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<h1>Upgrade Path</h1>
This section discusses the changes you will need to make when upgrading from
one Click version to the next. Please note while the upmost effort is made to ensure
there is no impact between releases, some architectural changes will require
you to modify existing applications to upgrade to a newer version.
If you experience any unexpected and undocumented impacts when upgrading between
versions please email the Click user group.
<h2>Version Upgrades</h2>
<dt><a name="2.2.0"></a>
<div class="release-header">Version 2.2.0 Upgrade</div></dt>
<ul style="padding: 0em; margin-left:0em;margin-bottom: 2em">
<li class="change"><a name="migrate-imports"></a>
Migrated Click Controls from the old string based
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Control.html#getHtmlImports()">HTML imports</a>
to the new <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/element/Element.html">Element</a>
based <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Control.html#getHeadElements()">HEAD elements</a>.
Unfortunately this change can lead to runtime behavioral errors for
applications using the string based <tt>getHtmlImports</tt> approach.
As runtime errors are often more expensive to fix than compile time errors,
we have decided to remove the <tt>getHtmlImports</tt> method from the
Page and Control classes. In addition we have set <tt>getHtmlImports</tt>
to <tt>final</tt> in Page and Control. This ensures existing codebases
don't accidentally override this method in custom controls and pages.
In a future release of Click these final methods will be removed as well.
This means Click 2.2.0 will force you to migrate from <tt>getHtmlImports</tt>
to <tt>getHeadElements</tt>.
Here is a typical example of converting a <tt>getHtmlImports</tt> method
to <tt>getHeadElements</tt>.
<pre class="prettyprint">
public class MyPage extends BorderPage {
protected static final String HTML_IMPORT =
"&lt;link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" src=\"{0}/js/mylib.css\"/&gt;\n"
+ "&lt;script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{0}/js/mylib.js\"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;\n"
+ "&lt;script type=\"text/javascript\"&gt;alert('Hello World!');&lt;/script&gt;\n";
public String getHtmlImports() {
String[] args = { getContext().getRequest().getContextPath() };
return MessageFormat.format(HTML_IMPORTS, args);
<pre class="prettyprint">
public class MyPage extends BorderPage {
public List getHeadElements() {
// Cater for stateful pages. If you don't use stateful pages you don't need this check
if (headElements == null) {
headElements = super.getHeadElements();
headElements.add(new CssImport("/js/mylib.css"));
headElements.add(new JsImport("/js/mylib.js"));
JsScript script = new JsScript();
script.setContent("alert('Hello World!');");
return headElements;
<li class="change">
Field disabled behavior has changed slightly. In previous versions,
disabled fields were processed and validated which isn't the desired
behavior since HTML form POSTs do not submit disabled fields values.
In addition Form copied disabled field values to domain objects.
Starting from Click 2.2.0 the disabled behavior has changed as follows:
Disabled fields are not processed or validated
Disabled field values are not copied to domain objects
Disabled fields are automatically enabled if the field has an
incoming request parameter, indicating that the field was enabled
on the client using JavaScript. Please note that this behavior does
not apply to Checkbox or Radio fields. See the
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/control/Field.html#setDisabled(boolean)">setDisabled()</a>
javadoc for details.
<li class="change">
In previous releases, the default autobinding mode (<tt>public</tt>)
binded only public Page fields. In 2.2.0 the default autobinding mode
has been replaced with a new <tt>default</tt> mode which binds both
public fields and fields annotated with the @Bindable annotation.
Please note, for backward compatibility the autobinding attribute still
accepts the <tt>public</tt> value.
<li class="change">
Added new method <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/control/Container.html#replace( Control, Control)">Container.replace</a>
for replacing an existing control with a new control. AbstractContainer
has an implementation of this method which should cater for most use cases.
If however you have custom controls that override the
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/control/Container.html#insert(, int)">insert</a> or
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/control/Container.html#add(">add</a>
methods, you need to ensure that
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/control/Container.html#replace(,">replace</a>
will function correctly for your control.
For example, if a custom insert method adds the control to an
internal list the <tt>replace</tt> method must be overridden to replace
the control on that list as well.
<dt><a name="2.1.0"></a>
<div class="release-header">Version 2.1.0 Upgrade</div></dt>
<ul style="padding: 0em; margin-left:0em;margin-bottom: 2em">
<li class="change">
Requires Java version 1.5 or later.
<li class="change">
Deprecated methods: <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Control.html#getHtmlImports()">Control.getHtmlImports()</a> and
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Page.html#getHtmlImports()">Page.getHtmlImports()</a>.
These methods have been deprecated in favor of
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Control.html#getHeadElements()">Control.getHeadElements()</a>
and <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Page.html#getHeadElements()">Page.getHeadElements()</a>.
<li class="change">
Deprecated methods: <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Page.html#getPageImports()">Page.getPageImports()</a>
and <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Page.html#setPageImports(">Page.setPageImports()</a>.
These methods have been deprecated in favor of
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Page.html#getHeadElements()">Page.getHeadElements()</a>.
<li class="change">
Click automatically deploy resources from JARs and folders on the
classpath that are located under a predefined directory. In previous
versions of Click that directory was <tt>META-INF/web</tt>.
The new Servlet 3.0 specification introduced a similar concept where
resources can be packaged in a JAR and served directly without having
to be deployed. The directory defined by Servlet 3.0 is
Click 2.1.0 aligns with Servlet 3.0 in that resources are also deployed
from <tt>META-INF/resources</tt>.
For backwards compatibility Click will still deploy resources from
<tt>META-INF/web</tt>, however it is highly recommended to deploy
resources from <tt>META-INF/resources</tt> instead.
<dt><a name="2.0.1"></a>
<div class="release-header">Version 2.0.1 Upgrade</div></dt>
<div style="margin-top: 15px; margin-left:-2em;margin-bottom:1em;">
This is our first Apache Incubator release and is based on <a href="#1.5.1">Click 1.5.1</a>.
Please note that because of licensing issues, certain third-party
libraries were removed and are hosted externally.
Note the following changes when upgrading from 1.5 to 2.0.1:
<ul style="padding: 0em; margin-left:0em;margin-bottom: 2em">
<li class="change">
All <tt>*</tt> packages have been renamed to <tt>*</tt>.
When upgrading you must replace all references to <tt>*</tt> with
You can use your favorite IDE and do a global search/replace or
alternatively use Ant's <a target="blank" class="external" href="">replace task</a>.
Make sure you update the files <tt>web.xml</tt> and <tt>click.xml</tt> as well.
<li class="change">
JSCalendar which is licensed under LGPL is incompatible with Apache license
and had to be removed. DateField was refactored accordingly and does
not contain any Calendar specific code.
The following methods were removed:
<tt>public String getCalendarPattern()</tt>
<tt>public boolean getShowTime()</tt> and <tt>public void setShowTime(boolean showTime)</tt>
<tt>public String getStyle()</tt> and <tt>public void setStyle(String style)</tt>
<tt>protected int getFirstDayOfWeek()</tt>
<tt>protected String parseDateFormatPattern(String pattern)</tt>
Since the calendar popup is not available to help users pick dates, it
becomes difficult for users to know the format of the Date.
To remedy this situation, Click 2.0.1 introduces a new resource key,
<tt>date-title</tt>, which is set as the title of DateField. The new
property provides users with visual feedback of the <tt>date format</tt>
specified on the DateField. For those building i18n applications remember to add this property
to <span style="color:navy;">DateField_&lt;lang&gt;.properties.</span>
You can also send us patches for your languages and we will
include it in the distribution.
A new project called <a target="blank" class="external" href="">Click Calendar</a>
was created as a port of the old DateField functionality. This project
contains a CalendarField which can be used as a replacement for the
old DateField.
For example to have the popup Calendar functionality replace this:
<pre class="prettyprint">
DateField dateField = new DateField("date");
with this:
<pre class="prettyprint">
DateField dateField = new CalendarField("date");
CalendarField subclasses DateField so the above snippet is valid.
See the <a target="blank" class="external" href="">Click Calendar</a>
project for more details.
<li class="change">
The Chart controls which is licensed under LGPL is incompatible with
Apache license and had to be moved.
A new project called <a target="blank" class="external" href="">Click Charts</a>
was created as a port of the Chart controls. This project consists of
the BarChart, LineChart and PieChart controls and can be used as drop
in replacements. See the project for more details.
<li class="change">
The ColorPicker was replaced by Sebo Zoltan's implementation, available from
<a target="blank" class="external" href=""></a>.
Changes was only made to the JavaScript, CSS and
images. The ColorPicker API remains unchanged.
<li class="change">
The RichTextArea, found in Click examples, was based upon the
<a target="blank" class="external" href="">TinyMCE</a>
project (LGPL) and was replaced by the <a target="blank" class="external" href="">YUI editor</a>
(BSD license), which is compatible with the Apache license.
The TinyMCE example was moved to the <a target="blank" class="external" href="">ClickClick extensions</a>
<dt><a name="1.5"></a>
<div class="release-header">Version 1.5 Upgrade</div></dt>
<ul style="padding: 0em; margin-left:0em;">
<li class="upgrade">
<b>Please Note</b> Click version 1.5 is <b>not</b> binary compatible with version 1.4. To upgrade your
applications to use version Click 1.5 you will need to:
<ol style="margin-top:1em;">
<li>Recompile your application with the 1.5 Click libraries.</li>
<li>Retrofit the new Control
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Control.html#render(">render()</a>
method to any on your custom control rendering.</li>
<li>Replace any Control <tt>toString()</tt> methods with an equivalent <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Control.html#render(">render()</a>
method. For further details see the example below.</li>
<li>Form.add(Field), FieldSet.add(Field) and Table.addColumn(Column) now return
their argument instead of void, which enables you to chain calls for example<br>
<pre class="prettyprint">
table.add(new Column("name")).setSortable(true);
form.add(new TextField("firstname")).setValue("Bob"); </pre>
If you created a custom Form, FieldSet or Table and overrode the <em>add</em>
or <em>addColumn</em> method, you will be forced to return the methods argument.
For example if you had:
<pre class="prettyprint">
public class MyTable {
public void addColumn(Column column) {
} </pre>
you will need to update as follows:
<pre class="prettyprint">
public class MyTable {
public Column addColumn(Column column) {
// You must return the column
return column;
} </pre>
Note that Click 1.5 is still compatible with Java JDK 1.4 or later.
<li class="upgrade">
Deprecated methods: <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Control.html#setListener(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String)">Control.setListener(Object, String)</a> and
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Control.html#getContext()">Control.getContext()</a>.
These methods have been deprecated on the Control interface as they are not required for ClickServlet -> Control API.
This refactoring is part of making the Control interface as small as possible,
which allows more flexibility in future releases.
Note these methods are still available on <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/control/AbstractControl.html">AbstractControl</a>,
so this change should have minimal impact on existing code bases.
<li class="upgrade">
Upgrade custom Control rendering code to use new
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Control.html#render(">render</a>
method. This method allows improved rendering performance, because all controls can be
rendered from a single buffer that is created when rendering starts.
If your created custom controls override <em>toString()</em>, please adapt it to the following pattern. From this:
<pre class="prettyprint">
public class HtmlTable extends AbstractControl {
public String toString() {
int estimatedControlSize = 1000;
HtmlStringBuffer buffer = new HtmlStringBuffer(estimatedControlSize);
// Rendering Start
buffer.elementStart(<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#000099">"table"</span>);
buffer.closeElement(<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#000099">"table"</span>);
// Rendering End
return buffer.toString();
} </pre>
to this:
<pre class="prettyprint">
public class HtmlTable extends AbstractControl {
public void render(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
// Rendering Start
buffer.elementStart(<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#000099">"table"</span>);
buffer.closeElement(<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#000099">"table"</span>);
<span style="color:green">// Rendering End</span>
public String toString() {
int estimatedControlSize = 1000;
HtmlStringBuffer buffer = new HtmlStringBuffer(estimatedControlSize);
return buffer.toString();
} </pre>
Note, the code between the commented section, was moved from <em>toString</em> to the <em>render</em> method.
Also note that invoking a Control's <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/control/AbstractControl.html#toString()">toString()</a>
method still outputs the same HTML representation, as toString() delegates to the
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/Control.html#render(">render</a>
<b>Please note</b> a common problem when overriding <em>render</em> in custom components, is
invoking <em>super.toString()</em> in order to render the Control's default
<pre class="prettyprint">
public class CustomField extends Field {
public void render(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
<span style="background:#F3FF0F">String field = super.toString();</span> // BEWARE this line will cause StackOverflowError
public String toString() {
HtmlStringBuffer buffer = new HtmlStringBuffer();
return buffer.toString();
} </pre>
The highlighted line above will cause a StackOverflowError, meaning an infinite
loop was encountered. The reason for the error will become obvious when
tracing the sequence of calls:
<ol style="margin-top: 2em;;margin-bottom: 2em">
<li>The first statement in the method <em>CustomField.render</em> invokes
<em>super.toString</em>. In this example the super class is Field, thus
the actual method invoked is <em>Field.toString</em></li>
<li><em>Field.toString</em> performs its own rendering by invoking <em>Field.render</em>.
However since CustomField overrides <em>Field.render</em>, <em>Field.toString</em>
will invoke <em>CustomField.render</em> instead.</li>
<li>This leads us back to step 1. where <em>CustomField.render</em> invokes
<em>super.toString</em>. This creates the infinite loop and leads to the StackOverflowError.</li>
The fix is straight forward. If you override a Control's <em>render</em>
method, but still want to render the Control's default markup, invoke
<em>super.render</em> instead of <em>super.toString</em>.
Here is the correct version:
<pre class="prettyprint">
public class CustomField extends Field {
public void render(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
<span style="background:#F3FF0F">super.render(buffer);</span> // NOTE StackOverflowError won't occur
public String toString() {
HtmlStringBuffer buffer = new HtmlStringBuffer();
return buffer.toString();
} </pre>
<li class="upgrade">
Certain controls were retrofitted as containers. These include
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/control/Form.html">Form</a>,
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/control/FieldSet.html">FieldSet</a>
and <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/control/Panel.html">Panel</a>.
<li class="upgrade">
Click 1.5 introduces two new properties: <span style="color:navy;">file-size-limit-exceeded-error</span>
and <span style="color:navy;">post-size-limit-exceeded-error</span>.
For those building i18n applications remember to add these two properties
to your <span style="color:navy;">click-control_&lt;lang&gt;.properties.</span>
<br>If you send us patches for your preferred language we will include them in the distribution.
<li class="upgrade">
ClickLogger has been replaced with <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/service/LogService.html">LogService</a>.
LogService is an interface with a default implementation <a href="click-api/org/apache/click/service/ConsoleLogService.html">ConsoleLogService</a>.
There are also alternative implementations <a href="extras-api/org/apache/click/extras/service/Log4JLogService.html">Log4JLogService</a>
and <a href="extras-api/org/apache/click/extras/service/JdkLogService.html">JdkLogService</a>.
It is possible to write your own LogService instance or extend from
an existing implementation. To setup Click to use an alternative instance you have to
specify the LogService implementation in <em>click.xml</em>:
<pre class="prettyprint">
&lt;click-app charset="UTF-8"&gt;
&lt;pages package=""/&gt;
&lt;log-service classname=""/&gt;
&lt;/click-app&gt; </pre>
While it is generally not recommended to use the Click LogService in your application code, you can retrieve it using the ClickUtils method
<a href="click-api/org/apache/click/util/ClickUtils.html#getLogService()">getLogService()</a>.