blob: b05ccb5f3587cb18af6c377a608491344f35b02c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.druid.query.groupby.epinephelinae;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.HashCommon;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntIterator;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.Memory;
import org.apache.datasketches.memory.WritableMemory;
import org.apache.druid.query.aggregation.AggregatorAdapters;
import org.apache.druid.query.groupby.epinephelinae.collection.HashTableUtils;
import org.apache.druid.query.groupby.epinephelinae.collection.MemoryOpenHashTable;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Collections;
* An implementation of {@link VectorGrouper} backed by a growable {@link MemoryOpenHashTable}. Growability is
* implemented in this class because {@link MemoryOpenHashTable} is not innately growable.
public class HashVectorGrouper implements VectorGrouper
private static final int MIN_BUCKETS = 4;
private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_BUCKETS = 1024;
private static final float DEFAULT_MAX_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.7f;
private boolean initialized = false;
private int maxNumBuckets;
private final Supplier<ByteBuffer> bufferSupplier;
private final AggregatorAdapters aggregators;
private final int keySize;
private final int bufferGrouperMaxSize;
private final int configuredInitialNumBuckets;
private final int bucketSize;
private final float maxLoadFactor;
private ByteBuffer buffer;
private int tableStart = 0;
private MemoryOpenHashTable hashTable;
// Scratch objects used by aggregateVector(). Set by initVectorized().
private int[] vKeyHashCodes = null;
private int[] vAggregationPositions = null;
private int[] vAggregationRows = null;
public HashVectorGrouper(
final Supplier<ByteBuffer> bufferSupplier,
final int keySize,
final AggregatorAdapters aggregators,
final int bufferGrouperMaxSize,
final float maxLoadFactor,
final int configuredInitialNumBuckets
this.bufferSupplier = bufferSupplier;
this.keySize = keySize;
this.aggregators = aggregators;
this.bufferGrouperMaxSize = bufferGrouperMaxSize;
this.maxLoadFactor = maxLoadFactor > 0 ? maxLoadFactor : DEFAULT_MAX_LOAD_FACTOR;
this.configuredInitialNumBuckets = configuredInitialNumBuckets >= MIN_BUCKETS
? configuredInitialNumBuckets
this.bucketSize = MemoryOpenHashTable.bucketSize(keySize, aggregators.spaceNeeded());
if (this.maxLoadFactor >= 1.0f) {
throw new IAE("Invalid maxLoadFactor[%f], must be < 1.0", maxLoadFactor);
public void initVectorized(final int maxVectorSize)
if (!initialized) {
this.buffer = bufferSupplier.get();
this.maxNumBuckets = Math.max(
computeRoundedInitialNumBuckets(buffer.capacity(), bucketSize, configuredInitialNumBuckets),
computeMaxNumBucketsAfterGrowth(buffer.capacity(), bucketSize)
this.vKeyHashCodes = new int[maxVectorSize];
this.vAggregationPositions = new int[maxVectorSize];
this.vAggregationRows = new int[maxVectorSize];
initialized = true;
public AggregateResult aggregateVector(final Memory keySpace, final int startRow, final int endRow)
final int numRows = endRow - startRow;
// Hoisted bounds check on keySpace.
if (keySpace.getCapacity() < (long) numRows * keySize) {
throw new IAE("Not enough keySpace capacity for the provided start/end rows");
// We use integer indexes into the keySpace.
if (keySpace.getCapacity() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new ISE("keySpace too large to handle");
// Initialize vKeyHashCodes: one int per key.
// Does *not* use hashFunction(). This is okay because the API of VectorGrouper does not expose any way of messing
// about with hash codes.
for (int rowNum = 0, keySpacePosition = 0; rowNum < numRows; rowNum++, keySpacePosition += keySize) {
vKeyHashCodes[rowNum] = Groupers.smear(HashTableUtils.hashMemory(keySpace, keySpacePosition, keySize));
int aggregationStartRow = startRow;
int aggregationNumRows = 0;
final int aggregatorStartOffset = hashTable.bucketValueOffset();
for (int rowNum = 0, keySpacePosition = 0; rowNum < numRows; rowNum++, keySpacePosition += keySize) {
// Find, and if the table is full, expand and find again.
int bucket = hashTable.findBucket(vKeyHashCodes[rowNum], keySpace, keySpacePosition);
if (bucket < 0) {
// Bucket not yet initialized.
if (hashTable.canInsertNewBucket()) {
// There's space, initialize it and move on.
bucket = -(bucket + 1);
initBucket(bucket, keySpace, keySpacePosition);
} else {
// Out of space. Finish up unfinished aggregations, then try to grow.
if (aggregationNumRows > 0) {
doAggregateVector(aggregationStartRow, aggregationNumRows);
aggregationStartRow = aggregationStartRow + aggregationNumRows;
aggregationNumRows = 0;
if (grow() && hashTable.canInsertNewBucket()) {
bucket = hashTable.findBucket(vKeyHashCodes[rowNum], keySpace, keySpacePosition);
bucket = -(bucket + 1);
initBucket(bucket, keySpace, keySpacePosition);
} else {
// This may just trigger a spill and get ignored, which is ok. If it bubbles up to the user, the message
// will be correct.
return Groupers.hashTableFull(rowNum);
// Schedule the current row for aggregation.
vAggregationPositions[aggregationNumRows] = bucket * bucketSize + aggregatorStartOffset;
// Aggregate any remaining rows.
if (aggregationNumRows > 0) {
doAggregateVector(aggregationStartRow, aggregationNumRows);
return AggregateResult.ok();
public void reset()
// Compute initial hash table size (numBuckets).
final int numBuckets = computeRoundedInitialNumBuckets(buffer.capacity(), bucketSize, configuredInitialNumBuckets);
assert numBuckets <= maxNumBuckets;
if (numBuckets == maxNumBuckets) {
// Maximum-sized tables start at zero.
tableStart = 0;
} else {
// The first table, if not maximum-sized, starts at the latest possible position (where the penultimate
// table ends at the end of the buffer).
tableStart = buffer.capacity() - bucketSize * (maxNumBuckets - numBuckets);
final ByteBuffer tableBuffer = buffer.duplicate();
tableBuffer.limit(MemoryOpenHashTable.memoryNeeded(numBuckets, bucketSize));
this.hashTable = new MemoryOpenHashTable(
WritableMemory.wrap(tableBuffer.slice(), ByteOrder.nativeOrder()),
Math.max(1, Math.min(bufferGrouperMaxSize, (int) (numBuckets * maxLoadFactor))),
public CloseableIterator<Grouper.Entry<Memory>> iterator()
if (!initialized) {
// it's possible for iterator() to be called before initialization when
// a nested groupBy's subquery has an empty result set (see testEmptySubquery() in GroupByQueryRunnerTest)
return CloseableIterators.withEmptyBaggage(Collections.emptyIterator());
final IntIterator baseIterator = hashTable.bucketIterator();
return new CloseableIterator<Grouper.Entry<Memory>>()
public boolean hasNext()
return baseIterator.hasNext();
public Grouper.Entry<Memory> next()
final int bucket = baseIterator.nextInt();
final int bucketPosition = hashTable.bucketMemoryPosition(bucket);
final Memory keyMemory = hashTable.memory().region(
bucketPosition + hashTable.bucketKeyOffset(),
final Object[] values = new Object[aggregators.size()];
final int aggregatorsOffset = bucketPosition + hashTable.bucketValueOffset();
for (int i = 0; i < aggregators.size(); i++) {
values[i] = aggregators.get(hashTable.memory().getByteBuffer(), aggregatorsOffset, i);
return new Grouper.Entry<>(keyMemory, values);
public void close()
// Do nothing.
public void close()
// Nothing to do.
* Initializes the given bucket with the given key and fresh, empty aggregation state. Must only be called if
* {@code hashTable.canInsertNewBucket()} returns true and if this bucket is currently unused.
private void initBucket(final int bucket, final Memory keySpace, final int keySpacePosition)
assert bucket >= 0 && bucket < maxNumBuckets && hashTable != null && hashTable.canInsertNewBucket();
hashTable.initBucket(bucket, keySpace, keySpacePosition);
aggregators.init(hashTable.memory().getByteBuffer(), bucket * bucketSize + hashTable.bucketValueOffset());
* Aggregate the current vector from "startRow" (inclusive) to "endRow" (exclusive) into aggregation positions
* given by {@link #vAggregationPositions}.
private void doAggregateVector(final int startRow, final int numRows)
Groupers.writeAggregationRows(vAggregationRows, startRow, startRow + numRows)
* Attempts to grow the table and returns whether or not it was possible. Each growth doubles the number of buckets
* in the table.
private boolean grow()
if (hashTable.numBuckets() >= maxNumBuckets) {
return false;
final int newNumBuckets = nextTableNumBuckets();
final int newTableStart = nextTableStart();
final ByteBuffer newTableBuffer = buffer.duplicate();
newTableBuffer.limit(newTableStart + MemoryOpenHashTable.memoryNeeded(newNumBuckets, bucketSize));
final MemoryOpenHashTable newHashTable = new MemoryOpenHashTable(
WritableMemory.wrap(newTableBuffer.slice(), ByteOrder.nativeOrder()),
maxSizeForNumBuckets(newNumBuckets, maxLoadFactor, bufferGrouperMaxSize),
hashTable.copyTo(newHashTable, new HashVectorGrouperBucketCopyHandler(aggregators, hashTable.bucketValueOffset()));
hashTable = newHashTable;
tableStart = newTableStart;
return true;
* Returns the table size after the next growth. Each growth doubles the number of buckets, so this will be
* double the current number of buckets.
* @throws IllegalStateException if not initialized or if growing is not possible
private int nextTableNumBuckets()
if (!initialized) {
throw new ISE("Must be initialized");
if (hashTable.numBuckets() >= maxNumBuckets) {
throw new ISE("No room left to grow");
return hashTable.numBuckets() * 2;
* Returns the start of the table within {@link #buffer} after the next growth. Each growth starts from the end of
* the previous table.
* @throws IllegalStateException if not initialized or if growing is not possible
private int nextTableStart()
if (!initialized) {
throw new ISE("Must be initialized");
final int nextNumBuckets = nextTableNumBuckets();
final int currentEnd = tableStart + MemoryOpenHashTable.memoryNeeded(hashTable.numBuckets(), bucketSize);
final int nextTableStart;
if (nextNumBuckets == maxNumBuckets) {
assert currentEnd == buffer.capacity();
nextTableStart = 0;
} else {
nextTableStart = currentEnd;
// Sanity check on buffer capacity. If this triggers then it is a bug in this class.
final long nextEnd = ((long) nextTableStart) + MemoryOpenHashTable.memoryNeeded(nextNumBuckets, bucketSize);
if (nextEnd > buffer.capacity()) {
throw new ISE("New table overruns buffer capacity");
if (nextTableStart < currentEnd && nextEnd > tableStart) {
throw new ISE("New table overruns old table");
return nextTableStart;
* Compute the maximum number of elements (size) for a given number of buckets. When the table hits this size,
* we must either grow it or return a table-full error.
private static int maxSizeForNumBuckets(final int numBuckets, final double maxLoadFactor, final int configuredMaxSize)
return Math.max(1, Math.min(configuredMaxSize, (int) (numBuckets * maxLoadFactor)));
* Compute the initial table bucket count given a particular buffer capacity, bucket size, and user-configured
* initial bucket count.
* @param capacity buffer capacity, in bytes
* @param bucketSize bucket size, in bytes
* @param configuredInitialNumBuckets user-configured initial bucket count
private static int computeRoundedInitialNumBuckets(
final int capacity,
final int bucketSize,
final int configuredInitialNumBuckets
final int initialNumBucketsRoundedUp = (int) Math.min(
1 << 30,
HashCommon.nextPowerOfTwo((long) configuredInitialNumBuckets)
if (initialNumBucketsRoundedUp < computeMaxNumBucketsAfterGrowth(capacity, bucketSize)) {
return initialNumBucketsRoundedUp;
} else {
// Special case: initialNumBucketsRoundedUp is equal to or higher than max capacity of a growable table; start out
// at max size the buffer will hold. Note that this allows the table to be larger than it could ever be as a
// result of growing, proving that biting off as much as you can chew is not always a bad strategy. (Why don't
// we always do this? Because clearing a big table is expensive.)
return HashTableUtils.previousPowerOfTwo(Math.min(capacity / bucketSize, 1 << 30));
* Compute the largest possible table bucket count given a particular buffer capacity, bucket size, and initial
* bucket count. Assumes that tables are grown by allocating new tables that are twice as large and then copying
* into them.
* @param capacity buffer capacity, in bytes
* @param bucketSize bucket size, in bytes
private static int computeMaxNumBucketsAfterGrowth(final int capacity, final int bucketSize)
// Tables start at some size (see computeRoundedInitialNumBuckets) and grow by doubling. The penultimate table ends
// at the end of the buffer, and then the final table starts at the beginning of the buffer. This means the largest
// possible table size 2^x is the one where x is maximized subject to:
// 2^(x-1) < capacity / bucketSize / 3
// Or:
// 2^x < capacity / bucketSize / 3 * 2
// All other smaller tables fit within the 2/3rds of the buffer preceding the penultimate table, and then the
// memory they used can be reclaimed for the final table.
return HashTableUtils.previousPowerOfTwo(Math.min(capacity / bucketSize / 3 * 2, 1 << 30));
private static class HashVectorGrouperBucketCopyHandler implements MemoryOpenHashTable.BucketCopyHandler
private final AggregatorAdapters aggregators;
private final int baseAggregatorOffset;
public HashVectorGrouperBucketCopyHandler(final AggregatorAdapters aggregators, final int bucketAggregatorOffset)
this.aggregators = aggregators;
this.baseAggregatorOffset = bucketAggregatorOffset;
public void bucketCopied(
final int oldBucket,
final int newBucket,
final MemoryOpenHashTable oldTable,
final MemoryOpenHashTable newTable
// Relocate aggregators (see
oldTable.bucketMemoryPosition(oldBucket) + baseAggregatorOffset,
newTable.bucketMemoryPosition(newBucket) + baseAggregatorOffset,