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== Fetch Groupsanchor:Fetch_Groups[]
When an object is retrieved from the datastore by JDO typically not all
fields are retrieved immediately. This is because for efficiency
purposes only particular field types are retrieved in the initial access
of the object, and then any other objects are retrieved when accessed
(lazy loading). The group of fields that are loaded is called a *fetch
group*. There are 3 types of "fetch groups" to consider
* xref:dfg[Default Fetch Group] : defined in all JDO specs, containing
the fields of a class that will be retrieved by default (with no user
* xref:static[Named Fetch Groups] : defined by the JDO2 specification,
and defined in MetaData (XML/annotations) with the fields of a class
that are part of that fetch group. The definition here is _static_
* xref:dynamic[Dynamic Fetch Groups] : Programmatic definition of fetch
groups at runtime via an API
The *fetch group* in use for a class is controled via the _FetchPlan_[image:images/javadoc.png[image]]
interface. To get a handle on the current _FetchPlan_ we do
FetchPlan fp = pm.getFetchPlan();
{empty} +
=== Default Fetch Groupanchor:Default_Fetch_Group[]
JDO provides an initial fetch group, comprising the fields that will be
retrieved when an object is retrieved if the user does nothing to define
the required behaviour. By default the _default fetch group_ comprises
all fields of the following types :
* primitives : boolean, byte, char, double, float, int, long, short
* Object wrappers of primitives : Boolean, Byte, Character, Double,
Float, Integer, Long, Short
* java.lang.String, java.lang.Number, java.lang.Enum
* java.math.BigDecimal, java.math.BigInteger
* java.util.Date
If you wish to change the *Default Fetch Group* for a class you can
update the Meta-Data for the class as follows (for XML)
<class name="MyClass">
<field name="fieldX" default-fetch-group="true"/>
or using annotations
SomeType fieldX;
When a _PersistenceManager_ is created it starts with a FetchPlan of the
"default" fetch group. That is, if we call
Collection fetchGroups = fp.getGroups();
this will have one group, called "default". At runtime, if you have been
using other fetch groups and want to revert back to the default fetch
group at any time you simply do
{empty} +
=== Named Fetch Groupsanchor:Named_Fetch_Groups[]
As mentioned above, JDO allows specification of users own fetch groups.
These are specified in the MetaData of the class. For example, if we
have the following class
class MyClass
String name;
HashSet coll;
MyOtherClass other;
and we want to have the [.underline]#other# field loaded whenever we
load objects of this class, we define our MetaData as
<package name="mydomain">
<class name="MyClass">
<field name="name">
<column length="100" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>
<field name="coll" persistence-modifier="persistent">
<collection element-type="mydomain.Address"/>
<field name="other" persistence-modifier="persistent"/>
<fetch-group name="otherfield">
<field name="other"/>
or using annotations
@FetchGroup(name="otherfield", members={@Persistent(name="other")})
public class MyClass
So we have defined a fetch group called "otherfield" that just includes
the field with name _other_. We can then use this at runtime in our
persistence code.
PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();
... (load MyClass object)
By default the _FetchPlan_ will include the default fetch group. We have
changed this above by [.underline]#adding# the fetch group "otherfield",
so when we retrieve an object using this _PersistenceManager_ we will be
retrieving the fields _name_ AND _other_ since they are both in the
current _FetchPlan_. We can take the above much further than what is
shown by defining nested fetch groups in the MetaData. In addition we
can change the _FetchPlan_ just before any _PersistenceManager_
operation to control what is fetched during that operation. The user has
full flexibility to add many groups to the current *Fetch Plan*. This
gives much power and control over what will be loaded and when.
The _FetchPlan_ applies not just to calls to
_PersistenceManager.getObjectById()_, but also to
_PersistenceManager.newQuery()_, _PersistenceManager.getExtent()_,
_PersistenceManager.detachCopy_ and much more besides.
You can read more about *named fetch-groups* and how to use it with
=== Dynamic Fetch Groupsanchor:Dynamic_Fetch_Groups[]
The mechanism above provides static fetch groups defined in XML or
annotations. That is great when you know in advance what fields you want
to fetch. In some situations you may want to define your fields to fetch
at run time. This became standard in JDO2.2 It operates as follows
import org.datanucleus.FetchGroup;
// Create a FetchGroup on the PMF called "TestGroup" for MyClass
FetchGroup grp = myPMF.getFetchGroup("TestGroup", MyClass.class);
// Add this group to the fetch plan (using its name)
So we use the DataNucleus PMF as a way of creating a FetchGroup, and
then register that FetchGroup with the PMF for use by all PMs. We then
enable our FetchGroup for use in the FetchPlan by using its group name
(as we do for a static group). The FetchGroup allows you to add/remove
the fields necessary so you have full API control over the fields to be
{empty} +
=== Fetch Depthanchor:Fetch_Depth[]
The basic fetch group defines which fields are to be fetched. It doesn't
explicitly define how far down an object graph is to be fetched. JDO
provides two ways of controlling this.
The first is to set the *maxFetchDepth* for the _FetchPlan_. This value
specifies how far out from the root object the related objects will be
fetched. A positive value means that this number of relationships will
be traversed from the root object. A value of -1 means that no limit
will be placed on the fetching traversal. The default is 1. Let's take
an example
public class MyClass1
MyClass2 field1;
public class MyClass2
MyClass3 field2;
public class MyClass3
MyClass4 field3;
and we want to detach _field1_ of instances of _MyClass1_, down 2 levels
- so detaching the initial "field1" _MyClass2_ object, and its "field2"
_MyClass3_ instance. So we define our fetch-groups like this
<class name="MyClass1">
<fetch-group name="includingField1">
<field name="field1"/>
<class name="MyClass2">
<fetch-group name="includingField2">
<field name="field2"/>
and we then define the *maxFetchDepth* as 2, like this
A further refinement to this global fetch depth setting is to control
the fetching of recursive fields. This is performed via a MetaData
setting "recursion-depth". A value of 1 means that only 1 level of
objects will be fetched. A value of -1 means there is no limit on the
amount of recursion. The default is 1. Let's take an example
public class Directory
Collection children;
<class name="Directory">
<field name="children">
<collection element-type="Directory"/>
<fetch-group name="grandchildren">
<field name="children" recursion-depth="2"/>
So when we fetch a Directory, it will fetch 2 levels of the _children_
field, hence fetching the children and the grandchildren.
=== Fetch Sizeanchor:Fetch_Size[]
A FetchPlan can also be used for defining the fetching policy when using
queries. This can be set using
The default is _FetchPlan.FETCH_SIZE_OPTIMAL_ which leaves it to
DataNucleus to optimise the fetching of instances. A positive value
defines the number of instances to be fetched. Using
_FetchPlan.FETCH_SIZE_GREEDY_ means that all instances will be fetched