fix typo
diff --git a/www/docs/en/dev/config_ref/ b/www/docs/en/dev/config_ref/
index 310ec20..64b0819 100644
--- a/www/docs/en/dev/config_ref/
+++ b/www/docs/en/dev/config_ref/
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
 Min/Max Version(Regex) <br/> ==Windows== | Allowed values: **/(Microsoft.+? &#124; Windows.+?)-(MinVersion &#124; MaxVersionTested)/i** <br/> Identifies the ecosystems and their min/max versions the app is compatible with. There are three parts to each value: the **SDK**, the **version restriction**, and the **version value**.  These preferences are detected by beginning with `Windows` or `Microsoft` and ending in `-MinVersion` or `-MaxVersionTested`: <ul><li>The **SDK** defines what specialized platform you want to target.  The default is `Windows.Universal`.  Valid values for these are defined in the AppxManifest schema, in the `Package/Dependencies/TargetPlatform` elements.</li><li>The **version restriction** defines application compatibility rules.  For example, if the `-MinVersion` is set to, then OS versions which don't support at least of the corresponding SDK won't be able to load it. Similarly you can also use `-MaxVersionTested` which specifies the highest-tested version of the SDK. If a new version of the corresponding SDK is released, it will run in compatibility mode for the specified version.</li><li>The **version value** is a 4-integer tuple in the form of **.</li></ul> If no preferences of these types are specified in your config.xml file, then Windows.Universal version will be chosen by default. <br/> **Note:** These preferences are only set in the appxmanifest files of the desired target-platform and not in the jsproj files.
 Orientation(string) | *Default: default* <br/> Allowed values: default, landscape, portrait <br/> Allows you to lock orientation and prevent the interface from rotating in response to changes in orientation. <br/> **NOTE:** The default value means Cordova will strip the orientation preference entry from the platform's manifest/configuration file allowing the platform to fallback to its default behavior. For iOS, to specify both portrait & landscape mode you would use the platform specific value 'all'.
 OSXLocalStoragePath(string) <br/> ==OS X== | *Default: `~/Library/Application Support/{}`* <br/> **(OS X 4.0.0+)** Sets the directory for the local storage path.
-OverrideUserAgent(string) <br/> ==Android== ==iOS== | If set, the value will replace the old UserAgent of webview. It is helpful to identify the request from app/browser when requesting remote pages. Use with caution, this may causes compitiable issue with web servers. For most cases, use AppendUserAgent instead.
+OverrideUserAgent(string) <br/> ==Android== ==iOS== | If set, the value will replace the old UserAgent of webview. It is helpful to identify the request from app/browser when requesting remote pages. Use with caution, this may cause compatibility issues with web servers. For most cases, use AppendUserAgent instead.
 PageLength(float) <br/> ==iOS== | *Default: 0* <br/>  The size of each page, in points, in the direction that the pages flow. When PaginationMode is right to left or left to right, this property represents the width of each page. When PaginationMode is topToBottom or bottomToTop, this property represents the height of each page. The default value is 0, which means the layout uses the size of the viewport to determine the dimensions of the page.
 PaginationBreakingMode(string) <br/> ==iOS== | *Default: page* <br/> Allowed values: page, column <br/>  Valid values are page and column.The manner in which column- or page-breaking occurs. This property determines whether certain CSS properties regarding column- and page-breaking are honored or ignored. When this property is set to column, the content respects the CSS properties related to column-breaking in place of page-breaking.
 PaginationMode(string) <br/> ==iOS== | *Default: unpaginated* <br/> Allowed values: unpaginated, leftToRight, topToBottom, bottomToTop, rightToLeft <br/>  This property determines whether content in the web view is broken up into pages that fill the view one screen at a time,or shown as one long scrolling view. If set to a paginated form, this property toggles a paginated layout on the content, causing the web view to use the values of PageLength and GapBetweenPages to relayout its content.