blob: 75f969ca2974cfa752b48b23420477a334964da2 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes - Apache DeltaSpike - Version 1.5.0
[DELTASPIKE-963] - Header injection due to unescaped key in JsfUtils
[DELTASPIKE-965] - is broken for entities with String ID
[DELTASPIKE-971] - CLIENTWINDOW mode broken in IE10
[DELTASPIKE-613] - Avoid windowhandler.html in GET requests from links
[DELTASPIKE-817] - API and Core contain types recognized as managed beans but declaring an illegal bean type
[DELTASPIKE-853] - Use @Stereotype for interface/enum/implicit bean discovery
[DELTASPIKE-897] - check configuration of a ClassDeactivator
[DELTASPIKE-928] - Allow to disable storeWindowTree() on ClientWindow mode
[DELTASPIKE-942] - DeltaSpike fails to start with corrupted persistence.xml file.
[DELTASPIKE-962] - Refactor windowhandler.html
[DELTASPIKE-966] - Document ClientWindow configuration
[DELTASPIKE-968] - ClientWindowMode shows white loading page for button navigation
[DELTASPIKE-969] - Minor doc fixes around data module.
[DELTASPIKE-972] - Center windowhandler.html messages
[DELTASPIKE-973] - Fixed method name in Configuration doc
[DELTASPIKE-975] - dependent-scoped EntityManagerResolver get destroyed too early
[DELTASPIKE-964] - Publish Javadoc 1.4.2
[DELTASPIKE-980] - prepare v1.5.0