blob: de57471c2690241c81f3372fadb2ff7c4c479bc0 [file] [log] [blame]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Resources;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace WPCordovaClassLib.CordovaLib
class ConfigHandler
public class PluginConfig
public PluginConfig(string name, bool autoLoad = false)
Name = name;
isAutoLoad = autoLoad;
public string Name;
public bool isAutoLoad;
protected Dictionary<string, PluginConfig> AllowedPlugins;
protected List<string> AllowedDomains;
protected Dictionary<string, string> Preferences;
public string ContentSrc { get; private set; }
protected bool AllowAllDomains = false;
protected bool AllowAllPlugins = false;
public ConfigHandler()
AllowedPlugins = new Dictionary<string, PluginConfig>();
AllowedDomains = new List<string>();
Preferences = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public string GetPreference(string key)
return Preferences[key];
protected static string[] AllowedSchemes = { "http", "https", "ftp", "ftps" };
protected bool SchemeIsAllowed(string scheme)
return AllowedSchemes.Contains(scheme);
protected void AddWhiteListEntry(string origin, bool allowSubdomains)
if (origin == "*")
AllowAllDomains = true;
if (AllowAllDomains)
string hostMatchingRegex = "";
string hostName;
Uri uri = new Uri(origin.Replace("*", "replaced-text"), UriKind.Absolute);
string tempHostName = uri.Host.Replace("replaced-text", "*");
//if (uri.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.Dns){}
// starts with wildcard match - we make the first '.' optional (so '*.org.apache.cordova' will match 'org.apache.cordova')
if (tempHostName.StartsWith("*."))
{ //"(\\s{0}|*.)"
hostName = @"\w*.*" + tempHostName.Substring(2).Replace(".", @"\.").Replace("*", @"\w*");
hostName = tempHostName.Replace(".", @"\.").Replace("*", @"\w*");
// "^https?://"
hostMatchingRegex = uri.Scheme + "://" + hostName + uri.PathAndQuery;
Debug.WriteLine("Adding regex :: " + hostMatchingRegex);
catch (Exception)
Debug.WriteLine("Invalid Whitelist entry (probably missing the protocol):: " + origin);
An access request is granted for a given URI if there exists an item inside the access-request list such that:
- The URI's scheme component is the same as scheme; and
- if subdomains is false or if the URI's host component is not a domain name (as defined in [RFC1034]), the URI's host component is the same as host; or
- if subdomains is true, the URI's host component is either the same as host, or is a subdomain of host (as defined in [RFC1034]); and
- the URI's port component is the same as port.
public bool URLIsAllowed(string url)
// easy case first
if (this.AllowAllDomains)
return true;
// start simple
Uri uri = new Uri(url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
if (uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
if (this.SchemeIsAllowed(uri.Scheme))
// additional test because our pattern will always have a trailing '/'
string matchUrl = url;
if (uri.PathAndQuery == "/")
matchUrl = url + "/";
foreach (string pattern in AllowedDomains)
if (Regex.IsMatch(matchUrl, pattern))
// make sure it is at the start, and not part of the query string
// special case :: http://some.other.domain/page.html?x=1&g=
if (Regex.IsMatch(uri.Scheme + "://" + uri.Host + "/", pattern) ||
(!Regex.IsMatch(uri.PathAndQuery, pattern)))
return true;
return true;
return false;
public bool IsPluginAllowed(string key)
return AllowAllPlugins || AllowedPlugins.Keys.Contains(key);
public string[] AutoloadPlugins
// TODO:
var res = from results in AllowedPlugins.TakeWhile(p => p.Value.isAutoLoad)
select results.Value.Name;
return new string[] { "", "asd" };
private void LoadPluginFeatures(XDocument document)
var plugins = from results in document.Descendants("plugin")
select new
name = (string)results.Attribute("name"),
autoLoad = results.Attribute("onload")
foreach (var plugin in plugins)
Debug.WriteLine("Warning: Deprecated use of <plugin> by plugin : " +;
PluginConfig pConfig = new PluginConfig(, plugin.autoLoad != null && plugin.autoLoad.Value == "true");
if (pConfig.Name == "*")
AllowAllPlugins = true;
// break; wait, don't, some still could be autoload
AllowedPlugins[pConfig.Name] = pConfig;
var features = document.Descendants("feature");
foreach (var feature in features)
var name = feature.Attribute("name");
var values = from results in feature.Descendants("param")
where ((string)results.Attribute("name") == "wp-package")
select results;
var value = values.FirstOrDefault();
if(value != null)
string key = (string)value.Attribute("value");
Debug.WriteLine("Adding feature.value=" + key);
var onload = value.Attribute("onload");
PluginConfig pConfig = new PluginConfig(key,onload != null && onload.Value == "true");
AllowedPlugins[key] = pConfig;
public void LoadAppPackageConfig()
StreamResourceInfo streamInfo = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("config.xml", UriKind.Relative));
if (streamInfo != null)
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(streamInfo.Stream);
//This will Read Keys Collection for the xml file
XDocument document = XDocument.Parse(sr.ReadToEnd());
var preferences = from results in document.Descendants("preference")
select new
name = (string)results.Attribute("name"),
value = (string)results.Attribute("value")
foreach (var pref in preferences)
Preferences[] = pref.value;
Debug.WriteLine("pref" + + ", " + pref.value);
var accessList = from results in document.Descendants("access")
select new
origin = (string)results.Attribute("origin"),
subdomains = (string)results.Attribute("subdomains") == "true"
foreach (var accessElem in accessList)
AddWhiteListEntry(accessElem.origin, accessElem.subdomains);
var contentsTag = document.Descendants("content").FirstOrDefault();
if (contentsTag != null)
var src = contentsTag.Attribute("src");
ContentSrc = (string)src.Value;
// no config.xml, allow all
AllowAllDomains = true;
AllowAllPlugins = true;