blob: 7bbcc41f8edfbdc1c1b8478ce0330b584978e42f [file] [log] [blame]
# some of the settings in this file get overwritten in later config
# files like _prod.yml, _dev.yml, and _defaults.yml
# =======
# Site settings
# =======
title: Apache Cordova
title_suffix: "Apache Cordova"
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol
baseurl: "" # the subpath of the site, e.g. /blog; NOTE: no trailing slash
rss_path: /feed.xml
description: >
Apache Cordova is a set of device APIs that allow a web mobile app
developer to access native device function from JavaScript.
excerpt_separator: <!--more-->
# the version to which /latest/ points
# this value gets overwritten in _version.yml, which is a generated file
latest_docs_version: dev
# the docs version that is shown by default when clicking on docs links on the site
default_linked_docs_version: latest
# the language that serves as the source for the translations
src_language: en
# this value _might_ get overwritten on some pages;
# see _defaults.yml, which is a generated file
language: en
# this value gets overwritten in _defaults.yml, which is a generated file
# =======
# Build settings
# =======
source: www
destination: build-dev
# don't erase these files in the output directory
keep_files: [".git", ".svn", "wiki-images", "images", "downloads"]
lsi: false # don't produce an index for related posts
safe: false # disables plugins
markdown: redcarpet
# this enables code blocks denoted by backticks, like in GFM
# this is turned on by default by Jekyll, but is still
# specified explicitly here in case the defaults change
- fenced_code_blocks
# this allows code blocks and HTML blocks to
# not have a leading or trailing newline
- lax_spacing
# allows tables
- tables
# surrounds highlighted text with <mark>s
- highlight
highlighter: rouge
input: GFM
hard_wrap: false
syntax_highlighter: rouge
# exclude these directories from the build
- static/css-src
algolia_api_key: "0a916ab198bd93d031aa70611271e42e"