blob: 101920091be44888280a128ed420de33bfdae2a8 [file] [log] [blame]
cordova command [options]
Global Commands
create <PATH> [ID] [NAME] ................ creates a cordova project in the specified PATH, with
optional NAME and ID (reverse-domain-style package name)
help ..................................... shows this syntax summary
info ..................................... print out useful information helpful for submitting bug
reports and getting help. Creates a info.txt file at the
base of your project
Project-Level Commands
platform(s) [{add|remove|rm} <PLATFORM>] .. add or remove a specified PLATFORM, OR
[{list|ls}] ................... list all installed, available and unavailable platforms
plugin(s) [{add|remove|rm} <PATH|URI>] .... add or remove a plugin from the specified PATH or URI, OR
[{ls|list}] ..................... list all currently installed plugins
prepare [PLATFORM..] ...................... copies files for specified platforms, or all platforms,
so that the project is ready to build in each SDK.
compile [PLATFORM..] ...................... builds the app for specified platforms, or all platforms
build [PLATFORM...] ....................... shortcut for prepare, then compile
emulate [PLATFORM...] ..................... deploys app in specified (or all) platform emulator(s),
opening emulator if necessary
run [PLATFORM...] ......................... deploys app on specified (or all) platform devices, which
must be properly connected and configured in each SDK
serve [PORT] .............................. runs a local web server for www/ assets. Port defaults to 8000.
Access projects at: http://HOST_IP:PORT/PLATFORM/www
Command-line Flags/Options
-v, --version ............................. prints out this utility's version
-d, --verbose ............................. debug mode produces verbose log output for all activity,
including output of sub-commands cordova invokes
Example usage
$ cordova create Baz
$ cd Baz
$ cordova platform add android
$ cordova build
$ cordova serve android