[Backport] Add missing doc for automatic pendingSegments (#5682)

[Backport] Add missing doc for automatic pendingSegments cleanup
diff --git a/docs/content/configuration/coordinator.md b/docs/content/configuration/coordinator.md
index 2dfd970..867a304 100644
--- a/docs/content/configuration/coordinator.md
+++ b/docs/content/configuration/coordinator.md
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 |`druid.coordinator.merge.on`|Boolean flag for whether or not the coordinator should try and merge small segments into a more optimal segment size.|false|
 |`druid.coordinator.conversion.on`|Boolean flag for converting old segment indexing versions to the latest segment indexing version.|false|
 |`druid.coordinator.load.timeout`|The timeout duration for when the coordinator assigns a segment to a historical node.|PT15M|
+|`druid.coordinator.kill.pendingSegments.on`|Boolean flag for whether or not the coordinator clean up old entries in the `pendingSegments` table of metadata store. If set to true, coordinator will check the created time of most recently complete task. If it doesn't exist, it finds the created time of the earlist running/pending/waiting tasks. Once the created time is found, then for all dataSources not in the `killPendingSegmentsSkipList` (see [Dynamic configuration](#dynamic-configuration)), coordinator will ask the overlord to clean up the entries 1 day or more older than the found created time in the `pendingSegments` table. This will be done periodically based on `druid.coordinator.period` specified.|false|
 |`druid.coordinator.kill.on`|Boolean flag for whether or not the coordinator should submit kill task for unused segments, that is, hard delete them from metadata store and deep storage. If set to true, then for all whitelisted dataSources (or optionally all), coordinator will submit tasks periodically based on `period` specified. These kill tasks will delete all segments except for the last `durationToRetain` period. Whitelist or All can be set via dynamic configuration `killAllDataSources` and `killDataSourceWhitelist` described later.|false|
 |`druid.coordinator.kill.period`|How often to send kill tasks to the indexing service. Value must be greater than `druid.coordinator.period.indexingPeriod`. Only applies if kill is turned on.|P1D (1 Day)|
 |`druid.coordinator.kill.durationToRetain`| Do not kill segments in last `durationToRetain`, must be greater or equal to 0. Only applies and MUST be specified if kill is turned on. Note that default value is invalid.|PT-1S (-1 seconds)|
@@ -103,8 +104,9 @@
 |`replicantLifetime`|The maximum number of coordinator runs for a segment to be replicated before we start alerting.|15|
 |`replicationThrottleLimit`|The maximum number of segments that can be replicated at one time.|10|
 |`emitBalancingStats`|Boolean flag for whether or not we should emit balancing stats. This is an expensive operation.|false|
-|`killDataSourceWhitelist`|List of dataSources for which kill tasks are sent if property `druid.coordinator.kill.on` is true.|none|
+|`killDataSourceWhitelist`|List of dataSources for which kill tasks are sent if property `druid.coordinator.kill.on` is true. This can be a list of comma-separated dataSources or a JSON array.|none|
 |`killAllDataSources`|Send kill tasks for ALL dataSources if property `druid.coordinator.kill.on` is true. If this is set to true then `killDataSourceWhitelist` must not be specified or be empty list.|false|
+|`killPendingSegmentsSkipList`|List of dataSources for which pendingSegments are _NOT_ cleaned up if property `druid.coordinator.kill.pendingSegments.on` is true. This can be a list of comma-separated dataSources or a JSON array.|none|
 |`maxSegmentsInNodeLoadingQueue`|The maximum number of segments that could be queued for loading to any given server. This parameter could be used to speed up segments loading process, especially if there are "slow" nodes in the cluster (with low loading speed) or if too much segments scheduled to be replicated to some particular node (faster loading could be preferred to better segments distribution). Desired value depends on segments loading speed, acceptable replication time and number of nodes. Value 1000 could be a start point for a rather big cluster. Default value is 0 (loading queue is unbounded) |0|
 To view the audit history of coordinator dynamic config issue a GET request to the URL -