release(electron): 2.0.0 blog post (#1124)

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+layout: post
+    name: Bryan Ellis
+title:  "Cordova Electron 2.0.0 Released!"
+categories: announcements
+tags: news releases
+We are happy to announce that we have just released `Cordova Electron 2.0.0`!  This is one of Cordova's supported platforms for building Electron applications.
+* [cordova-electron@2.0.0](
+## Release Highlights
+**To upgrade:**
+cordova platform remove electron
+cordova platform add electron@2.0.0
+**To install:**
+cordova platform add electron@2.0.0
+Some of the notable breaking changes & new features in this release are:
+* The **Electron** core dependencies have been updated.
+  * **Electron**: 10.1.2
+  * **Chromium**: 85.0.4183.98
+  * **Node**: v12.16.3
+  * **V8**: v8.5
+* **NodeJS** 6 and 8 is no longer supported. This release requires the development environment to have **NodeJS** 10.x or higher. It is recommended to use the current LTS, which is `12.18.4` at the time of this release.
+* DevTool extensions can now be added to debug builds to improve debugging capabilities. [GH-160](
+* Support for using the custom `scheme` and `hostname` `preference` flags is now available. It can be easily configured in your Cordova project by setting the preference options `scheme` and `hostname` in the `config.xml` file.
+    ```xml
+    <preference name="scheme" value="app" />
+    <preference name="hostname" value="localhost" />
+    ```
+* Support passing of **Electron** arguments to the `cordova run` command. This is useful to pass the inspect flag to debug the main process.
+For a quick start guide and in-depth configuration setup, please check out our [Cordova Electron Documentation](!
+Please report any issues you find at [](!
+# Changes include:
+## Project Dependencies
+* `cordova-common@^4.0.2`
+* `electron@10.1.2`
+* `electron-builder@^22.8.1`
+* `electron-devtools-installer@^3.1.1`
+* `execa@^4.0.3`
+* `fs-extra@^9.0.1`
+## Breaking Changes
+* [GH-162]( breaking: use platform config parser
+* [GH-152]( breaking: bump `electron` & `electron-builder`
+* [GH-151]( breaking: bump `cordova-common@4.0.1`
+* [GH-145]( breaking(`npm`): update dependencies
+* [GH-142]( breaking: restructure the platform lib code
+* [GH-138]( breaking: remove platform-centered workflow
+* [GH-69]( breaking: drop `node` 6 and 8 support
+## Features
+* [GH-160]( feat: install devtool extensions for debug builds
+* [GH-154]( feature: support custom `scheme` & `hostname`
+* [GH-148]( feat: support **Electron** arguments on run command
+* [GH-112]( feat: move ci to gh-actions
+* [GH-81]( feat: Support Loading Local HTML Files or Remote URL in the `BrowserWindow`
+## Refactor
+* [GH-156]( refactor: remove more platform-centered files & update code
+* [GH-153]( refactor: cleanup unused code
+* [GH-129]( refactor (`create`): simplify project creation
+* [GH-124]( refactor: transform `for`
+* [GH-123]( refactor: transform `template` strings
+* [GH-122]( refactor: transform `object` shorthand
+* [GH-121]( refactor: transform `arrow` functions & `arrow` returns
+* [GH-120]( refactor: transform `var` to `let`/`const`
+* [GH-116]( refactor: remove `shelljs` and update tests
+* [GH-118]( refator: replace `shelljs`/`spawn` with `execa`
+* [GH-113]( refactor: `eslint` setup
+## Fix
+* [GH-158]( fix(build): format `top-level` key for `nsis-web`
+* [GH-136]( fix(npm-script): prepack
+## Chore, CI, & Test
+* [GH-168]( chore: bump dependencies & related usage
+* [GH-165]( chore: bump dependencies to latest
+* [GH-164]( chore: bump **Electron** related dependencies
+* [GH-147]( chore: various cleanup
+* [GH-144]( chore(npm): bump `@cordova/eslint-config@^3.0.0` w/ lint fix
+* [GH-125]( chore: configure app rel dependencies as abs paths
+* [GH-117]( chore: update **Electron** dependencies
+* [GH-128]( chore: update `package.json`
+* [GH-114]( chore: update `jasmine` dependency
+* [GH-110]( chore: bump version to 2.0.0-dev
+* [GH-96]( chore: fix typo
+* [GH-67]( chore: update development dependencies
+* [GH-68]( chore: bump **Electron** dependencies
+* chore(asf): update git notification settings
+* Update
+* [GH-157]( ci: add node 14 to workflow
+* [GH-146]( ci: update workflow
+* [GH-141]( test (node-12.16.x): fix failures caused by shebang and rewire lint
+* [GH-131]( test: refactor with minor fixes & improvements