse this
let queryArgs: string;
const queryRelFnStart = 'DruidQueryRel(';
const semiJoinFnStart = 'DruidSemiJoin(';
if (plan.startsWith(queryRelFnStart)) {
queryArgs = plan.substring(queryRelFnStart.length, plan.length - 1);
} else if (plan.startsWith(semiJoinFnStart)) {
queryArgs = plan.substring(semiJoinFnStart.length, plan.length - 1);
const leftExpressionsArgs = ', leftExpressions=';
const keysArgumentIdx = queryArgs.indexOf(leftExpressionsArgs);
if (keysArgumentIdx !== -1) {
return {
mainQuery: parseQueryPlanResult(queryArgs.substring(0, keysArgumentIdx)),
subQueryRight: parseQueryPlan(queryArgs.substring(queryArgs.indexOf(queryRelFnStart))),
} as SemiJoinQueryExplanation;
} else {
return plan;
return parseQueryPlanResult(queryArgs);
export function trimSemicolon(query: string): string {
// Trims out a trailing semicolon while preserving space (
return query.replace(/;+((?:\s*--[^\n]*)?\s*)$/, '$1');