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== The Apache JDO Projectanchor:The_Apache_JDO_Project[]
Apache JDO is a sub-project of the Apache DB TLP. It includes two major
* JDO 1, Java Specification Request 12, API, Reference Implementation,
and Technology Compatibility Kit.
* JDO 2, Java Specification Request 243, API, and Technology
Compatibility Kit. The Reference Implementation is being developed in
parallel by[JPOX].
The common external dependencies of JDO include the tools used to build
and test it:
* Subversion
* Maven
* Ant
* JUnit
Other external dependencies of JDO are subproject-specific:
* JDO 2.0 API
** Java Transaction API
* JDO 2.0 TCK
** Java Transaction API
** Jakarta Commons Logging
** Log4j
** Apache Derby
** Spring Framework Core
*** ASM
*** Source Forge c3p0
*** Commons DBCP
*** Commons Pool
*** Commons Collections