blob: 9922fe4a2e13438a4b41d5b0adf4efc1a64dcf95 [file] [log] [blame]
cordova-cli command [options]
Global Commands
create ............................. Create a project
help ............................... Get help for a command
Project Commands
info ............................... Generate project information
platform ........................... Manage project platforms
plugin ............................. Manage project plugins
prepare ............................ Copy files into platform(s) for building
compile ............................ Build platform(s)
run ................................ Run project
(including prepare && compile)
serve .............................. Run project with a local webserver
(including prepare)
build -> cordova-cli prepare && cordova-cli compile
emulate -> cordova-cli run --emulator
Experimental Commands
These commands require the --experimental flag.
save ............................... Save installed platforms/plugins
restore ............................ Restore saved platforms/plugins
Command-line Flags/Options
-v, --version ...................... prints out this utility's version
-d, --verbose ...................... debug mode produces verbose log output for all activity,
including output of sub-commands cordova-cli invokes