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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.processors.parsers
import org.apache.daffodil.lib.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.lib.schema.annotation.props.EmptyElementParsePolicy
import org.apache.daffodil.lib.util.Maybe
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.infoset.DIComplex
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.infoset.DIElement
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.infoset.DISimple
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.processors.ElementRuntimeData
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.processors.ModelGroupRuntimeData
sealed abstract class PotentiallyTrailingStatus
object PotentiallyTrailingStatus {
case object IsPotentiallyTrailing extends PotentiallyTrailingStatus
case object NotPotentiallyTrailing extends PotentiallyTrailingStatus
* These helpers convert a parse state into an appropriate
* ParseAttemptStatus that can be acted upon uniformly by the
* loops iterating through sequence children parsers.
* The schema compiler can make many decisions statically, and supply
* a helper which takes a minimum of runtime overhead to make the actual
* decisions about whether data for example, should be considered emptyRep
* or absentRep based on static characteristics of the item (element, group)
* and the required/optionality of the item.
trait SequenceChildParseResultHelper extends Serializable {
* Based on position within the group, is there a specific required/optional status
* that always holds.
* This is about position in the group, and not the ability of the element/model-group
* to have zero-length representation.
* Defined for non-repeating sequence children (groups, scalar elements) and always
* Required for them.
* Undefined for repeating sequence children.
def maybeStaticRequiredOptionalStatus: Maybe[RequiredOptionalStatus]
* Compute the ParseAttemptStatus, given the state of the parse immediately after parsing
* the item (which could be group or element).
def computeParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
prevBitPosBeforeChild: Long,
pstate: PState,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus
* Computes the parse attempt status after a failure to parse.
* The concept of zero-length failure actually exists and is sensible, mostly
* for delimited formats, where a failure to parse can be due to finding adjacent
* separators. This is recognized specifically, and for Positional children
* of a sequence, this absence of any representation - but immediately finding
* another separator is AbsentRep, and it allows us to consume a separator, even
* though we failed to parse.
def computeFailedParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
prevBitPosBeforeChild: Long,
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus
trait ElementSequenceChildParseResultHelper extends SequenceChildParseResultHelper {
def erd: ElementRuntimeData
* The emptyRep must be zero length.
* If empty is meaningful, the combination of emptyValueDelimiterPolicy, initiator and
* terminator is such that the emptyRep is zero length.
* For empty to be meaningful this requires the element
* to be defaultable. For simple type elements that means it has XSD default or fixed attributes
* on the element decl. The lengthKind also must be such that it's possible for
* the representation to be zero length. (E.g., lengthKind 'explicit' with a constant non-zero length
* expression can never be zero-length so empty isn't even meaningful.
* Empty is also not meaningful for nonRepresented elements or model groups (which are model groups with
* no syntax and all non-represented content)
* This can be true for model groups if they have no syntax and their content is all optional.
* defaultable, or nonRepresented. Such model groups can have zero-length representations even though
* their parsing may succeed and add things to the infoset.
def isEmptyRepZeroLength: Boolean
* The emptyRep must be greater than zero length.
* If empty is meaningful, the combination of emptyValueDelimiterPolicy, initiator and
* terminator is such that the emptyRep is greater than zero length.
* False if empty is not meaningful (see also discussion of isEmptyRepZeroLength).
* False for model groups, and for complexType elements.
* The DFDL Spec tells us complex types cannot have non zero emptyRep.
* Section (Sept 2014 Draft)
* "the parser descends into the complex type for the element, and returns
* successfully (that is, no unsuppressed processing error occurs).
* If the result is zero bits consumed, the representation is then established
* by checking, in order, for:
* * empty representation.
* * absent representation (if none of the prior representations apply).
* Otherwise the element has normal representation."
* This basically says that you can't depend on dfdl:emptyValueDelimiterPolicy and
* initiator/terminator that define an empty representation that is non-zero length.
* It really means that feature is only for simple types. Complex types match the emptyRep
* really only if they are truly zero length, aka "zero bits consumed" above.
def isEmptyRepNonZeroLength: Boolean
def emptyElementParsePolicy: EmptyElementParsePolicy
* Compute the ParseAttemptStatus, given the state of the parse immediately after parsing
* the item (which could be group or element).
final override def computeParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
prevBitPosBeforeChild: Long,
pstate: PState,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus = {
val currentBitPosAfterChild = pstate.bitPos0b
val isZL = {
Assert.invariant(currentBitPosAfterChild >= prevBitPosBeforeChild)
currentBitPosAfterChild == prevBitPosBeforeChild
if (pstate.isSuccess) {
val maybeElem = pstate.infosetLastChild
val elem = maybeElem.get
val maybeIsNilled =
elem.maybeIsNilled // can't just call isNilled because that throws exceptions on not defined
if (maybeIsNilled.isDefined && maybeIsNilled.get) {
} else {
// not nilled
val optPrimType = erd.optPrimType
if (optPrimType.isDefined) {
} else {
} else {
} // end if isSuccess/isFailed
* Called directly sometimes.
* Used by trickier parser (e.g., postfix separator helper) that
final override def computeFailedParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
prevBitPosBeforeChild: Long,
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus = {
val optPrimType = erd.optPrimType
if (optPrimType.isDefined) {
simpleTypeFailedParseAttemptStatus(parser, pstate, isZL, erd, requiredOptional)
} else {
complexTypeFailedParseAttemptStatus(parser, pstate, isZL, erd, requiredOptional)
* Did the most recent parse succeed consuming the emptyRep.
final protected def isEmptyRep(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
maybeElem: Maybe[DIElement],
): Boolean = {
val isIt =
if (isEmptyRepZeroLength) {
} else if (isEmptyRepNonZeroLength) {
if (isZL)
else {
// the empty rep is non zero length, but we got a
// successful parse that is non-zero length.
// We need to determine if it was a match for the
// emptyRep or not
val elem = maybeElem.get
val elemERD = elem.erd
Assert.invariant(elemERD eq erd)
val optDefaultValue = erd.optDefaultValue
if (optDefaultValue.isDefined) {
val se = elem.asSimple
if (se.isDefaulted) {
// Behave, in this code, as if defaulting was
// implemented, and the elem would already have its default value.
} else {
// did not default the value
// but we know it is defaultable or we wouldn't be here
// since isEmptyRepNonZeroLength is true here for this simple type
// what was consumed must not have matched the emptyRep
// Behave here as if defaulting was properly implemented, and already
// would have put the default into the infoset element
} // end if isDefaulted
} else {
// not defaultable element. Must have content.
} // end isDefaultable
} // end if isZL
} else {
Assert.invariant(!isEmptyRepZeroLength && !isEmptyRepNonZeroLength)
final protected def simpleTypeSuccessParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
erd: ElementRuntimeData,
elem: DISimple,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus = {
val isEmpty = isEmptyRep(parser, pstate, isZL, Maybe(elem))
if (isEmpty) {
requiredOptional match {
case _: RequiredOptionalStatus.Required => {
if (erd.optDefaultValue.isDefined) {
pstate.schemaDefinitionError("Default values not implemented.")
} else {
emptyElementParsePolicy match {
case EmptyElementParsePolicy.TreatAsMissing |
EmptyElementParsePolicy.TreatAsAbsent => { // deprecated: TreatAsMissing
parser.PE(pstate, "Empty element not allowed for required element.")
case EmptyElementParsePolicy.TreatAsEmpty => {
elem.dataValue.getAnyRef match {
case string: String if string.length == 0 => // ok
case byteArray: Array[Byte] if byteArray.length == 0 => // ok
case _ => Assert.invariant(!isZL) // must be nonZL empty rep.
ParseAttemptStatus.EmptyRep // success. EmptyRep. Value is an empty string or hexBinary
} // end match
} // end if not defaultable
} // end case Required
case _: RequiredOptionalStatus.Optional => {
ParseAttemptStatus.AbsentRep // callers will backtrack any elements created but retain bit position.
} // end match requiredOptional
} else {
// Assert.invariant(!isZL) // does not hold in unseparated cases (NITF ran into this)
} // end method
final protected def complexTypeSuccessParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
erd: ElementRuntimeData,
elem: DIComplex,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus = {
requiredOptional match {
case _: RequiredOptionalStatus.Required if isZL =>
case _: RequiredOptionalStatus.Required =>
case _: RequiredOptionalStatus.Optional if isZL => {
// This should only happen if the complex type was entirely defaulted.
// If, for example, the complex type contained a nillable element, and populated
// that not by defaulting, but by parsing (E.g., if %ES; is a nilValue),
// then we should NOT treat this as Absent, but Normal.
if (elem.isDefaulted)
ParseAttemptStatus.AbsentRep // caller will backtrack this element but retain bit position
case _: RequiredOptionalStatus.Optional =>
* Override in unseparated helpers and Positional helpers
protected def anyTypeElementFailedParseAttemptStatus(
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus
final protected def simpleTypeFailedParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
erd: ElementRuntimeData,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus =
anyTypeElementFailedParseAttemptStatus(pstate, isZL, requiredOptional)
final protected def complexTypeFailedParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
erd: ElementRuntimeData,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus =
anyTypeElementFailedParseAttemptStatus(pstate, isZL, requiredOptional)
trait ModelGroupSequenceChildParseResultHelper extends SequenceChildParseResultHelper {
def mgrd: ModelGroupRuntimeData
* The model group's representation could be zero length.
* False if the model group is not represented (contains no syntax, and
* all content is recursively not represented)
* True if the model group has no mandatory syntax, and all content within
* is possibly ZL (recursively), defaultable, optional, or not represented.
def isModelGroupRepPossiblyZeroLength: Boolean
* The model group's representation must be greater than zero length.
def isModelGroupRepNonZeroLength: Boolean
* a group is always required.
final override def maybeStaticRequiredOptionalStatus: Maybe[RequiredOptionalStatus] =
* Compute the ParseAttemptStatus, given the state of the parse immediately after parsing
* the item (which could be group or element).
final override def computeParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
prevBitPosBeforeChild: Long,
pstate: PState,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus = {
val currentBitPosAfterChild = pstate.bitPos0b
val isZL = {
Assert.invariant(currentBitPosAfterChild >= prevBitPosBeforeChild)
currentBitPosAfterChild == prevBitPosBeforeChild
if (pstate.isSuccess) {
checkModelGroupZL(pstate, isZL)
modelGroupSuccessParseAttemptStatus(parser, pstate, isZL, mgrd, requiredOptional)
} else {
} // end if isSuccess/isFailed
* Did the most recent parse succeed consuming zero length, and is that allowed?
final protected def checkModelGroupZL(pstate: PState, isZL: Boolean): Unit = {
val isIt = isZL
if (isZL) {
// This doesn't hold if
// (a) the format has a terminator which is an expression
// (b) the expression evaluates to say, %WSP*; or %ES; based on looking at other infoset information.
// (c) that delimiter matches zero length
// (d) the lengthKind is NOT delimited. So we're not scanning for this.
// This comes up in mil-std-2045 and other formats which have an optional
// final terminator after a string having lengthKind 'pattern'.
// In that case, the static information would indicate positively that isModelGroupRepNonZeroLength
// is true, when it isn't.
// Bug DAFFODIL-2132 is why isModelGroupRepNonZeroLength is incorrect in the above case.
// Assert.invariant(isModelGroupRepPossiblyZeroLength && !isModelGroupRepNonZeroLength)
* Called directly sometimes.
* Used by trickier parser (e.g., postfix separator helper) that
protected def modelGroupSuccessParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
mgrd: ModelGroupRuntimeData,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus
final def computeFailedParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
prevBitPosBeforeChild: Long,
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus = {
if (isZL) ParseAttemptStatus.MissingItem
else ParseAttemptStatus.FailureUnspecified
* Shared logic here between separated and unseparated for Scalar Elements.
trait ScalarElementSequenceChildParseResultHelper
extends ElementSequenceChildParseResultHelper {
* a scalar element is always required.
override def maybeStaticRequiredOptionalStatus: Maybe[RequiredOptionalStatus] =
def erd: ElementRuntimeData
trait RepElementSequenceChildParseResultHelper extends ElementSequenceChildParseResultHelper {
final override def maybeStaticRequiredOptionalStatus: Maybe[RequiredOptionalStatus] =
* Applies to non-positional separated sequences, and unseparated sequences.
trait NonPositionalLikeElementSequenceChildParseResultMixin
extends ElementSequenceChildParseResultHelper {
override protected def anyTypeElementFailedParseAttemptStatus(
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus = {
if (isZL)