blob: 350118c95cb8aa831ceacb40983332cf1a3cb51c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.druid.query.groupby.epinephelinae.column;
import org.apache.druid.query.DimensionComparisonUtils;
import org.apache.druid.query.groupby.ResultRow;
import org.apache.druid.query.groupby.epinephelinae.Grouper;
import org.apache.druid.query.ordering.StringComparator;
import org.apache.druid.segment.ColumnValueSelector;
import org.apache.druid.segment.DimensionHandlerUtils;
import org.apache.druid.segment.column.ColumnType;
import org.apache.druid.segment.column.NullableTypeStrategy;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* Strategy for grouping single value dimensions which can have variable-width objects. Materializing such objects on the buffer
* require an additional step of mapping them to an integer index. The integer index can be materialized on the buffer within
* a fixed width, and is often backed by a dictionary representing the actual dimension object. It is used for arrays,
* and complex types.
* <p>
* The visibility of the class is limited, and the callers must use the following variant of the mapping strategy:
* 2. {@link DictionaryBuildingGroupByColumnSelectorStrategy}
* <p>
* {@code null} can be represented by either -1 or the position of null in the dictionary it was stored when it was
* encountered. This is fine, because most of the time, the dictionary id has no value of its own, and is converted back to
* the value it represents, before doing further operations. The only place where it would matter would be when
* {@link DimensionIdCodec#canCompareIds()} is true, and we compare directly on the dictionary ids for prebuilt
* dictionaries (we can't compare ids for the dictionaries built on the fly in the grouping strategy). However, in that case,
* it is guaranteed that the dictionaryId of null represented by the pre-built dictionary would be the lowest (most likely 0)
* and therefore nulls (-1) would be adjacent to nulls (represented by the lowest non-negative dictionary id), and would get
* grouped in the later merge stages.
* <p>
* It only handles single value dimensions, i.e. every type except for strings. Strings are handled by the implementations
* of {@link KeyMappingMultiValueGroupByColumnSelectorStrategy}
* <p>
* It only handles non-primitive types, because numeric primitives are handled by the {@link FixedWidthGroupByColumnSelectorStrategy}
* and the string primitives are handled by the {@link KeyMappingMultiValueGroupByColumnSelectorStrategy}
* @param <DimensionType> Class of the dimension
* @see DimensionIdCodec encoding decoding logic for converting value to dictionary
class KeyMappingGroupByColumnSelectorStrategy<DimensionType> implements GroupByColumnSelectorStrategy
* Converts the dimension to equivalent dictionaryId.
final DimensionIdCodec<DimensionType> dimensionIdCodec;
* Type of the dimension on which the grouping strategy is used
final ColumnType columnType;
* Nullable type strategy of the dimension
final NullableTypeStrategy<DimensionType> nullableTypeStrategy;
* Default value of the dimension
final DimensionType defaultValue;
final DimensionIdCodec<DimensionType> dimensionIdCodec,
final ColumnType columnType,
final NullableTypeStrategy<DimensionType> nullableTypeStrategy,
final DimensionType defaultValue
this.dimensionIdCodec = dimensionIdCodec;
this.columnType = columnType;
this.nullableTypeStrategy = nullableTypeStrategy;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
* Strategy maps to integer dictionary ids
public int getGroupingKeySizeBytes()
return Integer.BYTES;
public void processValueFromGroupingKey(
GroupByColumnSelectorPlus selectorPlus,
ByteBuffer key,
ResultRow resultRow,
int keyBufferPosition
final int id = key.getInt(keyBufferPosition);
resultRow.set(selectorPlus.getResultRowPosition(), dimensionIdCodec.idToKey(id));
} else {
resultRow.set(selectorPlus.getResultRowPosition(), defaultValue);
public int initColumnValues(ColumnValueSelector selector, int columnIndex, Object[] valuess)
//noinspection unchecked
final DimensionType value = (DimensionType) DimensionHandlerUtils.convertObjectToType(
if (value == null) {
valuess[columnIndex] = GROUP_BY_MISSING_VALUE;
return 0;
} else {
MemoryFootprint<Integer> idAndMemoryFootprint = dimensionIdCodec.lookupId(value);
valuess[columnIndex] = idAndMemoryFootprint.value();
return idAndMemoryFootprint.memoryIncrease();
public void initGroupingKeyColumnValue(
int keyBufferPosition,
int dimensionIndex,
Object rowObj,
ByteBuffer keyBuffer,
int[] stack
// It is always called with the dictionaryId that we'd have initialized
//noinspection unchecked
int dictId = (int) rowObj;
keyBuffer.putInt(keyBufferPosition, dictId);
stack[dimensionIndex] = 0;
} else {
stack[dimensionIndex] = 1;
// The method is only used for single value dimensions, therefore doesn't have any actual implementation of this
// method, which is only called for multi-value dimensions
public boolean checkRowIndexAndAddValueToGroupingKey(
int keyBufferPosition,
Object rowObj,
int rowValIdx,
ByteBuffer keyBuffer
return false;
public int writeToKeyBuffer(int keyBufferPosition, ColumnValueSelector selector, ByteBuffer keyBuffer)
//noinspection unchecked
final DimensionType value = (DimensionType) DimensionHandlerUtils.convertObjectToType(
final int memoryIncrease;
if (value == null) {
keyBuffer.putInt(keyBufferPosition, GROUP_BY_MISSING_VALUE);
return 0;
} else {
MemoryFootprint<Integer> idAndMemoryIncrease = dimensionIdCodec.lookupId(value);
keyBuffer.putInt(keyBufferPosition, idAndMemoryIncrease.value());
memoryIncrease = idAndMemoryIncrease.memoryIncrease();
return memoryIncrease;
public Grouper.BufferComparator bufferComparator(int keyBufferPosition, @Nullable StringComparator stringComparator)
boolean usesNaturalComparator =
stringComparator == null
|| DimensionComparisonUtils.isNaturalComparator(columnType.getType(), stringComparator);
if (dimensionIdCodec.canCompareIds() && usesNaturalComparator) {
return (lhsBuffer, rhsBuffer, lhsPosition, rhsPosition) ->
lhsBuffer.getInt(lhsPosition + keyBufferPosition),
rhsBuffer.getInt(rhsPosition + keyBufferPosition)
} else {
return (lhsBuffer, rhsBuffer, lhsPosition, rhsPosition) -> {
int lhsDictId = lhsBuffer.getInt(lhsPosition + keyBufferPosition);
int rhsDictId = rhsBuffer.getInt(rhsPosition + keyBufferPosition);
Object lhsObject = lhsDictId == GROUP_BY_MISSING_VALUE ? null : dimensionIdCodec.idToKey(lhsDictId);
Object rhsObject = rhsDictId == GROUP_BY_MISSING_VALUE ? null : dimensionIdCodec.idToKey(rhsDictId);
if (usesNaturalComparator) {
(DimensionType) DimensionHandlerUtils.convertObjectToType(lhsObject, columnType),
(DimensionType) DimensionHandlerUtils.convertObjectToType(rhsObject, columnType)
} else {
return, String.valueOf(rhsObject));
public void reset()