Mirror of Apache Click

Clone this repo:
  1. 92cffd5 Click retierd by Sebastian Bazley · 9 years ago trunk
  2. 2a250ca Project now in the Attic by Henri Yandell · 11 years ago
  3. f54d627 doco by Adrian Antal · 11 years ago
  4. fbbc606 MockFileItem commons-fileupload-1.3 required updates. by Adrian Antal · 11 years ago
  5. f09f7c8 update dependencies: commons-io-2.2, commons-fileupload-1.3, commons-codec-1.6 and mvel-2.1.7.Final by Adrian Antal · 11 years ago

Welcome to Click

Apache Click™ is a modern JEE web application framework, providing a natural rich client style programming model. Apache Click is designed to be very easy to learn and use, with developers getting up and running within a day.


Comprehensive HTML documentation is available online at:


The documentation is also available from the directory:


Release Notes

Detailed release notes are available here:


Distribution Jars

Distributed Click JAR files include:

dist/click-xx.jar - Click runtime JAR including dependencies

dist/click-nodeps-xx.jar - Click runtime JAR with no dependencies

dist/click-extras-xx.jar - Click Extras JAR

dist/click-mock-xx.jar - Click Mock Utilities JAR


Example pre-built web application include:


Build Information

Click is built using the J2SE 1.5.0 and Apache Ant

The Ant build.xml and build.properties files are located in the build/ directory.

The main Ant targets include:

build-all             build framework, extras, examples
build-distribution    build distribution ZIP file
build-examples        build click-examples WAR file
build-extras          build click-extras JAR file
build-framework       build click framework JAR file
build-maven-bundles   build Maven repository upload bundles
build-mock            build mock JAR file
build-sources         build source ZIP files for use with IDEs
checkstyle            run checkstyle report on Java source
deploy-examples       copy example WAR files to app server
get-deps              download JAR dependencies
get-deps-proxy        download JAR dependencies via proxy
help                  display the Help message
javadoc               create Javadoc HTML files
project-quick-start   build application template
test-all              run all unit tests

Before building the framework, all third-party library dependencies must be downloaded using the command:

ant get-deps

or in the case of running behind a proxy, by using the command:

ant get-deps-proxy

To run all tests execute the command:

ant test-all

To build a new distribution run:

ant build-distribution

To build the core library, click-x.x.x.jar, run:

ant build-framework

To build the extras library, click-extras.x.x.x.jar, run:

ant build-extras

To build the documentation (PDF and HTML) please see:


Further information on building Click is available here:
