blob: 54cc93f18cdeaac10356f12c4a90ef7b8eb8d80c [file] [log] [blame]
From: %YOU%
Subject: [NOTICE] CouchDB %RELEASE_TYPE% release this month
Dear community,
This is advance notice that we plan to do a %RELEASE_TYPE% release this month.
The following versions are targeted:
Please use this time to review any outstanding changes to be made, merging them in as necessary. The current list of changes we expect to land for this release is here:
The current release note draft is here:
Please read this through and suggest any changes via PR against the apache/couchdb-documentation repository. The information was taken from the GitHub issue tracker and PR notes, and aims to be descriptive and useful to the average CouchDB user.
I will send out a follow-up reminder, with progress report, in one week.