blob: 73d96890cefdcc4bccf461052d55c181c41cb999 [file] [log] [blame]
cordova-cli plugin <command> [options]
Manage project plugins
add <pluginid>|<directory>|<giturl> [...] ..... add specified plugins
pluginid will be matched in --searchpath / registry
directory is a directory containing a plugin
giturl is a git repo containing a plugin
[--searchpath <directory>] ................ when looking up plugins by ID, look in this directory and
each of its subdirectories for the plugin before hitting the registry.
Multiple search paths can be used by either specifying the flag multiple
times, or by separating paths with a delimiter (: on 'nix, ; on Windows).
[--noregistry] ............................ don't search the registry for plugins
[--link] .................................. when installing from a local path, creates a symbolic link to the plugin
instead of copying files. The extent to which files are linked vs copied
varies by platform. Useful for plugin development.
[--save] .................................. save the information for specified plugin into config.xml
[--shrinkwrap] ............................ used together with --save, saves the installed version number to config.xml
remove <pluginid> [...] ....................... remove plugins with the given IDs
[--save] ................................... remove the information for specified plugin into config.xml
list .......................................... list currently installed plugins
search [<keyword>] [...] ...................... search the plugin registry for plugins matching the keywords
plugins -> plugin
rm -> remove
ls -> list
Experimental Flags
--browserify .......................... Plugins javascript gets loaded at build time instead of runtime using browserify.
Replaces cordovajs file with one that includes the JS of the installed plugins.