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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.processors.parsers
import org.apache.daffodil.lib.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.lib.util.Maybe
import org.apache.daffodil.lib.util.Maybe.Nope
import org.apache.daffodil.lib.util.Maybe.One
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.dsom.TunableLimitExceededError
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.infoset.DIComplex
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.processors.ElementRuntimeData
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.processors.Evaluatable
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.processors.Failure
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.processors.SequenceRuntimeData
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.processors.Success
* Base class for all sequence parsers, which are the combinators that coordinate
* all the parsing of the sequence child parsers.
abstract class SequenceParserBase(
srd: SequenceRuntimeData,
childParsers: Vector[Parser],
isOrdered: Boolean,
) extends CombinatorParser(srd) {
override def nom = "Sequence"
override lazy val runtimeDependencies: Vector[Evaluatable[AnyRef]] = Vector()
override lazy val childProcessors = childParsers
import ArrayIndexStatus._
import ParseAttemptStatus._
final protected def checkN(pstate: PState, childParser: SequenceChildParser): Unit = {
if (pstate.arrayIterationPos > pstate.tunable.maxOccursBounds) {
throw new TunableLimitExceededError(
"Array occurrences excceeds the maxOccursBounds tunable limit of %s",
final protected def checkForwardProgress(
pstate: PState,
parser: RepeatingChildParser,
currentPos: Long,
priorPos: Long,
ais: ArrayIndexStatus,
): ArrayIndexStatus = {
Assert.invariant(currentPos >= priorPos)
if (currentPos == priorPos && pstate.groupPos > 1) {
"Array element parsed succesfully, but consumed no data and is stuck in an infinite loop as it is unbounded.",
} else {
override protected def parse(pstate: PState): Unit = {
try {
val children = childParsers
var scpIndex = 0
val limit = children.length
var resultOfTry: ParseAttemptStatus = ParseAttemptStatus.Uninitialized
val infosetIndexStart = pstate.infoset.asInstanceOf[DIComplex].childNodes.size
if (!isOrdered) {
// If this is an unordered sequence, upon completion of parsing all the
// elements we will reorder the elements into schema definition order.
// This means that we cannot let the infoset walker walk any of the
// elements while we are parsing because their event order might change.
// To ensure we don't walk, add a block on the parent of the infoset
// elements. The infoset walker will inspect this to see if it should
// walk any children. We'll remove this block once the unordered sequence
// is complete.
pstate.infoset.infosetWalkerBlockCount += 1
* On exit from the sequence loop, if the last thing was Missing, we
* want to look back one prior to see if that followed a EmptyRep or AbsentRep,
* so that we can implement the check for trailingEmptyStrict
var priorResultOfTry: ParseAttemptStatus = ParseAttemptStatus.Uninitialized
var child: SequenceChildParser = null
var isDone = false
// This loop iterates over the children terms of the sequence
while (!isDone && (scpIndex < limit) && (pstate.processorStatus eq Success)) {
// keep track of the current last child node. If the last child changes
// while parsing, we know a new child was added in this loop
child = children(scpIndex).asInstanceOf[SequenceChildParser]
child match {
case parser: RepeatingChildParser if isOrdered => {
// The sequence child is an array/repeating element (or optional
// element as the runtime doesn't distinguish them) of an ordered
// sequence. Unordred sequences are treated as scalars below.
val min = parser.minRepeats(pstate)
val max = parser.maxRepeats(pstate)
val isBounded = parser.isBoundedMax
val erd = parser.trd.asInstanceOf[ElementRuntimeData]
// This case for array/optionals where the number of occurences is
// determined by speculative parsing. OCK=implicit with min/maxOccurs
// different, or OCK=parsed.
priorResultOfTry = resultOfTry
resultOfTry = ParseAttemptStatus.Uninitialized
var ais: ArrayIndexStatus = ArrayIndexStatus.Uninitialized
while (
(ais ne Done) && { // check ais for Done in case it was assigned
ais = parser.arrayIndexStatus(min, max, pstate)
(pstate.isSuccess) && (ais ne Done) // check ais for done from min/max computation
) {
val roStatus = ais.asInstanceOf[RequiredOptionalStatus]
val priorPos = pstate.bitPos0b
// Note: Performance - counting on Scala compiler to optimize away
// this 2-tuple to avoid allocation in the inner loop here.
val (nextAIS, nextResultOfTry) = parseOneInstance(parser, pstate, roStatus)
ais = nextAIS
priorResultOfTry = resultOfTry
resultOfTry = nextResultOfTry
val currentPos = pstate.bitPos0b
if (
pstate.isSuccess && !isBounded && (resultOfTry match {
case ParseAttemptStatus.AbsentRep => true
case _: ParseAttemptStatus.SuccessParseAttemptStatus => true
case _ => false
) {
// result of try could be missing if we just ended an array
// by speculation.
// result of try could also be absent if we just ended a group
// by not finding a separator
ais = checkForwardProgress(pstate, parser, currentPos, priorPos, ais)
// advance array position.
// Done unconditionally, as some failures get converted into successes
// If ultimately this is a real failure, then nothing cares about this, it is
// about to get popped/cleared anyway.
if (ais ne Done) {
// If the emptyElementParsePolicy is set to treatAsAbsent, don't
// increment the occursIndex if the element is absent
if (resultOfTry != AbsentRep) {
if (
currentPos > priorPos ||
((resultOfTry eq AbsentRep) && pstate.isSuccess) ||
) {
// If we consumed some bits, then we moved past something, and so
// we're definitely not first in the group any more.
// Or if AbsentRep, that means we sucessfully parsed a
// zero-length separated element. Even though this element may
// not end up in the infoset due to separator suppression, we
// must still increment the group index since that is used to
// determine when to consume infix separators
// Otherwise, the parse failed or nothing was consumed and we do
// should not increment the group index.
val newLastChildNode = pstate.infoset.maybeLastChild
if (newLastChildNode.isDefined) {
// We have potentially added a child to to this complex during
// this array loop.
// If the new child is a DIArray, we know this DIArray has at
// least one element, but we don't know if we actually added a
// new one in this loop or not. So just get the last array
// element and set it as final anyways.
// If it's not a DIArray, that means it's just an optional
// simple/complex and that will get set final below where all
// other non-array elements get set as final.
val lastChild = newLastChildNode.get
if (lastChild.isArray) {
// not simple or complex, must be an array
val lastArrayElem = lastChild.maybeLastChild
if (lastArrayElem.isDefined) {
lastArrayElem.get.isFinal = true
} // end while for each repeat
parser.arrayCompleteChecks(pstate, resultOfTry, priorResultOfTry)
} // end match case RepeatingChildParser
case nonRepresentedParser: NonRepresentedSequenceChildParser => {
// should never have non-represented children in unordered sequences
nonRepresentedParser.parseOne(pstate, null)
// don't need to digest result from this. All
// information about success/failure is in the pstate.
// We do NOT move over the group index state for non-represented things.
// This case for scalar parsers. This includes both scalar elements,
// and model group terms (choices, or sequences that are children of a
// sequence). A model group term is considered scalar in that they
// cannot be repeating at all in DFDL v1.0.
// This case is also used for all children of unordered sequences. In
// that case, we repeatedly attempt to parse all the children (starting
// over on success), until all children fail or if discriminated
// content causes us to bail early.
case scalarParser => {
val diagnosticsBeforeAttempt = pstate.diagnostics
val roStatus =
if (isOrdered)
else {
// Treat unordered sequence children as if they are required.
// This way if they fail, we will simply backtrack and try the
// next child
val (_, nextResultOfTry) = parseOneInstance(scalarParser, pstate, roStatus)
priorResultOfTry = resultOfTry
resultOfTry = nextResultOfTry
resultOfTry match {
case AbsentRep => {
// a scalar element, or a model group is absent. That means no separator
// was found for it.
// That means were at the end of the representation of this sequence,
// This is only returned as resultOfTry if it is
// OK for us to act on it. I.e., we know that the situation is
// Positional trailing, with a group that can have zero-length representation.
// and no separator was found for it.
// So we mask the failure, and exit the sequence successfully
isDone = true
// If we're masking the failure, we don't want the error dianostics
// to flow up. Restore the diagnostics from before the parse
// attempt
pstate.diagnostics = diagnosticsBeforeAttempt
// This child alternative of an unordered sequence failed, and that
// failure occurred after a discriminator within that child
// evaluated to true. This means that this unordered sequence has
// failed. We set isDone to true so we do not attempt anymore
// children of this unordered sequence. Additionally, that failure
// is still in the PState, which will cause us to backtrack to the
// nearest unresolved point of uncertainty.
case UnorderedSeqDiscriminatedFailure => isDone = true
// We failed to parse a single instance of an unordered sequence
// element, and we did not hit a discriminator. parseOneInstance
// will have backtracked to before this instance was attempted, so
// we can just try to parse the next child. We do not need to do
// anything special, the end of this loop will increment to the
// next child.
case _: FailedParseAttemptStatus if (!isOrdered) => // no-op
case _ => {
if (isOrdered) {
// Successfully parsed a scalar ordered sequence element,
// nothing to do. We'll increment scpIndex before looping
// back around and try parsing the next sequence child
} else {
// Successfully parsed an unordered sequence child. We want to
// try parsing the unordered sequence children again from the
// beginning, so we set the index to -1 so it is incremented
// back to zero at the end of the while loop
scpIndex = -1
// We successfully parsed something, so we must increment the group
// index
} // end case scalarParser
} // end match case parser
// now that we have finished parsing a single instance of this sequence,
// we need to potentially set things as final, get the last child to
// determine if it changed from the saved last child, which lets us know
// if a new child was actually added.
val newLastChildNode = pstate.infoset.maybeLastChild
if (!isOrdered) {
// In the special case of unordered sequences with arrays, we do not
// use the RepatingChildParser. Instead we parse on instance at a time
// in this loop. So array elements aren't set final above like normal
// arrays are.
// So if the last child node is a DIArray, we must set new array
// elements as final here. We can't know if we actually added a new
// DIArray element or not, so just set the last one as final
// regardless.
// Note that we do not need to do a null check because in an unordered
// sequence we are blocking, so we can't possibly walk/free any of
// these newly added elements.
if (newLastChildNode.isDefined && newLastChildNode.get.isArray) {
// we have a new last child, and it's not simple or complex, so must
// be an array. Set its last child final
newLastChildNode.get.maybeLastChild.get.isFinal = true
// We finished parsing one part of a sequence, which could either be an
// array, simple, or complex. We aren't sure if we actually added a new
// element or not, but in case we did, mark the last node as final.
// Additionally, if this is an ordered sequence, try to walk the infoset
// to output events for this potentially new element. If this is an
// unordered sequence, walking is unnecessary. This is because we may
// need to reorder the infoset once this unordered sequence is complete
// (via flattenAndValidateChildNodes below) and cannot walk until that
// happens. To ensure we don't walk even if a child parser tries to call
// walk() we incremented infosetWalkerBlockCount at the beginning of this
// function, so the walker is effectively blocked from making any
// progress. So we don't even bother calling walk() in this case.
if (newLastChildNode.isDefined) {
newLastChildNode.get.isFinal = true
if (isOrdered) pstate.walker.walk()
scpIndex += 1
} // end while for each sequence child parser
if (!isOrdered) {
// we are unordered, so we need to reorder the new children into schema
// definition order, flatten arrays, and validate
val infoset = pstate.infoset.asInstanceOf[DIComplex]
infoset.flattenAndValidateChildNodes(pstate, infosetIndexStart)
// now that we have flattened children, we can decrement the block count
// that we incremented above. This will allow the infoset walker to walk
// into the new children that are now in the correct order.
pstate.infoset.infosetWalkerBlockCount -= 1
// we've unblocked the unordered sequence, try walking to output
// everything we've created
if (child ne null) child.sequenceCompleteChecks(pstate, resultOfTry, priorResultOfTry)
} finally {
private def parseOneInstance(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
pstate: PState,
roStatus: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): (ArrayIndexStatus, ParseAttemptStatus) = {
// Determine if we need a PoU. Note that we only have a point of
// uncertainty if the sequence child parser has points of uncertainty (e.g.
// array with min/max) and the require/optional status is not required.
// Additionally, we also have a PoU for unordered sequences. The result of
// this PoU lets us know if a discriminator tells us to stop trying more
// unordered sequence children
val needsPoU =
!isOrdered ||
(parser.pouStatus eq PoUStatus.HasPoU) &&
if (needsPoU) {
val ans = pstate.withPointOfUncertainty("SequenceParserBase", parser.context) { pou =>
parseOneInstanceWithMaybePoU(parser, pstate, roStatus, One(pou))
} else {
parseOneInstanceWithMaybePoU(parser, pstate, roStatus, Nope)
private def parseOneInstanceWithMaybePoU(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
pstate: PState,
roStatus: RequiredOptionalStatus,
maybePoU: Maybe[PState.Mark],
): (ArrayIndexStatus, ParseAttemptStatus) = {
var ais: ArrayIndexStatus = ArrayIndexStatus.Uninitialized
checkN(pstate, parser) // check if occursIndex exceeds tunable limit.
val priorPos = pstate.bitPos0b
var resultOfTry = parser.parseOne(pstate, roStatus)
val currentPos = pstate.bitPos0b
val isPoUResolved =
if (maybePoU.isDefined) pstate.isPointOfUncertaintyResolved(maybePoU.get)
else true
// Now we handle the result of the parse attempt.
// check for consistency - failure comes with a PE in the PState.
(pstate.processorStatus eq Success) ||
resultOfTry match {
case _: SuccessParseAttemptStatus => { // ok
if (maybePoU.isDefined && !isPoUResolved) pstate.discardPointOfUncertainty(maybePoU.get)
case AbsentRep => {
if (maybePoU.isDefined) {
Assert.invariant(!isPoUResolved) // impossible for an absent rep to resolve the PoU
) // back out any side effects of the attempt to parse
pstate.dataInputStream.setBitPos0b(currentPos) // skip syntax such as a separator
case MissingSeparator if (pstate.isSuccess) => {
// missing separator with parse success indicates that we should end the sequence now
ais = Done
case _: FailedParseAttemptStatus => { // MissingSeparator with failure will match here
if (!isOrdered) {
if (isPoUResolved) {
// failed this unordered sequence branch, and the PoU was resolved
// so the unordered sequence failed. Change the resultOfTry to a
// special state indicated this so this failure will propogate up
resultOfTry = UnorderedSeqDiscriminatedFailure
} else {
// failed this unordered sequence branch, but nothing resolved the
// PoU. We need to just try the next branch from the PoU. So just
// reset to the PoU. The resultOfTry will be returned and will be
// acted on appropriately
} else if (
maybePoU.isDefined && !isPoUResolved &&
) {
// we back up and finish the array at the prior element if any.
} else {
parser.trd match {
case erd: ElementRuntimeData if (erd.isArray) => {
val cause = pstate.processorStatus.asInstanceOf[Failure].cause
"Failed to populate %s[%s]. Cause: %s",
case _ => // ok
ais = Done // exits the while loop for the array
case other => Assert.invariantFailed("Unexpected parse attempt status: " + other)
(ais, resultOfTry)