blob: 7ae54cebf4a03e495bb2f5360a4b1cf20864a34d [file] [log] [blame]
From: %YOU%
Subject: Invitation to become a CouchDB committer
Dear %NAME%,
The Apache CouchDB Project Management Committee (PMC) would like to invite you to become a committer. Committers are given a binding vote in certain project decsions, as well as write access to public project infrastructure.
We value your contributions to date, and believe that you are committed to the project. We mean this in the sense of being loyal to the project and its interests. It is a position of trust, not an expectation of activity level.
You can read more about the role here:
Accepting this invitation does not obligate you in any way. The ASF is a volunteer organisation and it is normal for people's contribution levels to vary. We welcome more contributions from you, but there is no expectation, and this position of trust will not expire through inactivity.
Of course, you can decline and continue to contribute as you do now. If you do decline, it will be kept private, unless you say otherwise.
Either way, please let us know in reply to the list only. If you accept, we will announce your new position on the list after your account is created.
On behalf of the CouchDB PMC,