blob: d643b74810b50dc4d85cfce00eb1c07475ec31cb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import * as vscode from 'vscode'
import * as fs from 'fs'
import * as os from 'os'
import * as child_process from 'child_process'
import path from 'path'
import { VSCodeLaunchConfigArgs } from './classes/vscode-launch'
let currentConfig: vscode.DebugConfiguration
const terminalName = 'daffodil-debugger'
export const regexp = {
comma: new RegExp(',', 'g'),
slash: new RegExp('/', 'g'),
space: new RegExp(' ', 'g'),
workspace: new RegExp('${workspaceFolder}', 'g'),
// Function to retrieve to the current debug config
export function getCurrentConfig(): vscode.DebugConfiguration {
return currentConfig
// Function to set the current debug config
export function setCurrentConfig(
config: vscode.DebugConfiguration
): vscode.DebugConfiguration {
currentConfig = config
return config
// Function to run vscode command and catch the error to not cause other issues
export function runCommand(command: string) {
vscode.commands.executeCommand(command).then(undefined, (err) => {
// Function for checking if config specifies if either the
// infoset, infoset diff or hex view needs to be opened
export async function onDebugStartDisplay(viewsToCheck: string[]) {
let config = getCurrentConfig()
viewsToCheck.forEach(async (viewToCheck) => {
switch (viewToCheck) {
case 'hex-view':
if (config.openHexView) {
case 'infoset-view':
if (config.openInfosetView) {
case 'infoset-diff-view':
if (config.openInfosetDiffView) {
export function getConfig(jsonArgs: object): vscode.DebugConfiguration {
const launchConfigArgs: VSCodeLaunchConfigArgs = JSON.parse(
// NOTE: Don't make this a static value as extension configuration may change while the extension is loaded.
const defaultConf = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration()
const defaultValues = {
program: defaultConf.get('program', '${command:AskForProgramName}'),
data: defaultConf.get('data', '${command:AskForDataName}'),
debugServer: defaultConf.get('debugServer', 4711),
infosetFormat: 'xml',
infosetOutput: defaultConf.get('infosetOutput', {
type: 'file',
path: '${workspaceFolder}/target/infoset.xml',
tdmlConfig: defaultConf.get('tdmlConfig', {
action: 'none',
name: '${command:AskForTDMLName}',
description: '${command:AskForTDMLDescription}',
path: '${command:AskForTDMLPath}',
stopOnEntry: defaultConf.get('stopOnEntry', true),
useExistingServer: defaultConf.get('useExistingServer', false),
trace: defaultConf.get('trace', true),
openHexView: defaultConf.get('openHexView', false),
openInfosetView: defaultConf.get('openInfosetView', false),
openInfosetDiffView: defaultConf.get('openInfosetDiffView', false),
daffodilDebugClasspath: defaultConf.get('daffodilDebugClasspath', ''),
dataEditor: defaultConf.get('dataEditor', {
port: 9000,
logging: {
level: 'info',
file: '${workspaceFolder}/dataEditor-${omegaEditPort}.log',
dfdlDebugger: defaultConf.get('dfdlDebugger', {
logging: {
level: 'INFO',
file: '/tmp/daffodil-debugger.log',
([key, defaultValue]) =>
(launchConfigArgs[key] =
launchConfigArgs[key] !== undefined
? launchConfigArgs[key]
: defaultValue)
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(launchConfigArgs))
export async function displayTerminalExitStatus(terminal: vscode.Terminal) {
vscode.window.onDidCloseTerminal((t) => {
if ( === && t.processId === terminal.processId) {
`Terminal exited with status code: ${t.exitStatus?.code}`
* Check if OS is windows, if so return windows option else return the mac and linux option.
* This method is used to elimate a lot duplicated code we had check if the os was windows related.
export function osCheck(winOption: any, macLinOption: any): any {
return os.platform().toLowerCase().startsWith('win')
? winOption
: macLinOption
export async function killProcess(id: number | undefined) {
if (id) {
osCheck(`taskkill /F /PID ${id}`, `kill -9 ${id} 2>&1 || echo 0`)
export const delay = (ms: number) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, ms))
// Grab active terminal if available and it can run a new command, else create new one
export const getTerminal = (
hideTerminal: boolean,
| {
[key: string]: string | null | undefined
| undefined,
createTerminal: boolean
) => {
if (!createTerminal) {
vscode.window.terminals.forEach((terminal) => {
if ( terminal.dispose()
// If no good active terminal available create new one
const terminal = vscode.window.createTerminal({
name: terminalName,
hideFromUser: hideTerminal,
// Looping to manual set all env variables. Setting "env: env" inside of createTerminal won't override variables already set
for (var key in env) {
if (key !== null && key !== undefined) {
let workspaceFolder = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders
? vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath
: ''
let exportVar = `${osCheck('set', 'export')} ${key}=${env[key]}`
if (exportVar.includes('${workspaceFolder}')) {
exportVar = exportVar.replaceAll('${workspaceFolder}', workspaceFolder)
terminal.sendText(exportVar, true)
return terminal
export async function runScript(
scriptPath: string,
scriptName: string,
createTerminal: boolean,
shellArgs: string[] = [],
| {
[key: string]: string | null | undefined
| undefined = undefined,
type: string = '',
hideTerminal: boolean = false,
port: number | undefined = undefined
) {
// Get the full path to the script
const scriptFullPath = path.join(scriptPath, 'bin', scriptName)
// Make sure the path exists
if (!fs.existsSync(scriptFullPath)) {
`Script path ${scriptFullPath} does not exist`
} else {
// Make sure the script is executable
if (!os.platform().toLowerCase().startsWith('win')) {
fs.chmodSync(scriptFullPath, 0o755)
const terminal = getTerminal(hideTerminal, env, createTerminal)
// Create debugger run command
const fullPathToScript = path
.join(scriptPath, 'bin', scriptName)
// fix pathing as emtpy space needs a \ before it to not cause errors
.replace(' ', '\\ ')
const debuggerRunCommand = `${fullPathToScript} ${shellArgs.join(' ')}`
// Send debugger run command to terminal, when exists terminal will stay open
if (!hideTerminal) {
await displayTerminalExitStatus(terminal)
if (type.includes('daffodil')) {
await delay(5000).then(() => {})
} else {
const wait_port = require('wait-port')
await wait_port({ host: '', port: port, output: 'silent' })
return terminal
* Search for an existing Omega Edit server and kill if desired.
* @param killOnFind Kill any OmegaEdit server found that is running. Defaults to True.
* @returns PID of the process found and/or killed. 0 if no server is found. -1 if a child_process error occurred.
export async function findExistingOmegaEditServer(
killOnFind: boolean = true
): Promise<number> {
let ret: number
const pid: string = child_process
osCheck('', "ps -a | grep omega-edit | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'")
pid === '' ? (ret = 0) : (ret = parseInt(pid))
if (ret > 0 && killOnFind) {
`Existing Omega Edit server found | Killing PID: ${ret} and restarting server.`
await killProcess(ret)
return ret
export function tmpFile(sid: string): string {
return `${os.tmpdir()}/infoset-${sid}.${getCurrentConfig().infosetFormat}`
export function ensureFile(path: string): string {
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
fs.writeFileSync(path, '')
return path