blob: 9198c22fa917ba59e9c3780e221964fe5d32f68a [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes - DeltaSpike - Version 1.7.2
[DELTASPIKE-1191] - Update Test-Control gradle docs
[DELTASPIKE-1194] - Distribution not including binary artifacts
[DELTASPIKE-1196] - Syntax error in DOAP file
[DELTASPIKE-1199] - Problems with ContextControl and Weld ContainerInitialized, ContainerShutdown event.
[DELTASPIKE-1204] - Wildfly managed profiles blow up
[DELTASPIKE-1207] - Incorrect exception handling in DynamicMBeanWrapper.invoke()
[DELTASPIKE-1208] - deltaspike configuration: Variable Replacement in Configured Values is NOT fully stage aware
[DELTASPIKE-1209] - Textual fixes for documentation of Data Module
[DELTASPIKE-1210] - DelegateQueryHandler has missing Javadoc
[DELTASPIKE-1211] - SingleResultType.OPTIONAL refers to nonexistent constant SINGLE
[DELTASPIKE-1213] - LockedTest fails on OWB 1.1.x
[DELTASPIKE-1201] - add logout link to security example
[DELTASPIKE-1203] - create jpa examples
[DELTASPIKE-1205] - create deltaspike data module examples
New Feature
[DELTASPIKE-1176] - Support void methods in Futureable
[DELTASPIKE-1181] - Implement tests for Payara
[DELTASPIKE-1186] - 1.7.1 Release execution and website clean up
[DELTASPIKE-1187] - Document entity graph support
[DELTASPIKE-1188] - Improve contributor guide
[DELTASPIKE-1189] - Migrate index.html into git
[DELTASPIKE-1192] - Fix increase in warning messages with DeltaSpike Data and Weld
[DELTASPIKE-1185] - Allow customization (name, description) of JMX managed methods' parameters