Fix separatorSuppressionPolicy="never"

Currently, parsing with occursCountKind "implicit" and separator
suppression policy "never" behaves similar to occursCountKind "fixed",
in that it requires maxOccurs instances, but does not allow for absent
representations. This is incorrect--SSP "never" only requires non-absent
instance up to minOccurs, and afterwards allows absent occurrences as
long as maxOccurs separators are found.

To fix this, this modifies parsing to use the same logic as
trailingEmpty and trailingEmptyStrict, but adds additional logic at the
end of parsing a repetition to ensure that there were no errors or
missing separators. This is done by using the same Rep parser, but
adding a new PositionalNever flag to differentiate the logic. A new
arrayCompleteChecks function is used to check if this flag is set and
create a parse error if errors or missing separators occurred. This also
renames finalChecks to sequenceCompleteChecks to differentiate it from

Currently, the unparsing logic is also broken for occursCountKind
"implicit" and separator suppression policy "never" if there are no
instances of an array/optional element. This is because the logic always
looks for a "start" event, which may not exist if minOccurs is zero and
all instances have an absent representation.

To fix this, this modifies unparseWithNoSuppression to not require
"start" events and relies on the existing shouldDoUnparse function to
determine if the current event is the right one to unparse. The existing
logic will then output any missing separators as needed, with a slight
tweak to handle an off-by-one error for infix separators.

13 files changed
tree: c4250425ab2f170d11917107eb054827ab5687e3
  1. .github/
  2. containers/
  3. daffodil-cli/
  4. daffodil-codegen-c/
  5. daffodil-core/
  6. daffodil-io/
  7. daffodil-japi/
  8. daffodil-lib/
  9. daffodil-macro-lib/
  10. daffodil-propgen/
  11. daffodil-runtime1/
  12. daffodil-runtime1-layers/
  13. daffodil-runtime1-unparser/
  14. daffodil-sapi/
  15. daffodil-schematron/
  16. daffodil-slf4j-logger/
  17. daffodil-tdml-lib/
  18. daffodil-tdml-processor/
  19. daffodil-test/
  20. daffodil-test-ibm1/
  21. daffodil-test-integration/
  22. daffodil-udf/
  23. project/
  24. scripts/
  25. test-stdLayout/
  26. tutorials/
  27. .asf.yaml
  28. .codecov.yml
  29. .gitattributes
  30. .gitignore
  31. .sbtopts
  32. .scalafmt.conf
  35. build.sbt
  37. KEYS
  39. NOTICE

Apache Daffodil is an open-source implementation of the DFDL specification that uses DFDL data descriptions to parse fixed format data into an infoset. This infoset is commonly converted into XML or JSON to enable the use of well-established XML or JSON technologies and libraries to consume, inspect, and manipulate fixed format data in existing solutions. Daffodil is also capable of serializing or “unparsing” data back to the original data format. The DFDL infoset can also be converted directly to/from the data structures carried by data processing frameworks so as to bypass any XML/JSON overheads.

For more information about Daffodil, see

Build Requirements

  • Java 8 or higher
  • sbt 0.13.8 or higher
  • C compiler C99 or higher
  • Mini-XML Version 3.0 or higher

See for more details and for a developer guide.

Getting Started

sbt is the officially supported tool to build Daffodil. Below are some of the more commonly used commands for Daffodil development.


Compile source code:

sbt compile


Run unit tests:

sbt test

Run slower integration tests:

sbt daffodil-test-integration/test

Command Line Interface

Build the command line interface (Linux and Windows shell scripts in daffodil-cli/target/universal/stage/bin/; see the Command Line Interface documentation for details on their usage):

sbt daffodil-cli/stage

License Check

Run Apache RAT (license audit report in target/rat.txt and error if any unapproved licenses are found):

sbt ratCheck

Test Coverage Report

Run sbt-scoverage (report in target/scala-ver/scoverage-report/):

sbt clean coverage test daffodil-test-integration/test
sbt coverageAggregate

Getting Help

You can ask questions on the or mailing lists. You can report bugs via the Daffodil JIRA.


Apache Daffodil is licensed under the Apache License, v2.0.