blob: 1ca911a95448d5046f37c6dcb74319ba99538bf2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.druid.segment;
import org.apache.druid.common.guava.GuavaUtils;
import org.apache.druid.math.expr.Evals;
import org.apache.druid.query.ColumnSelectorPlus;
import org.apache.druid.query.dimension.ColumnSelectorStrategy;
import org.apache.druid.query.dimension.ColumnSelectorStrategyFactory;
import org.apache.druid.query.dimension.DimensionSpec;
import org.apache.druid.query.extraction.ExtractionFn;
import org.apache.druid.segment.column.ColumnCapabilities;
import org.apache.druid.segment.column.ColumnCapabilitiesImpl;
import org.apache.druid.segment.column.ColumnType;
import org.apache.druid.segment.column.TypeSignature;
import org.apache.druid.segment.column.ValueType;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
public final class DimensionHandlerUtils
// use these values to ensure that convertObjectToLong(), convertObjectToDouble() and convertObjectToFloat()
// return the same boxed object when returning a constant zero.
public static final Double ZERO_DOUBLE = 0.0d;
public static final Float ZERO_FLOAT = 0.0f;
public static final Long ZERO_LONG = 0L;
public static final ColumnCapabilities DEFAULT_STRING_CAPABILITIES =
new ColumnCapabilitiesImpl().setType(ColumnType.STRING)
public static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, DimensionHandlerProvider> DIMENSION_HANDLER_PROVIDERS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public static void registerDimensionHandlerProvider(String type, DimensionHandlerProvider provider)
DIMENSION_HANDLER_PROVIDERS.compute(type, (key, value) -> {
if (value == null) {
return provider;
} else {
if (!value.getClass().getName().equals(provider.getClass().getName())) {
throw new ISE(
"Incompatible dimensionHandlerProvider for type[%s] already exists. Expected [%s], found [%s].",
} else {
return value;
private DimensionHandlerUtils()
public static DimensionHandler<?, ?, ?> getHandlerFromCapabilities(
String dimensionName,
@Nullable ColumnCapabilities capabilities,
@Nullable MultiValueHandling multiValueHandling
if (capabilities == null) {
return new StringDimensionHandler(dimensionName, multiValueHandling, true, false);
multiValueHandling = multiValueHandling == null ? MultiValueHandling.ofDefault() : multiValueHandling;
if ( {
if (!capabilities.isDictionaryEncoded().isTrue()) {
throw new IAE("String column must have dictionary encoding.");
return new StringDimensionHandler(
if ( {
return new LongDimensionHandler(dimensionName);
if ( {
return new FloatDimensionHandler(dimensionName);
if ( {
return new DoubleDimensionHandler(dimensionName);
if ( && capabilities.getComplexTypeName() != null) {
DimensionHandlerProvider provider = DIMENSION_HANDLER_PROVIDERS.get(capabilities.getComplexTypeName());
if (provider == null) {
throw new ISE("Can't find DimensionHandlerProvider for typeName [%s]", capabilities.getComplexTypeName());
return provider.get(dimensionName);
// Return a StringDimensionHandler by default (null columns will be treated as String typed)
return new StringDimensionHandler(dimensionName, multiValueHandling, true, false);
public static List<ColumnType> getValueTypesFromDimensionSpecs(List<DimensionSpec> dimSpecs)
List<ColumnType> types = new ArrayList<>(dimSpecs.size());
for (DimensionSpec dimSpec : dimSpecs) {
return types;
* Convenience function equivalent to calling
* {@link #createColumnSelectorPluses(ColumnSelectorStrategyFactory, List, ColumnSelectorFactory)} with a singleton
* list of dimensionSpecs and then retrieving the only element in the returned array.
* @param <Strategy> The strategy type created by the provided strategy factory.
* @param strategyFactory A factory provided by query engines that generates type-handling strategies
* @param dimensionSpec column to generate a ColumnSelectorPlus object for
* @param cursor Used to create value selectors for columns.
* @return A ColumnSelectorPlus object
* @see ColumnProcessors#makeProcessor which may replace this in the future
public static <Strategy extends ColumnSelectorStrategy> ColumnSelectorPlus<Strategy> createColumnSelectorPlus(
ColumnSelectorStrategyFactory<Strategy> strategyFactory,
DimensionSpec dimensionSpec,
ColumnSelectorFactory cursor
return createColumnSelectorPluses(strategyFactory, ImmutableList.of(dimensionSpec), cursor)[0];
* Creates an array of ColumnSelectorPlus objects, selectors that handle type-specific operations within
* query processing engines, using a strategy factory provided by the query engine. One ColumnSelectorPlus
* will be created for each column specified in dimensionSpecs.
* <p>
* The ColumnSelectorPlus provides access to a type strategy (e.g., how to group on a float column)
* and a value selector for a single column.
* <p>
* A caller should define a strategy factory that provides an interface for type-specific operations
* in a query engine. See GroupByStrategyFactory for a reference.
* @param <Strategy> The strategy type created by the provided strategy factory.
* @param strategyFactory A factory provided by query engines that generates type-handling strategies
* @param dimensionSpecs The set of columns to generate ColumnSelectorPlus objects for
* @param columnSelectorFactory Used to create value selectors for columns.
* @return An array of ColumnSelectorPlus objects, in the order of the columns specified in dimensionSpecs
* @see ColumnProcessors#makeProcessor which may replace this in the future
public static <Strategy extends ColumnSelectorStrategy> ColumnSelectorPlus<Strategy>[] createColumnSelectorPluses(
ColumnSelectorStrategyFactory<Strategy> strategyFactory,
List<DimensionSpec> dimensionSpecs,
ColumnSelectorFactory columnSelectorFactory
int dimCount = dimensionSpecs.size();
ColumnSelectorPlus<Strategy>[] dims = new ColumnSelectorPlus[dimCount];
for (int i = 0; i < dimCount; i++) {
final DimensionSpec dimSpec = dimensionSpecs.get(i);
final String dimName = dimSpec.getDimension();
final ColumnValueSelector<?> selector = getColumnValueSelectorFromDimensionSpec(
Strategy strategy = makeStrategy(
final ColumnSelectorPlus<Strategy> selectorPlus = new ColumnSelectorPlus<>(
dims[i] = selectorPlus;
return dims;
private static ColumnValueSelector<?> getColumnValueSelectorFromDimensionSpec(
DimensionSpec dimSpec,
ColumnSelectorFactory columnSelectorFactory
String dimName = dimSpec.getDimension();
ColumnCapabilities capabilities = columnSelectorFactory.getColumnCapabilities(dimName);
capabilities = getEffectiveCapabilities(dimSpec, capabilities);
if ( {
return columnSelectorFactory.makeDimensionSelector(dimSpec);
return columnSelectorFactory.makeColumnValueSelector(dimSpec.getDimension());
* When determining the capabilities of a column during query processing, this function
* adjusts the capabilities for columns that cannot be handled as-is to manageable defaults
* (e.g., treating missing columns as empty String columns)
private static ColumnCapabilities getEffectiveCapabilities(
DimensionSpec dimSpec,
@Nullable ColumnCapabilities capabilities
if (capabilities == null) {
// Complex dimension type is not supported
if ( {
// Currently, all extractionFns output Strings, so the column will return String values via a
// DimensionSelector if an extractionFn is present.
if (dimSpec.getExtractionFn() != null) {
ExtractionFn fn = dimSpec.getExtractionFn();
capabilities = ColumnCapabilitiesImpl.copyOf(capabilities)
capabilities.isDictionaryEncoded().isTrue() &&
fn.getExtractionType() == ExtractionFn.ExtractionType.ONE_TO_ONE
capabilities.hasMultipleValues().isMaybeTrue() || capabilities.isArray()
capabilities.isDictionaryEncoded().isTrue() && fn.preservesOrdering()
// DimensionSpec's decorate only operates on DimensionSelectors, so if a spec mustDecorate(),
// we need to wrap selectors on numeric columns with a string casting DimensionSelector.
if (capabilities.isNumeric()) {
if (dimSpec.mustDecorate()) {
return capabilities;
private static <Strategy extends ColumnSelectorStrategy> Strategy makeStrategy(
ColumnSelectorStrategyFactory<Strategy> strategyFactory,
DimensionSpec dimSpec,
@Nullable ColumnCapabilities capabilities,
ColumnValueSelector<?> selector
capabilities = getEffectiveCapabilities(dimSpec, capabilities);
return strategyFactory.makeColumnSelectorStrategy(capabilities, selector);
public static String convertObjectToString(@Nullable Object valObj)
if (valObj == null) {
return null;
} else if (valObj instanceof Object[]) {
return Arrays.toString((Object[]) valObj);
return valObj.toString();
public static Long convertObjectToLong(@Nullable Object valObj)
return convertObjectToLong(valObj, false);
public static Long convertObjectToLong(@Nullable Object valObj, boolean reportParseExceptions)
if (valObj == null) {
return null;
if (valObj instanceof Long) {
return (Long) valObj;
} else if (valObj instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) valObj).longValue();
} else if (valObj instanceof Boolean) {
return Evals.asLong((Boolean) valObj);
} else if (valObj instanceof String) {
Long ret = DimensionHandlerUtils.getExactLongFromDecimalString((String) valObj);
if (reportParseExceptions && ret == null) {
throw new ParseException((String) valObj, "could not convert value [%s] to long", valObj);
return ret;
} else if (valObj instanceof List) {
throw new ParseException(
"Could not ingest value %s as long. A long column cannot have multiple values in the same row.",
} else {
throw new ParseException(
"Could not convert value [%s] to long. Invalid type: [%s]",
public static Float convertObjectToFloat(@Nullable Object valObj)
return convertObjectToFloat(valObj, false);
public static Float convertObjectToFloat(@Nullable Object valObj, boolean reportParseExceptions)
if (valObj == null) {
return null;
if (valObj instanceof Float) {
return (Float) valObj;
} else if (valObj instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) valObj).floatValue();
} else if (valObj instanceof String) {
Float ret = Floats.tryParse((String) valObj);
if (reportParseExceptions && ret == null) {
throw new ParseException((String) valObj, "could not convert value [%s] to float", valObj);
return ret;
} else if (valObj instanceof List) {
throw new ParseException(
"Could not ingest value %s as float. A float column cannot have multiple values in the same row.",
} else {
throw new ParseException(
"Could not convert value [%s] to float. Invalid type: [%s]",
public static Object convertObjectToType(
@Nullable final Object obj,
final TypeSignature<ValueType> type,
final boolean reportParseExceptions
Preconditions.checkNotNull(type, "type");
switch (type.getType()) {
case LONG:
return convertObjectToLong(obj, reportParseExceptions);
case FLOAT:
return convertObjectToFloat(obj, reportParseExceptions);
case DOUBLE:
return convertObjectToDouble(obj, reportParseExceptions);
case STRING:
return convertObjectToString(obj);
case ARRAY:
switch (type.getElementType().getType()) {
case STRING:
return coerceToStringArray(obj);
case LONG:
return coerceToObjectArrayWithElementCoercionFunction(obj, DimensionHandlerUtils::convertObjectToLong);
case FLOAT:
return coerceToObjectArrayWithElementCoercionFunction(obj, DimensionHandlerUtils::convertObjectToFloat);
case DOUBLE:
return coerceToObjectArrayWithElementCoercionFunction(obj, DimensionHandlerUtils::convertObjectToDouble);
throw new IAE("Type[%s] is not supported for dimensions!", type);
public static Object[] convertToArray(Object obj, TypeSignature<ValueType> elementType)
return coerceToObjectArrayWithElementCoercionFunction(obj, (object) -> convertObjectToType(object, elementType));
public static Object[] coerceToObjectArrayWithElementCoercionFunction(
Object obj,
Function<Object, Object> coercionFunction
if (obj == null) {
return null;
// Jackson converts the serialized array into a list. Converting it back to a string array
if (obj instanceof List) {
Object[] retVal = new Object[((List) obj).size()];
for (int i = 0; i < retVal.length; i++) {
retVal[i] = coercionFunction.apply(((List) obj).get(i));
return retVal;
if (obj instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] objects = (Object[]) obj;
Object[] retVal = new Object[objects.length];
for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
retVal[i] = coercionFunction.apply(objects[i]);
return retVal;
throw new ISE(
"Unable to convert object of type[%s] to type Object[]",
public static Object[] coerceToStringArray(Object obj)
return coerceToObjectArrayWithElementCoercionFunction(obj, DimensionHandlerUtils::convertObjectToString);
public static int compareObjectsAsType(
@Nullable final Object lhs,
@Nullable final Object rhs,
final ColumnType type
//noinspection unchecked
return type.getNullableStrategy()
.compare(convertObjectToType(lhs, type), convertObjectToType(rhs, type));
public static Object convertObjectToType(@Nullable final Object obj, final TypeSignature<ValueType> type)
return convertObjectToType(obj, Preconditions.checkNotNull(type, "type"), false);
* Used by TopN engine for type coercion
public static Function<Object, Object> converterFromTypeToType(
final TypeSignature<ValueType> fromType,
final TypeSignature<ValueType> toType
if (Objects.equals(fromType, toType)) {
//noinspection unchecked
return Function.identity();
} else {
return obj -> convertObjectToType(obj, toType);
public static Double convertObjectToDouble(@Nullable Object valObj)
return convertObjectToDouble(valObj, false);
public static Double convertObjectToDouble(@Nullable Object valObj, boolean reportParseExceptions)
if (valObj == null) {
return null;
if (valObj instanceof Double) {
return (Double) valObj;
} else if (valObj instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) valObj).doubleValue();
} else if (valObj instanceof String) {
Double ret = Doubles.tryParse((String) valObj);
if (reportParseExceptions && ret == null) {
throw new ParseException((String) valObj, "could not convert value [%s] to double", valObj);
return ret;
} else if (valObj instanceof List) {
throw new ParseException(
"Could not ingest value %s as double. A double column cannot have multiple values in the same row.",
} else {
throw new ParseException(
"Could not convert value [%s] to double. Invalid type: [%s]",
* Convert a string representing a decimal value to a long.
* <p>
* If the decimal value is not an exact integral value (e.g. 42.0), or if the decimal value
* is too large to be contained within a long, this function returns null.
* @param decimalStr string representing a decimal value
* @return long equivalent of decimalStr, returns null for non-integral decimals and integral decimal values outside
* of the values representable by longs
public static Long getExactLongFromDecimalString(String decimalStr)
final Long val = GuavaUtils.tryParseLong(decimalStr);
if (val != null) {
return val;
BigDecimal convertedBD;
try {
convertedBD = new BigDecimal(decimalStr);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
return null;
try {
return convertedBD.longValueExact();
catch (ArithmeticException ae) {
// indicates there was a non-integral part, or the BigDecimal was too big for a long
return null;
public static Double nullToZero(@Nullable Double number)
return number == null ? ZERO_DOUBLE : number;
public static Long nullToZero(@Nullable Long number)
return number == null ? ZERO_LONG : number;
public static Float nullToZero(@Nullable Float number)
return number == null ? ZERO_FLOAT : number;
public static boolean isNumericNull(@Nullable Object o)
if (o instanceof Number) {
return false;
if (o instanceof String && Doubles.tryParse((String) o) != null) {
return false;
return true;