March 2020 Cordova Common 4.0.0 Release Blog Post (#1071)

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+layout: post
+    name: Bryan Ellis
+title:  "Cordova Common 4.0.0 Released!"
+categories: announcements
+tags: news releases
+We are happy to announce that `cordova-common@4.0.0` was released in March 2020. This is one of the libraries used behind-the-scenes by nearly all of the Cordova tooling and provides utilities for dealing with things like `config.xml` parsing.
+## Release Highlights
+The most notable changes in this major release are:
+* [GH-94]( fix: `PluginInfoProvider` for scoped plugins
+* [GH-90]( chore: drop node 6 and 8 support
+As Node.js 6.x and 8.x support has been dropped, we have raised the minimum required Node.js version for this release to 10.x.
+# Changes include:
+* [GH-140]( breaking: bump all dependencies to latest
+  * bump `fs-extra@^9.0.0`
+  * bump `@cordova/eslint-config@^3.0.0`
+  * bump `jasmine-spec-reporter@^5.0.1`
+  * bump Github Actions `actions/checkout@v2`
+* [GH-139]( chore: various cleanup tasks
+* [GH-138]( chore(dependency): update dev & non-dev dependencies
+* [GH-137]( refactor: transform `var` to `let`/`const`
+* [GH-136]( ci: final migration to actions
+* [GH-85]( style: improve line spacing & group like items
+* [GH-124]( fix(`ConfigFile`): correctly resolve *-Info.plist file path
+* [GH-135]( fix(`ConfigFile`): Normalize globbed file paths
+* [GH-134]( test(`ConfigFile`): minor improvements
+* [GH-121]( feat(`CordovaError`): support for error cause & more
+* [GH-133]( refactor(`ConfigParser`): cleanup & simplify
+* [GH-132]( refactor(`PluginInfo`): cleanup & simplify
+* [GH-131]( refactor(misc): cleanup & simplify
+* [GH-130]( refactor(`ConfigChanges`): simplify
+* [GH-128]( refactor(`xml-helpers`): DRY & simplify
+* [GH-129]( fix: broken lock file from [#95](
+* [GH-127]( refactor(`munge-util`): DRY & simplify
+* [GH-95]( TEST: Test using GitHub workflows for CI
+* [GH-125]( test(`ConfigFile`): group & cleanup tests
+* [GH-126]( chore!: remove main export `mungeUtil`
+* [GH-123]( refactor: `FileUpdater`
+* [GH-119]( refactor: use ES6 classes where applicable
+* [GH-118]( refactor: use template strings where applicable
+* [GH-116]( refactor: use property shorthand notation
+* [GH-115]( refactor: transform `var` to `let`/`const`
+* [GH-114]( refactor: do not alias `this`
+* [GH-113]( refactor: use arrow functions where applicable
+* [GH-120]( refactor: move `CordovaError` module up
+* [GH-117]( refactor(`CordovaError`)!: remove unused features
+* [GH-111]( chore: remove support for ubuntu platform
+* [GH-109]( chore: consolidate eslint configs
+* [GH-108]( style: drop jasmine env workaround
+* [GH-105]( refactor: eslint setup
+* [GH-107]( test: always run code coverage during `npm test`
+* [GH-106]( ci(travis): run codecov using npx in `after_success`
+* [GH-103]( chore: bump production dependencies
+* [GH-101]( chore: update jasmine dependencies & config
+* [GH-100]( chore: replace `instanbul` w/ `nyc`
+* [GH-102]( chore: drop unused & unneeded dependencies
+* [GH-104]( chore: improve npm ignore list
+* [GH-96]( feat: Replace `addProperty` with ES6 getters
+* [GH-71]( chore: update `strip-bom@4`
+* [GH-90]( chore: drop node 6 and 8 support
+* [GH-97]( Use `Array.prototype.find` in `CordovaError`
+* [GH-93]( Re-apply fix for failing `CordovaError` test
+* [GH-92]( Remove obsolete JSHint comments
+* [GH-87]( Convert `CordovaError` to ES6 class