blob: e701035114981edd926a1e67c0b8fbfeab96d568 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.processors.parsers
import org.apache.daffodil.lib.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.lib.schema.annotation.props.EmptyElementParsePolicy
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.processors.ElementRuntimeData
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.processors.ModelGroupRuntimeData
* Define the kinds of behaviors for terms in a sequence.
* Positional and Non-Positional are concepts that apply only to the children
* of separated sequences. They are not characteristics of the entire sequence,
* but of each child term of the sequence.
* Positional Behavior - means that separators are required in order to determine
* which child of the sequence group is being parsed/unparsed.
* Positional-Trailing Behavior - Like positional, but with special treatment for
* things at the end of a sequence, where extra separators for absentRep occurrences
* may be tolerated when parsing, but are not created when unparsing. A strict behavior
* applies only for parsing. In this case, there can be extra separators for absentRep,
* but only if they are subsequently followed by a non-absentRep (meaning nilRep, emptyRep
* that is distinct from absentRep, or normalRep). For Positional-Trailing behavior to
* apply, the sequence child must be potentially trailing.
* Non-Positional Behavior - means that separators are not required to determine which
* child of the sequence group is being parsed/unparsed. The data must make this
* ambiguous with initiators, or with simply the accepted syntax of the data type.
* A sequence child which is an array element with dfdl:occursCountKind fixed or expression
* this has positional behavior regardless of the separatorSuppressionPolicy of the sequence.
* For the occurrences of that element, the behavior is as if the sequence had
* separatorSuppressionPolicy 'never'.
* A sequence child which is an array element with dfdl:occursCountKind parsed has
* non-positional behavior regardless of the separatorSuppressionPolicy of the sequence.
* For the occurrences of that element the behavior is as if the sequence had
* separatorSuppressionPolicy 'anyEmpty'
* A sequence child which is an array element with dfdl:occursCountKind implicit has
* positional, positional-trailing, or non-positional behavior based on several other factors.
sealed abstract class SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior
object SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior {
type Type = SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior
sealed abstract class PositionalLike extends Type
sealed abstract class PositionalTrailing extends PositionalLike
case object Positional extends PositionalLike
case object PositionalNever extends PositionalLike
case object PositionalTrailingLax extends PositionalTrailing
case object PositionalTrailingStrict extends PositionalTrailing
case object NonPositional extends Type
trait SeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper extends SequenceChildParseResultHelper {
import SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior._
def separatedSequenceChildBehavior: SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior
protected final def sscb = separatedSequenceChildBehavior
* Used for postfix separator case.
* Always false for model groups
def isSimpleDelimited: Boolean
def computeFailedSeparatorParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
prevBitPosBeforeChild: Long,
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus = {
* Define this as final here so we aren't creating proliferation of
* traits/classes just for this one little issue.
final def arrayCompleteChecks(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
pstate: PState,
resultOfTry: ParseAttemptStatus,
priorResultOfTry: ParseAttemptStatus,
): Unit = {
if ((sscb eq PositionalNever)) {
val resultToTest = resultOfTry
resultToTest match {
case ParseAttemptStatus.FailureUnspecified | ParseAttemptStatus.MissingSeparator =>
"maxOccurs instances and their separators are required when dfdl:separatorSuppressionPolicy='never'",
case _ => // ok
* Define this as final here so we aren't creating proliferation of
* traits/classes just for this one little issue.
final def sequenceCompleteChecks(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
pstate: PState,
resultOfTry: ParseAttemptStatus,
priorResultOfTry: ParseAttemptStatus,
): Unit = {
if ((sscb eq PositionalTrailingStrict)) {
val resultToTest = priorResultOfTry
resultToTest match {
case ParseAttemptStatus.AbsentRep | ParseAttemptStatus.EmptyRep =>
"Empty trailing optional elements are not allowed when dfdl:separatorSuppressionPolicy='trailingEmptyStrict'",
case _ => // ok
trait ScalarElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper
extends SeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper
with ScalarElementSequenceChildParseResultHelper {
def erd: ElementRuntimeData
trait PositionalLikeElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultMixin
extends ElementSequenceChildParseResultHelper {
final override protected def anyTypeElementFailedParseAttemptStatus(
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus = {
requiredOptional match {
case _: RequiredOptionalStatus.Optional if isZL => {
// optional and zero-length
// if we just said AbsentRep, that generally triggers backtracking an element
// Correction - if you set success here, then failures like when you parse
// an int, but hit end of data, and get unable to convert empty string to int....
// those should cause a failure, but those would be masked here.
// pstate.setSuccess()
// Missing/Failed is certainly correct for NonPositional(anyEmpty)separated sequences.
// Also for Positional, and Unseparated.
// PositionalTrailing is the question. There, a failure that is ZL we want to have
// just be Absent.
case _ if isZL =>
case _ =>
class PositionalScalarElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper(
override val separatedSequenceChildBehavior: SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior,
override val erd: ElementRuntimeData,
override val isSimpleDelimited: Boolean,
override val emptyElementParsePolicy: EmptyElementParsePolicy,
override val isEmptyRepZeroLength: Boolean,
override val isEmptyRepNonZeroLength: Boolean,
) extends ScalarElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper
with ScalarElementSequenceChildParseResultHelper
with PositionalLikeElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultMixin
class NonPositionalScalarElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper(
override val separatedSequenceChildBehavior: SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior,
override val erd: ElementRuntimeData,
override val isSimpleDelimited: Boolean,
override val emptyElementParsePolicy: EmptyElementParsePolicy,
override val isEmptyRepZeroLength: Boolean,
override val isEmptyRepNonZeroLength: Boolean,
) extends ScalarElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper
with NonPositionalLikeElementSequenceChildParseResultMixin
class PositionalTrailingScalarElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper(
override val separatedSequenceChildBehavior: SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior,
override val erd: ElementRuntimeData,
override val isSimpleDelimited: Boolean,
override val emptyElementParsePolicy: EmptyElementParsePolicy,
override val isEmptyRepZeroLength: Boolean,
override val isEmptyRepNonZeroLength: Boolean,
) extends ScalarElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper
with PositionalLikeElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultMixin
trait RepElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper
extends SeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper
with RepElementSequenceChildParseResultHelper
class PositionalTrailingRepElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper(
override val separatedSequenceChildBehavior: SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior,
override val erd: ElementRuntimeData,
override val isSimpleDelimited: Boolean,
override val emptyElementParsePolicy: EmptyElementParsePolicy,
override val isEmptyRepZeroLength: Boolean,
override val isEmptyRepNonZeroLength: Boolean,
) extends PositionalRepElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper(
class PositionalRepElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper(
override val separatedSequenceChildBehavior: SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior,
override val erd: ElementRuntimeData,
override val isSimpleDelimited: Boolean,
override val emptyElementParsePolicy: EmptyElementParsePolicy,
override val isEmptyRepZeroLength: Boolean,
override val isEmptyRepNonZeroLength: Boolean,
) extends RepElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper
with PositionalLikeElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultMixin {}
class NonPositionalRepElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper(
override val separatedSequenceChildBehavior: SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior,
override val erd: ElementRuntimeData,
override val isSimpleDelimited: Boolean,
override val emptyElementParsePolicy: EmptyElementParsePolicy,
override val isEmptyRepZeroLength: Boolean,
override val isEmptyRepNonZeroLength: Boolean,
) extends RepElementSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper
with NonPositionalLikeElementSequenceChildParseResultMixin
trait GroupSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper
extends SeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper
with ModelGroupSequenceChildParseResultHelper {
final override def isSimpleDelimited = false // only relevant to elements
trait PositionalLikeGroupSequenceChildParseResultMixin
extends ModelGroupSequenceChildParseResultHelper {
* Called directly sometimes.
* Used by trickier parser (e.g., postfix separator helper) that
final protected def modelGroupSuccessParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
mgrd: ModelGroupRuntimeData,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus = {
checkModelGroupZL(pstate, isZL)
if (isZL)
class PositionalGroupSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper(
override val mgrd: ModelGroupRuntimeData,
override val separatedSequenceChildBehavior: SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior,
override val isModelGroupRepPossiblyZeroLength: Boolean,
override val isModelGroupRepNonZeroLength: Boolean,
) extends GroupSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper
with PositionalLikeGroupSequenceChildParseResultMixin {}
class PositionalTrailingGroupSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper(
override val mgrd: ModelGroupRuntimeData,
override val separatedSequenceChildBehavior: SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior,
override val isModelGroupRepPossiblyZeroLength: Boolean,
override val isModelGroupRepNonZeroLength: Boolean,
) extends GroupSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper
with PositionalLikeGroupSequenceChildParseResultMixin {
final override def computeFailedSeparatorParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
prevBitPosBeforeChild: Long,
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus = {
// When we're parsing a separated sequence, and we're positional trailing
// and we don't find a separator, the child never even gets attempted to parse
// we immediately say the group is absent.
// This allows it to be skipped, but also ends the sequence.
if (
isModelGroupRepPossiblyZeroLength &&
) {
} else
class NonPositionalGroupSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper(
override val mgrd: ModelGroupRuntimeData,
override val separatedSequenceChildBehavior: SeparatedSequenceChildBehavior,
override val isModelGroupRepPossiblyZeroLength: Boolean,
override val isModelGroupRepNonZeroLength: Boolean,
) extends GroupSeparatedSequenceChildParseResultHelper {
* Called directly sometimes.
* Used by trickier parser (e.g., postfix separator helper) that
final protected def modelGroupSuccessParseAttemptStatus(
parser: SequenceChildParser,
pstate: PState,
isZL: Boolean,
mgrd: ModelGroupRuntimeData,
requiredOptional: RequiredOptionalStatus,
): ParseAttemptStatus = {
if (pstate.isSuccess) {
val maybeElem = pstate.infosetLastChild
val elem = maybeElem.get
val maybeIsNilled =
elem.maybeIsNilled // can't just call isNilled because that throws exceptions on not defined
if (maybeIsNilled.isDefined && maybeIsNilled.get) {
} else {
} else {
if (isZL)
ParseAttemptStatus.MissingItem // it is an error if ZL in NonPositional