correct incorrect context.xml setup
diff --git a/ b/
index 5b60a54..cd8ffb8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -84,20 +84,22 @@
 2. Add to the file:
- <Context path="/myappcontext" reloadable="true">
+ <Context reloadable="true">
     <Realm className=""
-           debug="0"
-           resourceName="UserDatabase"
-           realmClasspath=""
+           realmClasspath=""
- </Context>
- ```
- Where *myappcontext* is the web context for *your* web application.
+- defaultRoles contains the comma-separated list of allowed role names for this web app. If left empty, it will default to the user's assigned roles.
+- containerType for realm context setups, this will always be 'TomcatContext'.
+- contextId contains the tenant ID. This should be 'HOME' if not using fortress multitenancy features. See [README-MULTITENANCY](
+- realmClasspath should always be empty, for realm context setups. It will use the web app's classpath.
 3. Edit the web app's deployment descriptor:
@@ -129,7 +131,13 @@
   <!-- Security roles referenced by this web application -->
-      <role-name>MY_ROLE_NAME</role-name>
+      <role-name>A_ROLE_NAME_1</role-name>
+  </security-role>
+  <security-role>
+      <role-name>A_ROLE_NAME_2</role-name>
+  </security-role>
+  <security-role>
+      <role-name>A_ROLE_NAME_3</role-name>