Dec 2018 Tools Released Blog Post (#922)

diff --git a/www/_posts/ b/www/_posts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27c2f0f
--- /dev/null
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+layout: post
+    name: Bryan Ellis
+title:  "Tools Released!"
+categories: news
+tags: release tools
+We are happy to announce that we have just released an update to our tools!
+* [cordova-app-hello-world@4.0.0](
+* [cordova-fetch@2.0.0](
+* [cordova-js@5.0.0](
+* [cordova-serve@3.0.0](
+## Release Highlights
+As NodeJS 4.x support has been dropped by the NodeJS team on April 30th, 2018, we have raised the minimum required NodeJS version for this release to 6.x.
+Please report any issues you find at [](!
+# Changes include:
+## cordova-app-hello-world
+* [GH-24]( Absorb cordova-template-reference 
+* Slight CSS modernization & use system fonts
+* [CB-12886]( Fix for safe-area handling on iOS 11+
+* [CB-14098]( Remove unused res folder
+* [CB-12397]( fix .gitignore for plugins & platforms
+* [CB-12762]( point package.json repo items to github instead of apache mirrors site
+## cordova-fetch
+* [GH-56]( Bump dependency cordova-common@3 and fs-extra@7
+* [GH-48]( Added test coverage
+* [GH-49]( Drop Q usage for native promises
+* [GH-50]( Handle broken `NODE_PATH` setups gracefully
+* [GH-44]( Look for node_modules in any recursive parent directory
+* [GH-26]( [CB-14173]( Fix cordova `<platform|plugin> add --link`
+* [GH-24]( [CB-14133]( Avoid fetching already installed packages
+* [GH-23]( [CB-14140]( Remove shelljs
+* [GH-18]( Simplify installation location retrieval
+* [GH-22]( Handle missing options
+* [GH-21]( [CB-14066]( Drop support for Node 4
+* [CB-13503]( fix trimID bug when using `file:path/to/plugin`
+* [GH-12]( Enabling support for git+http
+## cordova-js
+* [GH-168]( [CB-14071]( Drop Node 4 Support
+* [GH-162]( [CB-14156]( Remove Browserify
+* [GH-175]( Remove support for deprecated platforms, unused dependency (express) and unused tasks
+## cordova-serve
+* [GH-14]( [CB-14198]( (all) Fix bug when running `simulate --target=` under non-US Windows 10
+* [GH-15]( Don't restore mocked resource prior to resolution
+* [GH-13]( Dependency updates & replacing shelljs with which
+* [GH-12]( [CB-14069]( Drop Node 4, Add Node 10 Support
+* [GH-10]( [CB-14191]( (android) Fix bug with module requiring