blob: 5d8e25f70a7bdfa9cd7657dddc3a163762a7070a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.core.grammar
import org.apache.daffodil.core.dsom._
import org.apache.daffodil.core.grammar.primitives.OrderedSequence
import org.apache.daffodil.core.grammar.primitives.UnorderedSequence
import org.apache.daffodil.core.grammar.primitives._
import org.apache.daffodil.core.runtime1.SequenceTermRuntime1Mixin
import org.apache.daffodil.lib.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.lib.schema.annotation.props.SeparatorSuppressionPolicy
import org.apache.daffodil.lib.schema.annotation.props.gen._
trait SequenceGrammarMixin extends GrammarMixin with SequenceTermRuntime1Mixin {
self: SequenceTermBase =>
final override lazy val groupContentDef = prod("groupContentDef") {
if (isLayered) layerContent
else sequenceContent
private lazy val sequenceContent = {
import columnConstants._
self.sequenceKind match {
case Ordered__ => orderedSequence
case Unordered => unorderedSequence
private lazy val layerContent = {
groupMembers.length == 1,
"Layered sequence can have only 1 child term. %s were found: %s",
groupMembers.mkString(", "),
val term = groupMembers(0)
schemaDefinitionWhen(term.isArray, "Layered sequence body cannot be an array.")
this match {
case sgtb: SequenceGroupTermBase =>
new ScalarOrderedSequenceChild(this, term, 1),
) // We use 1-based indexing for children.
case _ =>
"Layered sequences must be SequenceGroupTermBase, not just SequenceTermBase",
private lazy val seqChildren = LV('seqChildren) {
( { case (gm, i) =>
sequenceChild(gm, i)
private lazy val orderedSequence = {
val res = new OrderedSequence(this, seqChildren)
private lazy val unorderedSequence = {
schemaDefinitionUnless(groupMembers.length > 0, "Unordered sequences must not be empty")
val alternatives = { _.termContentBody }
val res = new UnorderedSequence(this, seqChildren, alternatives)
* Constants to make the lookup tables below more readable without using fragile whitespace
private object columnConstants {
val UNB = -1 // UNBOUNDED
val ZER = 0
val ONE = 1
val Sep__ = true
val NoSep = false
val Ordered__ = SequenceKind.Ordered
val Unordered = SequenceKind.Unordered
val Never______ : SeparatorSuppressionPolicy = SeparatorSuppressionPolicy.Never
val Trailing___ : SeparatorSuppressionPolicy = SeparatorSuppressionPolicy.TrailingEmpty
val TrailingStr: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy = SeparatorSuppressionPolicy.TrailingEmptyStrict
val Always_____ : SeparatorSuppressionPolicy = SeparatorSuppressionPolicy.AnyEmpty
val StopValue_ = OccursCountKind.StopValue
val Implicit__ = OccursCountKind.Implicit
val Parsed____ = OccursCountKind.Parsed
val Fixed_____ = OccursCountKind.Fixed
val Expression = OccursCountKind.Expression
val True_ = true
type EB = ElementBase
type MG = ModelGroup
type SG = SequenceTermBase
type CG = ChoiceTermBase
* Produces the right kind of SequenceChild object for this particular child
* for the role it must play within this sequence's behavior.
* A SequenceChild object is effectively generator for part of the Sequence's parse/unparse
* algorithm. For arrays these SequenceChild objects enable processing exactly one array instance at
* a time, orchestrated by the surrounding sequence's processor.
private def sequenceChild(child: Term, groupIndex: Int): SequenceChild = {
import columnConstants._
val (max, min, ock) = child match {
case e: EB =>
// don't require OCK unnecessarily
(e.maxOccurs, e.minOccurs, if (e.isScalar) null else e.occursCountKind)
case _ => (1, 1, null)
// don't require SSP unnecessarily
val ssp =
if (!hasSeparator)
val res = (child, sequenceKind, ssp, ock, min, max) match {
case (e: EB, Ordered__, ___________, __________, ONE, ONE) =>
new ScalarOrderedSequenceChild(this, e, groupIndex)
case (e: EB, _________, ___________, StopValue_, ___, __2) =>
e.subsetError("dfdl:occursCountKind 'stopValue' is not supported.")
case (e: EB, Ordered__, ___________, Parsed____, ___, __2) =>
new RepOrderedWithMinMaxSequenceChild(this, e, groupIndex)
case (e: EB, Ordered__, ___________, Fixed_____, ___, UNB) =>
e.SDE("occursCountKind='fixed' not allowed with unbounded maxOccurs")
case (e: EB, Ordered__, Never______, Implicit__, ___, UNB)
if !e.isLastDeclaredRepresentedInSequence =>
case (e: EB, Ordered__, Trailing___, Implicit__, ___, UNB)
if !e.isLastDeclaredRepresentedInSequence =>
case (e: EB, Ordered__, TrailingStr, Implicit__, ___, UNB)
if !e.isLastDeclaredRepresentedInSequence =>
case (e: EB, Ordered__, ___________, Fixed_____, ___, `min`) =>
new RepOrderedExactlyNSequenceChild(this, e, groupIndex, min)
case (e: EB, Ordered__, ___________, Fixed_____, ___, max) => {
Assert.invariant(min != max);
"occursCountKind='fixed' requires minOccurs and maxOccurs to be equal (%d != %d)",
case (e: EB, Ordered__, ___________, Expression, ___, __2) =>
new RepOrderedExpressionOccursCountSequenceChild(this, e, groupIndex)
case (e: EB, Ordered__, Never______, Implicit__, ___, UNB) =>
"separatorSuppressionPolicy='never' with occursCountKind='implicit' requires bounded maxOccurs.",
case (e: EB, Ordered__, Never______, Implicit__, ___, max) =>
new RepOrderedWithMinMaxSequenceChild(this, e, groupIndex)
case (
e: EB,
) if (ock ne null) =>
"separatorSuppressionPolicy='never' not allowed in combination with occursCountKind='" + ock + "'.",
case (e: EB, Ordered__, Trailing___, Implicit__, ___, max) =>
new RepOrderedWithMinMaxSequenceChild(this, e, groupIndex)
case (e: EB, Ordered__, TrailingStr, Implicit__, ___, UNB) =>
new RepOrderedWithMinMaxSequenceChild(this, e, groupIndex)
case (e: EB, Ordered__, TrailingStr, Implicit__, ___, max) =>
new RepOrderedWithMinMaxSequenceChild(this, e, groupIndex)
case (e: EB, Ordered__, Always_____, Implicit__, ___, max) =>
new RepOrderedWithMinMaxSequenceChild(this, e, groupIndex)
case (e: EB, Unordered, ___________, __________, ONE, ONE) =>
new ScalarOrderedSequenceChild(this, e, groupIndex)
case (e: EB, Unordered, ___________, Parsed____, ___, __2) =>
new RepOrderedWithMinMaxSequenceChild(this, e, groupIndex)
case (e: EB, Unordered, ___________, __________, ___, __2) =>
e.SDE("When sequenceKind='unordered', occursCountKind must be 'parsed'")
case (m: MG, Unordered, ___________, __________, ___, __2) =>
child.SDE("All memebers of an unordered sequence must be Element or ElemenntRef")
case (m: MG, _________, ___________, __________, ___, __2) =>
new ScalarOrderedSequenceChild(this, m, groupIndex)
case (_____, _________, policy /**/, ock /**/, ___, __2) =>
"separatorSuppressionPolicy='" + policy + "' not allowed with occursCountKind='" + ock + "'.",
private def unboundedPositionalError(e: ElementBase) =
"occursCountKind='implicit' with unbounded maxOccurs only allowed for last element of a positional sequence",
* These are static properties even though the delimiters can have runtime-computed values.
* The existence of an expression to compute a delimiter is assumed to imply a non-zero-length, aka a real delimiter.
final lazy val hasPrefixSep = sepExpr(SeparatorPosition.Prefix)
final lazy val hasInfixSep = sepExpr(SeparatorPosition.Infix)
final lazy val hasPostfixSep = sepExpr(SeparatorPosition.Postfix)
// note use of pass by value. We don't want to even need the SeparatorPosition property unless there is a separator.
private def sepExpr(pos: => SeparatorPosition): Boolean = {
if (hasSeparator) if (separatorPosition eq pos) true else false
else false
* True if the term has a separator expressed on it.
* Do not confuse with the concept of the delimiter being able to match or not match zero-length data.
* Whether the representation of a term in the data stream "has a separator", as in a specific separator
* occupies a non-zero number of bits, is an entirely different question.
lazy val hasSeparator = !separatorParseEv.isConstantEmptyString
* Note that the sequence separator does not include the delimMTA grammar
* like initiators/terminators. This is because unparsing needs to uncouple
* MTA and Separator unparsers to properly support optional separators with
* potential alignment. Grammars are expected to handle the delimMTA when
* necessary
lazy val sequenceSeparatorMTA = prod("sequenceSeparatorMTA", hasSeparator) {
lazy val sequenceSeparator = prod("separator", hasSeparator) {