blob: 3361dd378c2f5320bac5ead9ef7d117207fac0c9 [file] [log] [blame]
cordova command [options]
Global Commands
create <PATH> [ID [NAME [CONFIG]]] ....... creates a cordova project in the specified PATH, with
ID reverse-domain-style package name - used in <widget id>
NAME is a human readable field
CONFIG is a json string whose key/values will be included
in [PATH]/.codova/config.json
help ..................................... shows this syntax summary
info ..................................... print out useful information helpful for submitting bug
reports and getting help. Creates an info.txt file at the
base of your project
Project-Level Commands
platform(s) [{add|remove|rm} <PLATFORM>] .. add or remove a specified PLATFORM, OR
[{list|ls}] ................... list all installed and available platforms
[{update|up} <PLATFORM>] ...... update the version of cordova used for a specific
PLATFORM; use after updating the CLI.
plugin(s) [{add|remove|rm} <PATH|URI>] .... add or remove a plugin from the specified PATH or URI, OR
[{ls|list}] ..................... list all currently installed plugins
[search <keyword1 keyword2...>] . search the plugin registry for plugins matching the keywords
prepare [PLATFORM..] ...................... copies files for specified platforms, or all platforms,
so that the project is ready to build in each SDK
compile [PLATFORM..] ...................... builds the app for specified platforms, or all platforms
build [PLATFORM...] ....................... shortcut for prepare, then compile
emulate [PLATFORM...] ..................... deploys app in specified (or all) platform emulator(s),
opening each emulator if necessary
run [PLATFORM...] ......................... deploys app on specified (or all) platform devices, which
must be properly connected and configured in each SDK
serve [PORT] .............................. runs a local web server for www/ assets. Port defaults to 8000.
Access projects at: http://HOST_IP:PORT/PLATFORM/www
Command-line Flags/Options
-v, --version ............................. prints out this utility's version
-d, --verbose ............................. debug mode produces verbose log output for all activity,
including output of sub-commands cordova invokes
Example usage
$ cordova create Baz
$ cd Baz
$ cordova platform add android
$ cordova build
$ cordova serve android