* text eol=lf | |
# source code | |
*.php text | |
*.css text | |
*.sass text | |
*.scss text | |
*.less text | |
*.styl text | |
*.js text | |
*.coffee text | |
*.json text | |
*.htm text | |
*.html text | |
*.xml text | |
*.svg text | |
*.txt text | |
*.ini text | |
*.inc text | |
*.pl text | |
*.rb text | |
*.py text | |
*.scm text | |
*.sql text | |
*.sh text | |
*.bat text | |
# templates | |
*.ejs text | |
*.hbt text | |
*.jade text | |
*.haml text | |
*.hbs text | |
*.dot text | |
*.tmpl text | |
*.phtml text | |
# server config | |
.htaccess text | |
# git config | |
.gitattributes text | |
.gitignore text | |
.gitconfig text | |
# code analysis config | |
.jshintrc text | |
.jscsrc text | |
.jshintignore text | |
.csslintrc text | |
# misc config | |
*.yaml text | |
*.yml text | |
.editorconfig text | |
# build config | |
*.npmignore text | |
*.bowerrc text | |
# Heroku | |
Procfile text | |
.slugignore text | |
# Documentation | |
*.md text | |
LICENSE text | |
AUTHORS text | |
# | |
## These files are binary and should be left untouched | |
# | |
# (binary is a macro for -text -diff) | |
*.png binary | |
*.jpg binary | |
*.jpeg binary | |
*.gif binary | |
*.ico binary | |
*.mov binary | |
*.mp4 binary | |
*.mp3 binary | |
*.flv binary | |
*.fla binary | |
*.swf binary | |
*.gz binary | |
*.zip binary | |
*.7z binary | |
*.ttf binary | |
*.eot binary | |
*.woff binary | |
*.pyc binary | |
*.pdf binary | |
*.tt binary | |
*.tgz binary |