blob: 6b7c9e18d2b4a497ca0e6afcbff51291d1730238 [file] [log] [blame]
* Druid - a distributed column store.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Metamarkets Group Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package com.metamx.druid.utils;
import com.metamx.common.logger.Logger;
import com.metamx.druid.db.DatabaseRuleManager;
import com.metamx.druid.db.DbConnector;
import com.metamx.druid.db.DbConnectorConfig;
import com.metamx.druid.initialization.Initialization;
import com.metamx.druid.jackson.DefaultObjectMapper;
import com.metamx.druid.zk.PropertiesZkSerializer;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient;
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkConnection;
import java.util.Properties;
* Set up the shared Druid ensemble space.
* This affects the Zookeeper which holds common properties, and znode paths for coordination,
* and also performs metadata table creation in the database (MySQL).
* By storing ensemble-wide properties in zookeeper, cluster administration is simplified.
* Each service instance can also have local property overrides in the file
* located in the classpath.
* <p>
* The design rules are noted here with rationale
* </p>
* <p/>
* <pre>
* Design Rule Notes:
* (a) Properties set on the commandline of services take precedence over which
* takes precedence over properties stored in zookeeper.
* Rationale: organizing principle.
* (a) Services load properties on startup only.
* Rationale: stepwise changes are safer and easier to manage.
* (b) Only DruidSetup creates properties and znode paths (zpaths) on zookeeper and no other tool or service
* will make ensemble-wide settings automatically.
* Rationale: one place for this logic, under manual control, and avoid accidental
* namespace/partition creation.
* (c) DruidSetup creates reasonable zpaths but supports overrides to enable tactical
* version transitions (just in case). If zpaths are overridden, then they must all be
* overridden together since they are not independent.
* Rationale: convention beats configuration most of the time; sometimes configuration is needed
* negotiate unusual cases.
* (d) Properties settings stored on zookeeper are not cumulative; previous properties are removed before
* new ones are stored.
* Rationale: Keep the operations at the granularity of a file of properties, avoid
* dependence on order of setup operations, enable dumping of current settings.
* </pre>
* @author pbaclace
public class DruidSetup
private static final Logger log = new Logger(DruidSetup.class);
public static void main(final String[] args)
ZkClient zkClient = null;
if (args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) {
String cmd = args[0];
if ("dump".equals(cmd) && args.length == 3) {
final String zkConnect = args[1];
zkClient = connectToZK(zkConnect);
String zpathBase = args[2];
dumpFromZk(zkClient, zpathBase, zkConnect, System.out);
} else if ("put".equals(cmd) && args.length == 3) {
final String zkConnect = args[1];
zkClient = connectToZK(zkConnect);
final String pfile = args[2];
putToZk(zkClient, pfile);
} else if ("dbprep".equals(cmd) && args.length == 2) {
final String pfile = args[1];
} else {
if (zkClient != null) {
* Load properties from local file, validate and tweak.
* <p/>
* This can only be used for setup, not service run time because of some assembly here.
* @param pfile path to file to be read.
* @param props Properties object to fill, props like druid.zk.paths.*Path will always be set after
* this method either because the input file has them set (overrides) or because prop
* druid.zk.paths.base was used as a prefix to construct the default zpaths;
* druid.zk.paths.base will be set iff there is a single base for all zpaths
private static void loadProperties(String pfile, Properties props)
InputStream is = null;
try {
is = new FileInputStream(pfile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.err.println("File not found: " + pfile);
System.err.println("No changes made.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
reportErrorAndExit(pfile, ioe);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
reportErrorAndExit(pfile, e);
} finally {
if (! Initialization.validateResolveProps(props)) { // bail, errors have been emitted
// emit effective zpaths to be used
System.out.println("Effective zpath properties:");
for (String pname : Initialization.SUB_PATH_PROPS) {
System.out.println(" " + pname + "=" + props.getProperty(pname));
System.out.println(" " + "druid.zk.paths.propertiesPath" + "=" +
* @param zkClient zookeeper client.
* @param zpathBase znode base path.
* @param zkConnect ZK coordinates in the form host1:port1[,host2:port2[, ...]]
* @param out
private static void dumpFromZk(ZkClient zkClient, String zpathBase, String zkConnect, PrintStream out)
final String propPath = Initialization.makePropPath(zpathBase);
if (zkClient.exists(propPath)) {
Properties currProps = zkClient.readData(propPath, true);
if (currProps != null) {
out.println("# Begin Properties Listing for zkConnect=" + zkConnect + " zpath=" + propPath);
try {, "Druid");
} catch (IOException ignored) {
out.println("# End Properties Listing for zkConnect=" + zkConnect + " zpath=" + propPath);
out.println("# NOTE: properties like druid.zk.paths.*Path are always stored in zookeeper in absolute form.");
//out.println("Zookeeper znodes and zpaths for " + zkConnect + " (showing all zpaths)");
// list all znodes
// (not ideal since recursive listing starts at / instead of at baseZkPath)
* @param zkClient zookeeper client.
* @param pfile
private static void putToZk(ZkClient zkClient, String pfile)
Properties props = new Properties();
loadProperties(pfile, props);
String zpathBase = props.getProperty("druid.zk.paths.base");
// create znodes first
createZNodes(zkClient, zpathBase, System.out);
// put props
updatePropertiesZK(zkClient, zpathBase, props, System.out);
* @param zkClient zookeeper client.
* @param zpathBase znode base path.
* @param props the properties to store.
* @param out the PrintStream for human readable update summary (usually System.out).
private static void updatePropertiesZK(ZkClient zkClient, String zpathBase, Properties props, PrintStream out)
final String propPathOverride = props.getProperty("druid.zk.paths.propertiesPath");
final String propPathConstructed = Initialization.makePropPath(zpathBase);
final String propPath = (propPathOverride != null) ? propPathOverride : propPathConstructed;
Properties currProps = null;
if (zkClient.exists(propPath)) {
currProps = zkClient.readData(propPath, true);
boolean propsDiffer = false;
if (currProps == null) {
out.println("No properties currently stored in zk");
propsDiffer = true;
} else { // determine whether anything is different
int countNew = 0;
int countDiffer = 0;
int countRemoved = 0;
int countNoChange = 0;
String currMetaPropVal = "";
StringBuilder changes = new StringBuilder(1024);
for (String pname : props.stringPropertyNames()) {
if (pname.equals(PropertiesZkSerializer.META_PROP)) continue; // ignore meta prop datestamp, if any
final String pvalue = props.getProperty(pname);
final String pvalueCurr = currProps.getProperty(pname);
if (pvalueCurr == null) {
} else {
if (pvalueCurr.equals(pvalue)) {
} else {
changes.append("CHANGED: ").append(pname).append("= PREV=").append(pvalueCurr)
.append(" NOW=").append(pvalue).append("\n");
for (String pname : currProps.stringPropertyNames()) {
if (pname.equals(PropertiesZkSerializer.META_PROP)) {
currMetaPropVal = currProps.getProperty(pname);
continue; // ignore meta prop datestamp
if (props.getProperty(pname) == null) {
changes.append("REMOVED: ").append(pname).append("=").append(currProps.getProperty(pname)).append("\n");
if (countNew + countRemoved + countDiffer > 0) {
out.println("Current properties differ: "
+ countNew + " new, "
+ countDiffer + " different values, "
+ countRemoved + " removed, "
+ countNoChange + " unchanged, "
+ currMetaPropVal + " previously updated"
propsDiffer = true;
} else {
out.println("Current properties identical to file given, entry count=" + countNoChange);
if (propsDiffer) {
if (currProps != null) {
// update zookeeper
zkClient.createPersistent(propPath, props);
out.println("Properties updated, entry count=" + props.size());
* @param zkClient zookeeper client.
* @param zpathBase znode base path.
* @param out the PrintStream for human readable update summary.
private static void createZNodes(ZkClient zkClient, String zpathBase, PrintStream out)
zkClient.createPersistent(zpathBase, true);
for (String subPath : Initialization.SUB_PATHS) {
final String thePath = String.format("%s/%s", zpathBase, subPath);
if (zkClient.exists(thePath)) {
out.printf("Path[%s] exists already%n", thePath);
} else {
out.printf("Creating ZK path[%s]%n", thePath);
zkClient.createPersistent(thePath, true);
private static void reportErrorAndExit(String pfile, IOException ioe)
System.err.println("Could not read file: " + pfile);
System.err.println(" because of: " + ioe);
System.err.println("No changes made.");
private static ZkClient connectToZK(String zkConnect)
return new ZkClient(
new ZkConnection(zkConnect),
new PropertiesZkSerializer()
* Connect to db and create table, if it does not exist.
* NOTE: Connection failure only shows up in log output.
* @param pfile path to properties file to use.
private static void prepDB(final String pfile)
Properties tmp_props = new Properties();
loadProperties(pfile, tmp_props);
final String tableName = tmp_props.getProperty("druid.database.segmentTable", "prod_segments");
final String ruleTableName = tmp_props.getProperty("druid.database.ruleTable", "prod_rules");
final String dbConnectionUrl = tmp_props.getProperty("druid.database.connectURI");
final String username = tmp_props.getProperty("druid.database.user");
final String password = tmp_props.getProperty("druid.database.password");
// validation
if (tableName.length() == 0 || !Character.isLetter(tableName.charAt(0))) {
throw new RuntimeException("poorly formed property druid.database.segmentTable=" + tableName);
if (ruleTableName.length() == 0 || !Character.isLetter(ruleTableName.charAt(0))) {
throw new RuntimeException("poorly formed property druid.database.ruleTable=" + ruleTableName);
if (username == null || username.length() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("poorly formed property druid.database.user=" + username);
if (password == null || password.length() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("poorly formed property druid.database.password=" + password);
if (dbConnectionUrl == null || dbConnectionUrl.length() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("poorly formed property druid.database.connectURI=" + dbConnectionUrl);
final DbConnectorConfig config = new DbConnectorConfig()
public String getDatabaseConnectURI()
return dbConnectionUrl;
public String getDatabaseUser()
return username;
public String getDatabasePassword()
return password;
public String getSegmentTable()
return tableName;
DbConnector dbConnector = new DbConnector(config);
DbConnector.createSegmentTable(dbConnector.getDBI(), tableName);
DbConnector.createRuleTable(dbConnector.getDBI(), ruleTableName);
DatabaseRuleManager.createDefaultRule(dbConnector.getDBI(), ruleTableName, new DefaultObjectMapper());
* Print usage to stdout.
private static void printUsage()
System.out.println("Usage: <java invocation> CMD [args]\n"
+ " Where CMD is a particular command:\n"
+ " CMD choices:\n"
+ " dump zkConnect baseZkPath # dump info from zk at given coordinates\n"
+ " dbprep propfile # create metadata table in db\n"
+ " put zkConnect propfile # store paths and propfile into zk at given coordinates\n"
+ " args:\n"
+ " zkConnect: ZK coordinates in the form host1:port1[,host2:port2[, ...]]\n"
+ " baseZkPath: like /druid or /mydruid etc. to uniquely identify a Druid ensemble\n"
+ " and should be equal to property druid.zk.paths.base\n"
+ " propfile: Java properties file with common properties for all services in ensemble\n"
+ " Notes:\n"
+ " dump command makes no modifications and shows zk properties at baseZkPath.\n"
+ " put command can safely be invoked more than once, will not disturb existing queues,\n"
+ " and properties are not cumulative.\n"
+ " A zookeeper can service more than one Druid ensemble if baseZkPath is distinct.\n"
+ " Druid services only load properties during process startup.\n"
+ " Properties defined on a service command line take precedence over the\n"
+ " file which takes precedence over properties stored in zookeeper.\n"
+ ""