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:moduledeps: core
:moduleconf: api:org.apache.deltaspike.jpa.api.transaction.TransactionConfig
= JPA Module
:Notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at. . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
== Overview
The JPA module provides a transactional context and scope, enabling execution of methods within transactions.
== Project Setup
The configuration information provided here is for Maven-based projects and it assumes that you have already declared the DeltaSpike version and DeltaSpike Core module for your projects, as detailed in <<configure#, Configure DeltaSpike in Your Projects>>. For Maven-independent projects, see <<configure#config-maven-indep,Configure DeltaSpike in Maven-independent Projects>>.
=== 1. Declare JPA Module Dependencies
Add the JPA module to the list of dependencies in the project `pom.xml` file using this code snippet:
Or if you're using Gradle, add these dependencies to your `build.gradle`:
runtime 'org.apache.deltaspike.modules:deltaspike-jpa-module-impl'
compile 'org.apache.deltaspike.modules:deltaspike-jpa-module-api'
=== 2. (Optional) Enable the Transaction Interceptor
NOTE: If you are using CDI 1.0 or CDI 1.1+ with DeltaSpike v1.1.0 and earlier, you must enable the transaction interceptor in the project `beans.xml` file:
<!-- Not needed with CDI 1.1+ and DeltaSpike v1.1.1+ -->
== @Transactional
This annotation is an alternative to transactional EJBs and enables the execution
of a method within a transaction. Before it is possible to start
using the annotation, it is required to implement a CDI producer for an
`EntityManager` and it is needed to inject the `EntityManager` in the
bean which uses `@Transactional`. As shown later on, it is also possible
to use multiple qualifiers for using different EntityManagers.
=== Basic usage
The following example shows a simple producer for an `EntityManager` and
the corresponding disposer method. Producing it as request scoped bean
means that the disposer method will be called on finishing the request.
Alternatively it is possible to use a special scope called
<<__transactionscoped, `@TransactionScoped`>>.
.Producer for the Default EntityManager (non-EE server)
public class EntityManagerProducer
//or manual bootstrapping
private EntityManager entityManager;
protected EntityManager createEntityManager()
return this.entityManager;
protected void closeEntityManager(@Disposes EntityManager entityManager)
if (entityManager.isOpen())
.Producer for the Default EntityManager (EE server)
public class EntityManagerProducer
private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;
public EntityManager create()
return this.entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
public void dispose(@Disposes @Default EntityManager entityManager)
if (entityManager.isOpen())
The following examples show how to use the `EntityManager` produced by
the example above.
.Bean with a Transactional Method
public class TransactionalBean
private EntityManager entityManager;
public void executeInTransaction()
.Simple Transactional Bean (All Methods are Transactional)
public class TransactionalBean
private EntityManager entityManager;
As illustrated in the following example it is also possible to use
`@Transactional` for stereotypes.
.Stereotype for Transactional Beans (+ Usage)
public @interface Repository
public class TransactionalBean
private EntityManager entityManager;
=== Multiple EntityManagers
The default qualifier for `@Transactional` is `@Any` whereby a transaction gets started for every injected entity manager. Besides such simple usages, it is also possible to access multiple persistence units in parallel using qualifiers.
First, the EntityManagers or EntityManagerFactories must be obtained from the JPA subsystem, then EntityManagers must be made available as CDI beans and finally injected into `@Transactional` beans for usage.
==== Obtaining EntityManagers from JPA
In EE managed environments the EntityManager can be obtained directly or through an EntityManagerFactory using standard JPA annotations `@PersistenceContext` for an EntityManager or `@PersistenceUnit` for an EntityManagerFactory.
.JPA Managed EntityManager
public class EntityManagerProducer {
@PersistenceContext(unitName = "firstDB")
private EntityManager firstEntityManager;
@PersistenceContext(unitName = "secondDB")
private EntityManager secondEntityManager;
// ...
An alternative for non-EE environments is available through DeltaSpike's `@PersistenceUnitName` qualifier allowing to inject EntityManagerFactories.
.Unmanaged EntityManagerFactory
public class EntityManagerProducer {
private EntityManagerFactory emfA;
private EntityManagerFactory emfB;
// ...
Obtaining an EntityManager from an EntityManagerFactory is just a matter of calling `emfA.createEntityManager()`.
DeltaSpike provides a built-in producer for `@PersistenceUnitName` qualified EntityManagerFactories.
This producer also looks up a property files with the name `persistence-{persistenceunit name}.properties` via the DeltaSpike `PropertyLoader`.
For the example above this would be ``.
The properties in this file will be passed 1:1 to `Persistence#createEntityManagerFactory(properties)` by the built-in producer method.
==== Producing Multiple EntityManagers
There are several ways to make multiple entity managers available for use in `@Transactional` methods, each suitable for a different situation.
The simplest method employs a producer and a disposer for each EntityManager.
.Deciding using qualifiers
public class EntityManagerProducer {
// ...entity managers or factories injected here
@RequestScoped // or other
@DbA //custom qualifier annotation
public EntityManager createEntityManagerA()
return emfA.createEntityManager();
public void closeEmA(@Disposes @DbA EntityManager em)
@DbB //custom qualifier annotation
public EntityManager createEntityManagerB()
return emfB.createEntityManager();
public void closeEmB(@Disposes @DbB EntityManager em)
If there's the need to decide dynamically on which EntityManager should be used when it's possible to use the standard CDI facility of `InjectionPoint` to get information about the injection points and produce different EntityManagers with just one producer method.
.Deciding using InjectionPoint
public class EntityManagerProducer {
// ...entity managers or factories injected here
protected EntityManager createEntityManager(InjectionPoint injectionPoint)
CustomQualifier customQualifier = injectionPoint.getAnnotated().getAnnotation(CustomQualifier.class);
return selectEntityManager(customQualifier); //selects firstEntityManager or secondEntityManager based on the details provided by CustomQualifier
The information necessary to make the decision about the EntityManager appropriate for the current situation and injection point may be available elsewhere, for example in a custom context.
.Deciding using anything else
public class EntityManagerProducer {
// ...entity managers or factories injected here
private CustomDatabaseContext customDatabaseContext;
protected EntityManager createEntityManager()
if (customDatabaseContext.usePrimaryDb()) {
return firstEntityManager;
return secondEntityManager;
==== Using transactions with multiple EntityManagers
One use case for multiple EntityManagers is their usage in nested transactions. When a transactional method is called from within a transactional method, it joins the existing transaction.
.Nested transactions with multiple EntityManagers
public class FirstLevelTransactionBean
private @First EntityManager firstEntityManager;
private NestedTransactionBean nestedTransactionBean;
public void executeInTransaction()
public class NestedTransactionBean
private @Second EntityManager secondEntityManager;
public void executeInTransaction()
It's also easy to use multiple EntityManagers in the same bean in different transactional methods. By default, a `@Transactional` method would enroll all of the EntityManagers in the transaction. By using `@Transactional(qualifier=...)` it's easy to choose individual EntityManagers for each transactional method.
.Selecting individual EntityManagers for a transactional method
public class MultiTransactionBean
private EntityManager defaultEntityManager;
private @First EntityManager firstEntityManager;
private @Second EntityManager secondEntityManager;
@Transactional(qualifier = Default.class)
public void executeInDefaultTransaction() {...}
@Transactional(qualifier = First.class)
public void executeInFirstTransaction() {...}
@Transactional(qualifier = {First.class, Second.class})
public void executeInFirstAndSecondTransaction() {...}
The final transaction handling for all `EntityManager` s is also done
after the outermost transactional method if `NestedTransactionBean` uses
a different `EntityManager`. So it is possible to catch an exception in
`FirstLevelTransactionBean`, for example, to try an optional path instead of an
immediate rollback.
== @TransactionScoped
`@Transactional` also starts a context which is available as long as the
transaction started by `@Transactional`. Besides other beans you can use
this scope for the `EntityManager` itself. That means the
`EntityManager` will be closed after leaving the method annotated with
.Using a transaction-scoped EntityManager
public class EntityManagerProducer
//or manual bootstrapping
private EntityManager entityManager;
protected EntityManager createEntityManager()
return this.entityManager;
protected void closeEntityManager(@Disposes EntityManager entityManager)
if (entityManager.isOpen())
== Extended Persistence Contexts
Frameworks like MyFaces Orchestra provide a feature which allows keeping
an `EntityManager` across multiple requests. That means it is not
required to call `EntityManager#merge` to add detached entities to the
context. However, several application architectures do not allow such an
approach (due to different reasons like scalability). In theory that
sounds nice and it works pretty well for small to medium sized projects
especially if an application does not rely on session replication in clusters.
That also means that such an approach restricts your target environment
from the very beginning. One of the base problems is that an
`EntityManager` is not serializable. Beans which are scoped in a
normal-scoped CDI context have to be serializable. So by default it
is not allowed by CDI to provide a producer-method which exposes, for example, a
conversation scoped `EntityManager` as it is. We *do not* recommend this approach and therefore it is not available out-of-the-box.
However, if you really need this approach to avoid calling `#merge` for
your detached entities, it is pretty simple to add this functionality.
.Usage of a Simple extended EntityManager
private EntityManager entityManager;
As you see the usage is the same. You *do not* have to use
`ExtendedEntityManager` at the injection point. It is just needed in the
.Producer for an extended EntityManager (non-EE server)
public class ExtendedEntityManagerProducer
//or manual bootstrapping
private EntityManager entityManager;
protected ExtendedEntityManager createEntityManager()
return new ExtendedEntityManager(this.entityManager);
protected void closeEntityManager(@Disposes ExtendedEntityManager entityManager)
if (entityManager.isOpen())
.Producer for an extended EntityManager (EE server)
public class ExtendedEntityManagerProducer
private EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;
public ExtendedEntityManager create()
return new ExtendedEntityManager(this.entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager());
public void dispose(@Disposes @Default ExtendedEntityManager entityManager)
if (entityManager.isOpen())
.Implementation of a simple extended EntityManager
public class ExtendedEntityManager implements EntityManager, Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3770954229283539616L;
private transient EntityManager wrapped;
protected ExtendedEntityManager()
public ExtendedEntityManager(EntityManager wrapped)
this.wrapped = wrapped;
* generated
//delegate all calls to this.wrapped - most IDEs allow to generate it
This approach just works if it *does not come to serialization* of this
wrapper, for example in case of session-replication. If those beans get
serialized, you have to overcome this restriction by storing the
persistence-unit-name and recreate the `EntityManager` via
and sync it with the database before closing it on serialization.
Furthermore, you have to intercept some methods of the `EntityManager`
to merge detached entities automatically if those entities get
serialized as well. However, as mentioned before *we do not recommend*
such an approach.
== JTA Support
By default the transaction-type used by `@Transactional` is
`RESOURCE_LOCAL`. If you configure `transaction-type="JTA"` in the
persistence.xml file, you have to enable an alternative `TransactionStrategy`
in the beans.xml which is called
Alternatively, you may expect that your transactions are started at a higher level, e.g. you're exposing a REST API
and the endpoints themselves are either `@Transactional` or Stateless session beans, either with container managed
Transactions, you would use `org.apache.deltaspike.jpa.impl.transaction.ContainerManagedTransactionStrategy`. This
is the strategy to use if you are leveraging `@PersistenceContext` to inject your `EntityManager`.
If you have multiple persistence units and you have to use both
transaction types or the settings for development have to be different
than the production settings, you can use
NOTE: In case of some versions of Weld - including several versions of JBoss EAP/Wildfly and Websphere Liberty Profile -
or OpenWebBeans in BDA mode - which is not the default one, you have
to configure it as a <<spi.adoc#GlobalAlternative,global alternative>> instead of an `alternative` in
`beans.xml`. That means you have to add, for example,
=org.apache.deltaspike.jpa.impl.transaction.BeanManagedUserTransactionStrategy` or
` = org.apache.deltaspike.jpa.impl.transaction.ContainerManagedTransactionStrategy`
to `/META-INF/`.