blob: 823e6285d028e18da8cc682f5b6637fb92cf4078 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, JoshuaTree. All Rights Reserved.
package us.jts.sentry.tomcat;
import us.jts.fortress.SecurityException;
import us.jts.sentry.J2eePolicyMgr;
import us.jts.sentry.J2eePolicyMgrFactory;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* This class runs on a URL classloader and provides Fortress runtime security services for the Tomcat container.
* @author Shawn McKinney
public class TcAccessMgrImpl implements TcAccessMgr
private static final String CLS_NM = TcAccessMgrImpl.class.getName();
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CLS_NM);
private static int count = 0;
private J2eePolicyMgr j2eeMgr;
* Constructor for the TcAccessMgrImpl object
public TcAccessMgrImpl()
j2eeMgr = J2eePolicyMgrFactory.createInstance(); + " constructor <" + count++ + ">");
catch (SecurityException se)
String error = CLS_NM + " constructor caught SecurityException=" + se;
throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(error, se);
* Perform user authentication and evaluate password policies.
* @param userId Contains the userid of the user signing on.
* @param password Contains the user's password.
* @return Principal which contains the Fortress RBAC session data.
public Principal authenticate(String userId, char[] password)
TcPrincipal prin = null;
prin = j2eeMgr.createSession(userId, password);
if (log.isEnabledFor(Level.DEBUG))
log.debug(CLS_NM + ".authenticate userId <" + userId + "> successful");
catch (SecurityException se)
String warning = CLS_NM + ".authenticate userId <" + userId + "> caught SecurityException=" + se;
return prin;
* Determine if given Role is contained within User's Tomcat Principal object. This method does not need to hit
* the ldap server as the User's activated Roles are loaded into {@link TcPrincipal#setContext(java.util.HashMap)}
* @param principal Contains User's Tomcat RBAC Session data that includes activated Roles.
* @param roleName Maps to {@code us.jts.fortress.rbac.Role#name}.
* @return True if Role is found in TcPrincipal, false otherwise.
public boolean hasRole(Principal principal, String roleName)
boolean result = false;
String userId = principal.getName();
if (j2eeMgr.hasRole(principal, roleName))
if (log.isEnabledFor(Level.DEBUG))
log.debug(CLS_NM + ".hasRole userId <" + principal.getName() + "> role <" + roleName + "> successful");
result = true;
if (log.isEnabledFor(Level.DEBUG))
log.debug(CLS_NM + ".hasRole userId <" + principal.getName() + "> role <" + roleName + "> failed");
catch (SecurityException se)
String warning = CLS_NM + ".hasRole userId <" + userId + "> role <" + roleName + "> caught SecurityException=" + se;
return result;