blob: 73510d0b126a2ac5d396538a1cd1b9683ba06562 [file] [log] [blame]
cordova command [options]
Global Commands
create [path] [id] [name] ......... creates a cordova project in the specified directory optional name and id (package name, reverse-domain style)
Project-Level Commands
platform(s) [add|remove|ls [name]] ... adds or removes a platform, or lists all currently-added platforms
plugin(s) [add|remove|ls [path]] ..... adds or removes a plugin (from the specified path), or lists all currently-added plugins
prepare [platform...] ................ copies files into the specified platforms, or all platforms
it is then ready for building by Eclipse/Xcode/etc
compile [platform...] ................ builds the app for the specified (or all) platforms
build [platform...]................... alias for prepare and then compile
emulate [platform...] ................ starts emulator for the specified (or all) platforms, then deploys application to emulator
run [platform...] .................... deployes the application to the specified (or all) platform devices, which must be
connected and configured for running via your machine
serve <platform> [port] .............. runs a local web server for the www/ directory of the given platform
the default port is 8000
note that you must edit the native code to point at the server!
ripple <platform> [port] ............. uses the serve command as a base and then wraps the server
with ripple to test your app in your desktop browser
help ................................. shows this!
Command-line Flags/Options
-v, --version ......................... prints out this utility's version
-d, --verbose ......................... debug, or verbose, mode. Makes this utility very chatty, logging everything it does, including
redirecting output of commands it shells out to back to stdout
Example usage
$ cordova create Baz
$ cd Baz
$ cordova platform add android
$ cordova build
$ cordova serve android