blob: dd43760ec874598447db7b05143aad544760957d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.druid.server.coordinator;
import org.apache.druid.timeline.DataSegment;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
final class ReservoirSegmentSampler
private static final EmittingLogger log = new EmittingLogger(ReservoirSegmentSampler.class);
* Iterates over segments that live on the candidate servers passed in {@link ServerHolder} and (possibly) picks a
* segment to return to caller in a {@link BalancerSegmentHolder} object.
* @param serverHolders List of {@link ServerHolder} objects containing segments who are candidates to be chosen.
* @param broadcastDatasources Set of DataSource names that identify broadcast datasources. We don't want to consider
* segments from these datasources.
* @param percentOfSegmentsToConsider The % of total cluster segments to consider before short-circuiting and
* returning immediately.
* @return
static BalancerSegmentHolder getRandomBalancerSegmentHolder(
final List<ServerHolder> serverHolders,
Set<String> broadcastDatasources,
double percentOfSegmentsToConsider
ServerHolder fromServerHolder = null;
DataSegment proposalSegment = null;
int calculatedSegmentLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int numSoFar = 0;
// Reset a bad value of percentOfSegmentsToConsider to 100. We don't allow consideration less than or equal to
// 0% of segments or greater than 100% of segments.
if (percentOfSegmentsToConsider <= 0 || percentOfSegmentsToConsider > 100) {
log.warn("Resetting percentOfSegmentsToConsider to 100 because only values from 1 to 100 are allowed."
+ " You Provided [%f]", percentOfSegmentsToConsider);
percentOfSegmentsToConsider = 100;
// Calculate the integer limit for the number of segments to be considered for moving if % is less than 100
if (percentOfSegmentsToConsider < 100) {
int totalSegments = 0;
for (ServerHolder server : serverHolders) {
totalSegments += server.getServer().getNumSegments();
// If totalSegments are zero, we will assume it is a mistake and move on to iteration without updating
// calculatedSegmentLimit
if (totalSegments != 0) {
calculatedSegmentLimit = (int) Math.ceil((double) totalSegments * (percentOfSegmentsToConsider / 100.0));
} else {
log.warn("Unable to calculate limit on segments to consider because ServerHolder collection indicates"
+ " zero segments existing in the cluster.");
for (ServerHolder server : serverHolders) {
if (!server.getServer().getType().isSegmentReplicationTarget()) {
// if the server only handles broadcast segments (which don't need to be rebalanced), we have nothing to do
for (DataSegment segment : server.getServer().iterateAllSegments()) {
if (broadcastDatasources.contains(segment.getDataSource())) {
// we don't need to rebalance segments that were assigned via broadcast rules
int randNum = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(numSoFar + 1);
// w.p. 1 / (numSoFar+1), swap out the server and segment
if (randNum == numSoFar) {
fromServerHolder = server;
proposalSegment = segment;
// We have iterated over the alloted number of segments and will return the currently proposed segment or null
// We will only break out early if we are iterating less than 100% of the total cluster segments
if (percentOfSegmentsToConsider < 100 && numSoFar >= calculatedSegmentLimit) {
log.debug("Breaking out of iteration over potential segments to move because we hit the limit [%f percent] of"
+ " segments to consider to move. Segments Iterated: [%d]", percentOfSegmentsToConsider, numSoFar);
// We have iterated over the alloted number of segments and will return the currently proposed segment or null
// We will only break out early if we are iterating less than 100% of the total cluster segments
if (percentOfSegmentsToConsider < 100 && numSoFar >= calculatedSegmentLimit) {
if (fromServerHolder != null) {
return new BalancerSegmentHolder(fromServerHolder.getServer(), proposalSegment);
} else {
return null;
private ReservoirSegmentSampler()