blob: ddc58c05c1a5f95b2e339999e9b8ee1cec322b23 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, JoshuaTree. All Rights Reserved.
package us.jts.sentry.tomcat;
import us.jts.fortress.rbac.Session;
import java.util.HashMap;
* Contains the Fortress RBAC session that has been created on behalf of an end user who has
* signed onto Tomcat system. The session contains the User's active roles and other security attributes.
*@author Shawn McKinney
public class TcPrincipal
private HashMap<String, Session> context;
private String name;
* Constructor for the TcPrincipal object. Accepts a HashMap which
* contains the Fortress session.
*@param name contains the userId of User who signed onto Tomcat.
*@param context Instantiated HashMap that contains the User's Fortress session data.
public TcPrincipal(String name, HashMap<String, Session> context)
if (context == null || name == null)
throw new NullPointerException(TcPrincipal.class.getName() + " Null Map passed to constructor");
this.context = context; = name;
* Return the HashMap to the caller. This HashMap contains the User's Fortress session data.
*@return HashMap reference to security session data.
public final HashMap<String, Session> getContext()
return context;
* Return the userId of the end User who has signed onto Tomcat and is represented by this principal object.
*@return Contains the end userId.
public final String getName()
return name;
* Set a new HashMap reference into this Principal object.
*@param context HashMap reference to security session data.
public final void setContext(HashMap<String, Session> context)
this.context = context;
* This method will return a simple string containing the name of class concatenated with the userId.
*@return Return the concatenated value of Principal class name + userId.
public final String toString()
return (TcPrincipal.class.getName() + ":" + name);
* Determine if the caller supplied a reference to a security Principal that is equal to the current value.
*@param o Contains reference to the Principal.
*@return true if the userId on both Principal objects is equal, false otherwise.
public final boolean equals(Object o)
if (o == null)
return false;
if (this == o)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof TcPrincipal))
return false;
TcPrincipal that = (TcPrincipal) o;
if (this.getName().equals(that.getName()))
return true;
return false;
* Compute the hashcode for the current userId asserted into this Principal object.
*@return Description of the Return Value
public final int hashCode()
return name.hashCode();