blob: 439a81bd532fedae58c837c26630372c2fc6442d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { Code } from '@blueprintjs/core';
import React from 'react';
import { AutoForm, Field } from '../components';
import { deepGet, deepSet, oneOf } from '../utils';
export interface ExtractionNamespaceSpec {
type?: string;
uri?: string;
uriPrefix?: string;
fileRegex?: string;
namespaceParseSpec?: NamespaceParseSpec;
connectorConfig?: {
createTables: boolean;
connectURI: string;
user: string;
password: string;
table?: string;
keyColumn?: string;
valueColumn?: string;
filter?: any;
tsColumn?: string;
pollPeriod?: number | string;
export interface NamespaceParseSpec {
format: string;
columns?: string[];
keyColumn?: string;
valueColumn?: string;
hasHeaderRow?: boolean;
skipHeaderRows?: number;
keyFieldName?: string;
valueFieldName?: string;
delimiter?: string;
listDelimiter?: string;
export interface LookupSpec {
type?: string;
map?: Record<string, string | number>;
extractionNamespace?: ExtractionNamespaceSpec;
firstCacheTimeout?: number;
injective?: boolean;
export const LOOKUP_FIELDS: Field<LookupSpec>[] = [
name: 'type',
type: 'string',
suggestions: ['map', 'cachedNamespace'],
required: true,
adjustment: (model: LookupSpec) => {
if (model.type === 'map' && ! {
return deepSet(model, 'map', {});
if (model.type === 'cachedNamespace' && !deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type')) {
return deepSet(model, 'extractionNamespace', { type: 'uri' });
return model;
// map lookups are simple
name: 'map',
type: 'json',
height: '60vh',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => model.type === 'map',
required: true,
issueWithValue: value => {
if (!value) return 'map must be defined';
if (typeof value !== 'object') return `map must be an object`;
for (const k in value) {
const typeValue = typeof value[k];
if (typeValue !== 'string' && typeValue !== 'number') {
return `map key '${k}' is of the wrong type '${typeValue}'`;
// cachedNamespace lookups have more options
name: 'extractionNamespace.type',
label: 'Globally cached lookup type',
type: 'string',
placeholder: 'uri',
suggestions: ['uri', 'jdbc'],
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => model.type === 'cachedNamespace',
required: true,
name: 'extractionNamespace.uriPrefix',
label: 'URI prefix',
type: 'string',
placeholder: 's3://bucket/some/key/prefix/',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) =>
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri' &&
!deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.uri'),
required: (model: LookupSpec) =>
!deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.uriPrefix') &&
!deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.uri'),
'A URI which specifies a directory (or other searchable resource) in which to search for files',
name: 'extractionNamespace.uri',
type: 'string',
label: 'URI (deprecated)',
placeholder: 's3://bucket/some/key/prefix/lookups-01.gz',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) =>
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri' &&
!deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.uriPrefix'),
required: (model: LookupSpec) =>
!deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.uriPrefix') &&
!deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.uri'),
info: (
<p>URI for the file of interest, specified as a file, hdfs, or s3 path</p>
<p>The URI prefix option is strictly better than URI and should be used instead</p>
name: 'extractionNamespace.fileRegex',
label: 'File regex',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '.*',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) =>
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri' &&
Boolean(deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.uriPrefix')),
info: 'Optional regex for matching the file name under uriPrefix.',
// namespaceParseSpec
name: 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.format',
label: 'Parse format',
type: 'string',
suggestions: ['csv', 'tsv', 'simpleJson', 'customJson'],
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri',
required: true,
info: (
<p>The format of the data in the lookup files.</p>
The <Code>simpleJson</Code> lookupParseSpec does not take any parameters. It is simply a
line delimited JSON file where the field is the key, and the field&apos;s value is the
// CSV + TSV
name: 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.skipHeaderRows',
type: 'number',
defaultValue: 0,
defined: (model: LookupSpec) =>
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri' &&
oneOf(deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.format'), 'csv', 'tsv'),
info: `Number of header rows to be skipped. The default number of header rows to be skipped is 0.`,
name: 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.hasHeaderRow',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: false,
defined: (model: LookupSpec) =>
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri' &&
oneOf(deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.format'), 'csv', 'tsv'),
info: `A flag to indicate that column information can be extracted from the input files' header row`,
name: 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.columns',
type: 'string-array',
placeholder: `["key", "value"]`,
defined: (model: LookupSpec) =>
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri' &&
oneOf(deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.format'), 'csv', 'tsv'),
required: (model: LookupSpec) =>
!deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.hasHeaderRow'),
info: 'The list of columns in the csv file',
name: 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.keyColumn',
type: 'string',
placeholder: '(optional - defaults to the first column)',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) =>
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri' &&
oneOf(deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.format'), 'csv', 'tsv'),
info: 'The name of the column containing the key',
name: 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.valueColumn',
type: 'string',
placeholder: '(optional - defaults to the second column)',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) =>
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri' &&
oneOf(deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.format'), 'csv', 'tsv'),
info: 'The name of the column containing the value',
// TSV only
name: 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.delimiter',
type: 'string',
placeholder: `(optional)`,
defined: (model: LookupSpec) =>
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri' &&
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.format') === 'tsv',
name: 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.listDelimiter',
type: 'string',
placeholder: `(optional)`,
defined: (model: LookupSpec) =>
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri' &&
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.format') === 'tsv',
// Custom JSON
name: 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.keyFieldName',
type: 'string',
placeholder: `key`,
defined: (model: LookupSpec) =>
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri' &&
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.format') === 'customJson',
required: true,
name: 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.valueFieldName',
type: 'string',
placeholder: `value`,
defined: (model: LookupSpec) =>
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri' &&
deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.namespaceParseSpec.format') === 'customJson',
required: true,
name: 'extractionNamespace.pollPeriod',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '0',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'uri',
info: `Period between polling for updates`,
// JDBC stuff
name: 'extractionNamespace.connectorConfig.connectURI',
label: 'Connect URI',
type: 'string',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'jdbc',
required: true,
info: 'Defines the connectURI value on the The connector config to used',
name: 'extractionNamespace.connectorConfig.user',
type: 'string',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'jdbc',
info: 'Defines the user to be used by the connector config',
name: 'extractionNamespace.connectorConfig.password',
type: 'string',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'jdbc',
info: 'Defines the password to be used by the connector config',
name: 'extractionNamespace.connectorConfig.createTables',
type: 'boolean',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'jdbc',
info: 'Should tables be created',
name: 'extractionNamespace.table',
type: 'string',
placeholder: 'some_lookup_table',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'jdbc',
required: true,
info: (
The table which contains the key value pairs. This will become the table value in the SQL
SELECT keyColumn, valueColumn, tsColumn? FROM namespace.<strong>table</strong> WHERE
name: 'extractionNamespace.keyColumn',
type: 'string',
placeholder: 'my_key_value',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'jdbc',
required: true,
info: (
The column in the table which contains the keys. This will become the keyColumn value in
the SQL query:
SELECT <strong>keyColumn</strong>, valueColumn, tsColumn? FROM namespace.table WHERE
name: 'extractionNamespace.valueColumn',
type: 'string',
placeholder: 'my_column_value',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'jdbc',
required: true,
info: (
The column in table which contains the values. This will become the valueColumn value in
the SQL query:
SELECT keyColumn, <strong>valueColumn</strong>, tsColumn? FROM namespace.table WHERE
name: 'extractionNamespace.filter',
type: 'string',
placeholder: '(optional)',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'jdbc',
info: (
The filter to be used when selecting lookups, this is used to create a where clause on
lookup population. This will become the expression filter in the SQL query:
SELECT keyColumn, valueColumn, tsColumn? FROM namespace.table WHERE{' '}
name: 'extractionNamespace.tsColumn',
type: 'string',
label: 'Timestamp column',
placeholder: '(optional)',
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => deepGet(model, 'extractionNamespace.type') === 'jdbc',
info: (
The column in table which contains when the key was updated. This will become the Value in
the SQL query:
SELECT keyColumn, valueColumn, <strong>tsColumn</strong>? FROM namespace.table WHERE
// Extra cachedNamespace things
name: 'firstCacheTimeout',
type: 'number',
defaultValue: 0,
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => model.type === 'cachedNamespace',
info: `How long to wait (in ms) for the first run of the cache to populate. 0 indicates to not wait`,
name: 'injective',
type: 'boolean',
defaultValue: false,
defined: (model: LookupSpec) => model.type === 'cachedNamespace',
info: `If the underlying map is injective (keys and values are unique) then optimizations can occur internally by setting this to true`,
export function isLookupInvalid(
lookupName: string | undefined,
lookupVersion: string | undefined,
lookupTier: string | undefined,
lookupSpec: LookupSpec | undefined,
) {
return (
!lookupName ||
!lookupVersion ||
!lookupTier ||
Boolean(AutoForm.issueWithModel(lookupSpec, LOOKUP_FIELDS))