blob: c550d4894c3f6de760cca7dc00f20bf8550a9421 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict'
import * as Net from 'net'
import * as vscode from 'vscode'
import * as htmlView from '../hexView'
import * as position from '../position'
import { randomBytes } from 'crypto'
import { tmpdir } from 'os'
import { join } from 'path'
import { platform } from 'process'
import { ProviderResult } from 'vscode'
import { DaffodilDebugSession } from './daffodilDebug'
import {
} from './activateDaffodilDebug'
* The compile time flag 'runMode' controls how the debug adapter is run.
* Please note: the test suite only supports 'external' mode.
const runMode: 'external' | 'server' | 'namedPipeServer' | 'inline' = 'inline'
export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
// activate position
// debug adapters can be run in different ways by using a vscode.DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory:
switch (runMode) {
case 'server':
// run the debug adapter as a server inside the extension and communicate via a socket
new DaffodilDebugAdapterServerDescriptorFactory(context)
case 'namedPipeServer':
// run the debug adapter as a server inside the extension and communicate via a named pipe (Windows) or UNIX domain socket (non-Windows)
new DaffodilDebugAdapterNamedPipeServerDescriptorFactory(context)
case 'inline':
// run the debug adapter inside the extension and directly talk to it
case 'external':
// run the debug adapter as a separate process
activateDaffodilDebug(context, new DebugAdapterExecutableFactory(context))
export function deactivate() {
// deactivate position
class DebugAdapterExecutableFactory
implements vscode.DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory
context: vscode.ExtensionContext
htmlViewer: htmlView.DebuggerHexView
constructor(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
this.context = context
this.htmlViewer = new htmlView.DebuggerHexView(context)
// The following use of a DebugAdapter factory shows how to control what debug adapter executable is used.
// Since the code implements the default behavior, it is absolutely not neccessary and we show it here only for educational purpose.
_session: vscode.DebugSession,
executable: vscode.DebugAdapterExecutable | undefined
): ProviderResult<vscode.DebugAdapterDescriptor> {
// param "executable" contains the executable optionally specified in the package.json (if any)
// use the executable specified in the package.json if it exists or determine it based on some other information (e.g. the session)
if (!executable) {
const command = 'absolute path to my DA executable'
const args = ['some args', 'another arg']
const options = {
cwd: 'working directory for executable',
env: { envVariable: 'some value' },
executable = new vscode.DebugAdapterExecutable(command, args, options)
// make VS Code launch the DA executable
return executable
class DaffodilDebugAdapterServerDescriptorFactory
implements vscode.DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory
private server?: Net.Server
context: vscode.ExtensionContext
htmlViewer: htmlView.DebuggerHexView
constructor(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
this.context = context
this.htmlViewer = new htmlView.DebuggerHexView(context)
session: vscode.DebugSession,
executable: vscode.DebugAdapterExecutable | undefined
): vscode.ProviderResult<vscode.DebugAdapterDescriptor> {
if (!this.server) {
// start listening on a random port
this.server = Net.createServer((socket) => {
const session = new DaffodilDebugSession(workspaceFileAccessor)
session.start(socket as NodeJS.ReadableStream, socket)
// make VS Code connect to debug server
return new vscode.DebugAdapterServer(
(this.server.address() as Net.AddressInfo).port
dispose() {
if (this.server) {
class DaffodilDebugAdapterNamedPipeServerDescriptorFactory
implements vscode.DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory
private server?: Net.Server
context: vscode.ExtensionContext
htmlViewer: htmlView.DebuggerHexView
constructor(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
this.context = context
this.htmlViewer = new htmlView.DebuggerHexView(context)
session: vscode.DebugSession,
executable: vscode.DebugAdapterExecutable | undefined
): vscode.ProviderResult<vscode.DebugAdapterDescriptor> {
if (!this.server) {
// start listening on a random named pipe path
const pipeName = randomBytes(10).toString('utf8')
const pipePath =
platform === 'win32'
? join('\\\\.\\pipe\\', pipeName)
: join(tmpdir(), pipeName)
this.server = Net.createServer((socket) => {
const session = new DaffodilDebugSession(workspaceFileAccessor)
session.start(<NodeJS.ReadableStream>socket, socket)
// make VS Code connect to debug server
// TODO: enable named pipe support as soon as VS Code 1.49 is out
//return new vscode.DebugAdapterNamedPipeServer(this.server.address() as string);
return undefined
dispose() {
if (this.server) {