blob: dba42f9b95f137f7dda0d3c1c3409f6434366b9b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004-2008 Malcolm A. Edgar
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
* Provides the Page request event handler class.
* <p/>
* The Page class plays a central role in Click applications defining how the
* application's pages are processed and rendered. All application pages
* must extend the base Page class, and provide a no arguments constructor.
* <h4>Page Execution Sequence</h4>
* The default Page execution path for a GET request is:
* <ol>
* <li class="spaced">
* no-args constructor invoked to create a new Page instance.
* At this point no dependencies have been injected into the Page, and any
* request information is not available. You should put any "static"
* page initialization code, which doesn't depend upon request information,
* in the constructor. This will enable subclasses to have this code
* automatically initialized when they are created.
* </li>
* <li class="spaced">
* {@link #format} property is set
* </li>
* <li class="spaced">
* {@link #headers} property is set
* </li>
* <li class="spaced">
* {@link #path} property is set
* </li>
* <li class="spaced">
* {@link #onSecurityCheck()} method called to check whether the page should
* be processed. This method should return true if the Page should continue
* to be processed, or false otherwise.
* </li>
* <li class="spaced">
* {@link #onInit()} method called to complete the initialization of the page
* after all the dependencies have been set. This is where you should put
* any "dynamic" page initialization code which depends upon the request or any
* other dependencies.
* <p/>
* Form and field controls must be fully initialized by the time this method
* has completed.
* </li>
* <li class="spaced">
* ClickServlet processes all the page {@link #controls}
* calling their {@link Control#onProcess()} method. If any of these
* controls return false, continued control and page processing will be aborted.
* </li>
* <li class="spaced">
* {@link #onGet()} method called for any additional GET related processing.
* <p/>
* Form and field controls should <b>NOT</b> be created or initialized at this
* point as the control processing stage has already been completed.
* </li>
* <li class="spaced">
* {@link #onRender()} method called for any pre-render processing. This
* method is often use to perform database queries to load information for
* rendering tables.
* <p/>
* Form and field controls should <b>NOT</b> be created or initialized at this
* point as the control processing stage has already been completed.
* </li>
* <li class="spaced">
* ClickServlet renders the page merging the {@link #model} with the
* Velocity template defined by the {@link #getTemplate()} property.
* </li>
* <li class="spaced">
* {@link #onDestroy()} method called to clean up any resources. This method
* is guaranteed to be called, even if an exception occurs. You can use
* this method to close resources like database connections or Hibernate
* sessions.
* </li>
* </ol>
* For POST requests the default execution path is identical, except the
* {@link #onPost()} method is called instead of {@link #onGet()}. The POST
* request page execution sequence is illustrated below:
* <p/>
* <img src="post-sequence-diagram.png"/>
* <p/>
* A good way to see the page event execution order is to view the log when
* the application mode is set to <tt>trace</tt>:
* <pre class="codeConfig" style="padding:1em;background-color:#f0f0f0;">
* [Click] [debug] GET http://localhost:8080/quickstart/home.htm
* [Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.&lt;&lt;init&gt;&gt;
* [Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onSecurityCheck() : true
* [Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onInit()
* [Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onGet()
* [Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onRender()
* [Click] [info ] renderTemplate: /home.htm - 6 ms
* [Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onDestroy()
* [Click] [info ] handleRequest: /home.htm - 24 ms </pre>
* <h4>Rendering Pages</h4>
* When a Velocity template is rendered the ClickServlet uses Pages:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #getTemplate()} to find the Velocity template.</li>
* <li>{@link #model} to populate the Velocity Context</li>
* <li>{@link #format} to add to the Velocity Context</li>
* <li>{@link #getContentType()} to set as the HttpServletResponse content type</li>
* <li>{@link #headers} to set as the HttpServletResponse headers</li>
* </ul>
* These Page properties are also used when rendering JSP pages.
* @author Malcolm Edgar
public class Page {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* The global page messages bundle name: &nbsp; <tt>click-page</tt>.
public static final String PAGE_MESSAGES = "click-page";
// ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
/** The list of page controls. */
protected List controls;
/** The Velocity template formatter object. */
protected Format format;
/** The forward path. */
protected String forward;
/** The HTTP response headers. */
protected Map headers;
/** The headers have been edited flag, to support copy on write. */
protected boolean headersEdited;
/** The map of localized page resource messages. **/
protected transient MessagesMap messages;
* The page model. For Velocity templates the model is used to populate the
* Velocity context. For JSP pages the model values are set as named
* request attributes.
protected Map model = new HashMap();
/** The path of the page template to render. */
protected String path;
/** The redirect path. */
protected String redirect;
* The page is stateful and should be save to the users HttpSession
* between requests.
protected boolean stateful;
// --------------------------------------------------------- Event Handlers
* The on Security Check event handler. This event handler is invoked after
* the pages constructor has been called and all the page properties have
* been set.
* <p/>
* Security check provides the Page an opportunity to check the users
* security credentials before processing the Page.
* <p/>
* If security check returns true the Page is processed as
* normal. If the method returns then no other event handlers are invoked
* (except <tt>onDestroy()</tt> and no page controls are processed.
* <p/>
* If the method returns false, the forward or redirect property should be
* set to send the request to another Page.
* <p/>
* By default this method returns true, subclass may override this method
* to provide their security authorization/authentication mechanism.
* @return true by default, subclasses may override this method
public boolean onSecurityCheck() {
return true;
* The on Initialization event handler. This event handler is invoked after
* the {@link #onInit()} method has been called.
* <p/>
* Subclasses should place any initialization code which has dependencies
* on the context or other properties in this method. Generally light
* weight initialization code should be placed in the Pages constructor.
* <p/>
* Time consuming operations such as fetching the results of a database
* query should not be placed in this method. These operations should be
* performed in the {@link #onRender()}, {@link #onGet()} or
* {@link #onPost()} methods so that other event handlers may take
* alternative execution paths without performing these expensive operations.
* <p/>
* <b>Please Note</b> however the qualifier for the previous statement is
* that all form and field controls must be fully initialized before they
* are processed, which is after the <tt>onInit()</tt> method has
* completed. After this point their <tt>onProcess()</tt> methods will be
* invoked by the <tt>ClickServlet</tt>.
* <p/>
* Select controls in particular must have their option list values populated
* before the form is processed otherwise field validations cannot be performed.
* <p/>
* For initializing page controls the best practice is to place all the
* control creation code in the pages constructor, and only place any
* initialization code in the <tt>onInit()</tt> method which has an external
* dependency to the context or some other object. By following this practice
* it is easy to see what code is "design time" initialization code and what
* is "runtime initialization code".
* <p/>
* When subclassing pages which also use the <tt>onInit()</tt> method is
* is critical you call the <tt>super.onInit()</tt> method first, for
* example:
* <pre class="javaCode">
* <span class="kw">public void</span> onInit() {
* <span class="kw">super</span>.onInit();
* // Initialization code
* ..
* } </pre>
public void onInit() {
* The on Get request event handler. This event handler is invoked if the
* HTTP request method is "GET".
* <p/>
* The event handler is invoked after {@link #onSecurityCheck()} has been
* called and all the Page {@link #controls} have been processed. If either
* the security check or one of the controls cancels continued event
* processing the <tt>onGet()</tt> method will not be invoked.
* <h4>Important Note</h4>
* Form and field controls should <b>NOT</b> be created
* or initialized at this point as the control processing stage has already
* been completed. Select option list values should also be populated
* before the control processing stage is performed so that they can
* validate the submitted values.
public void onGet() {
* The on Post request event handler. This event handler is invoked if the
* HTTP request method is "POST".
* <p/>
* The event handler is invoked after {@link #onSecurityCheck()} has been
* called and all the Page {@link #controls} have been processed. If either
* the security check or one of the controls cancels continued event
* processing the <tt>onPost()</tt> method will not be invoked.
* <h4>Important Note</h4>
* Form and field controls should <b>NOT</b> be created
* or initialized at this point as the control processing stage has already
* been completed. Select option list values should also be populated
* before the control processing stage is performed so that they can
* validate the submitted values.
public void onPost() {
* The on render event handler. This event handler is invoked prior to the
* page being rendered.
* <p/>
* This method will not be invoked if either the security check or one of
* the controls cancels continued event processing.
* <p/>
* The on render method is typically used to populate tables performing some
* database intensive operation. By putting the intensive operations in the
* on render method they will not be performed if the user navigates away
* to a different page.
* <p/>
* If you have code which you are using in both the <tt>onGet()</tt> and
* <tt>onPost()</tt> methods, use the <tt>onRender()</tt> method instead.
* <h4>Important Note</h4>
* Form and field controls should <b>NOT</b> be created
* or initialized at this point as the control processing stage has already
* been completed. Select option list values should also be populated
* before the control processing stage is performed so that they can
* validate the submitted values.
public void onRender() {
* The on Destroy request event handler. Subclasses may override this method
* to add any resource clean up code.
* <p/>
* This method is guaranteed to be called before the Page object reference
* goes out of scope and is available for garbage collection.
* <p/>
* Stateful pages will have this method invoked before they are saved to
* the session.
public void onDestroy() {
// --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
* Add the control to the page. The control will be added to the pages model
* using the controls name as the key. The Controls context property will
* be set if the context is available. The Controls parent property will
* also be set to the page instance.
* @param control the control to add
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the control is null, or if the name
* of the control is not defined
public void addControl(Control control) {
if (control == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null control parameter");
if (StringUtils.isBlank(control.getName())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Control name not defined");
addModel(control.getName(), control);
* Return the list of page Controls.
* @return the list of page Controls
public List getControls() {
if (controls == null) {
controls = new ArrayList();
return controls;
* Return true if the page has any controls defined.
* @return true if the page has any controls defined
public boolean hasControls() {
return (controls == null) ? false : !controls.isEmpty();
* Return the request context of the page.
* @return the request context of the page
public Context getContext() {
return Context.getThreadLocalContext();
* Return the HTTP response content type. By default this method returns
* <tt>"text/html"</tt>.
* <p/>
* If the request specifies a character encoding via
* If {@link javax.servlet.ServletRequest#getCharacterEncoding()}
* then this method will return <tt>"text/html; charset=encoding"</tt>.
* <p/>
* The ClickServlet uses the pages content type for setting the
* HttpServletResponse content type.
* @return the HTTP response content type
public String getContentType() {
String charset = getContext().getRequest().getCharacterEncoding();
if (charset == null) {
return "text/html";
} else {
return "text/html; charset=" + charset;
* Return the Velocity template formatter object.
* <p/>
* The ClickServlet adds the format object to the Velocity context using
* the key <tt>"format"</tt> so that it can be used in the page template.
* @return the Velocity template formatter object
public Format getFormat() {
return format;
* Set the Velocity template formatter object.
* @param value the Velocity template formatter object.
public void setFormat(Format value) {
format = value;
* Return the path to forward the request to.
* <p/>
* If the {@link #forward} property is not null it will be used to forward
* the request to in preference to rendering the template defined by the
* {@link #path} property. The request is forwarded using the
* RequestDispatcher.
* <p/>
* See also {@link #getPath()}, {@link #getRedirect()}
* @return the path to forward the request to
public String getForward() {
return forward;
* Set the path to forward the request to.
* <p/>
* If the {@link #forward} property is not null it will be used to forward
* the request to in preference to rendering the template defined by the
* {@link #path} property. The request is forwarded using the
* RequestDispatcher.
* <p/>
* If forward paths start with a <span class="wr">"/"</span>
* character the forward path is
* relative to web applications root context, otherwise the path is
* relative to the requests current location.
* <p/>
* For example given a web application deployed to context <tt>mycorp</tt>
* with the pages:
* <pre class="codeConfig" style="color:navy">
* /index.htm
* /customer/search.htm
* /customer/details.htm
* /customer/management/add-customer.htm </pre>
* To forward to the customer <tt class="wr">search.htm</tt> page from
* the web app root you could set forward as
* <tt>setFoward(<span class="navy">"/customer/search.htm"</span>)</tt>
* or <tt>setFoward(<span class="navy">"customer/search.htm"</span>)</tt>.
* <p/>
* If a user was currently viewing the <tt class="wr">add-customer.htm</tt>
* to forward to customer <span class="wr">details.htm</span> you could
* set forward as
* <tt>setFoward(<span class="navy">"/customer/details.htm"</span>)</tt>
* or <tt>setFoward(<span class="navy">"../details.htm"</span>)</tt>.
* <p/>
* See also {@link #setPath(String)}, {@link #setRedirect(String)}
* @param value the path to forward the request to
public void setForward(String value) {
forward = value;
* The Page instance to forward the request to. The given Page object
* must have a valid path defined.
* @param page the Page object to forward the request to.
public void setForward(Page page) {
if (page == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null page parameter");
if (page.getPath() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Page has no path defined");
getContext().setRequestAttribute(ClickServlet.FORWARD_PAGE, page);
* Set the request to forward to the give page class.
* @param pageClass the class of the Page to forward the request to
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Page Class is not configured
* with a unique path
public void setForward(Class pageClass) {
String target = getContext().getPagePath(pageClass);
* Return the map of HTTP header to be set in the HttpServletResponse.
* Note to edit header values use {@link #setHeader(String, Object)} as
* headers Map is initially unmodifiable.
* @return the map of HTTP header to be set in the HttpServletResponse
public Map getHeaders() {
return headers;
* Set the named header with the given value. This method uses copy on
* write to the headers Map, as the initial loaded headers Map is
* unmodifiable.
* @param name the name of the header
* @param value the value of the header
public void setHeader(String name, Object value) {
if (name == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null header name parameter");
if (!headersEdited) {
headersEdited = true;
headers = new HashMap(headers);
headers.put(name, value);
* Set the map of HTTP header to be set in the HttpServletResponse.
* @param value the map of HTTP header to be set in the HttpServletResponse
public void setHeaders(Map value) {
headers = value;
* Return the localized Page resource message for the given resource
* property key. The resource message returned will use the Locale obtained
* from the Context.
* <p/>
* Pages can define text properties files to store localized messages. These
* properties files must be stored on the Page class path with a name
* matching the class name. For example:
* <p/>
* The page class:
* <pre class="codeJava">
* <span class="kw">package</span> com.mycorp.pages;
* <span class="kw">public class</span> Login <span class="kw">extends</span> Page {
* .. </pre>
* The page class property filenames and their path:
* <pre class="codeConfig">
* /com/mycorp/pages/
* /com/mycorp/pages/
* /com/mycorp/pages/ </pre>
* Page messages can also be defined in the optional global messages
* bundle:
* <pre class="codeConfig">
* / </pre>
* To define global page messages simply add <tt></tt>
* file to your application's class path. Message defined in this properties
* file will be available to all of your application pages.
* <p/>
* Note messages in your page class properties file will override any
* messages in the global <tt></tt> file.
* <p/>
* Page messages can be accessed directly in the page template using
* the <span class="st">$messages</span> reference. For examples:
* <pre class="codeHtml">
* <span class="blue">$messages.title</span> </pre>
* Please see the {@link} adaptor for more details.
* @param key the message property key name
* @return the Page message for the given message property key
public String getMessage(String key) {
if (key == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null key parameter");
return (String) getMessages().get(key);
* Return the formatted page message for the given resource name
* and message format argument and for the context request locale.
* @param name resource name of the message
* @param arg the message argument to format
* @return the named localized message for the page
public String getMessage(String name, Object arg) {
Object[] args = new Object[] { arg };
return getMessage(name, args);
* Return the formatted page message for the given resource name and
* message format arguments and for the context request locale.
* @param name resource name of the message
* @param args the message arguments to format
* @return the named localized message for the page
public String getMessage(String name, Object[] args) {
if (args == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null args parameter");
String value = getMessage(name);
return MessageFormat.format(value, args);
* Return a Map of localized messages for the Page.
* @see #getMessage(String)
* @return a Map of localized messages for the Page
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context for the Page has not be set
public Map getMessages() {
if (messages == null) {
if (getContext() != null) {
messages = new MessagesMap(getClass(), PAGE_MESSAGES);
} else {
String msg = "Context not set cannot initialize messages";
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
return messages;
* Add the named object value to the Pages model map.
* @param name the key name of the object to add
* @param value the object to add
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name or value parameters are
* null, or if there is already a named value in the model
public void addModel(String name, Object value) {
if (name == null) {
String msg = "Cannot add null parameter name to "
+ getClass().getName() + " model";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (value == null) {
String msg = "Cannot add null " + name + " parameter "
+ "to " + getClass().getName() + " model";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (getModel().containsKey(name)) {
String msg = getClass().getName() + " model already contains "
+ "value named " + name;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
} else {
getModel().put(name, value);
* Return the Page's model map. The model is used populate the
* Velocity Context with is merged with the page template before rendering.
* @return the Page's model map
public Map getModel() {
return model;
* Return the path of the Velocity template to render.
* <p/>
* See also {@link #getForward()}, {@link #getRedirect()}
* @return the path of the Velocity template to render
public String getPath() {
return path;
* Set the path of the Velocity template to render.
* <p/>
* See also {@link #setForward(String)}, {@link #setRedirect(String)}
* @param value the path of the Velocity template to render
public void setPath(String value) {
path = value;
* Return the path to redirect the request to.
* <p/>
* If the {@link #redirect} property is not null it will be used to redirect
* the request in preference to {@link #forward} or {@link #path} properties.
* The request is redirected to using the HttpServletResponse.setRedirect()
* method.
* <p/>
* See also {@link #getForward()}, {@link #getPath()}
* @return the path to redirect the request to
public String getRedirect() {
return redirect;
* Return true if the page is stateful and should be saved in the users
* HttpSession between requests.
* @return true if the page is stateful and should be save in the users session
public boolean isStateful() {
return stateful;
* Set whether the page is stateful and should be saved in the users
* HttpSession between requests.
* @param stateful the flag indicating whether the page should be saved
* between user requests
public void setStateful(boolean stateful) {
this.stateful = stateful;
if (isStateful()) {
* Set the location to redirect the request to.
* <p/>
* If the {@link #redirect} property is not null it will be used to redirect
* the request in preference to {@link #forward} or {@link #path} properties.
* The request is redirected to using the HttpServletResponse.setRedirect()
* method.
* <p/>
* If the redirect location begins with a <tt class="wr">"/"</tt>
* character the redirect location will be prefixed with the web applications
* context path. Also if the location has a <tt>.jsp</tt> extension it will
* be changed to <tt>.htm</tt>.
* <p/>
* For example if an application is deployed to the context
* <tt class="wr">"mycorp"</tt> calling
* <tt>setRedirect(<span class="navy">"/customer/details.htm"</span>)</tt>
* will redirect the request to:
* <tt class="wr">"/mycorp/customer/details.htm"</tt>
* <p/>
* See also {@link #setForward(String)}, {@link #setPath(String)}
* @param location the path to redirect the request to
public void setRedirect(String location) {
redirect = location;
* Set the request to redirect to the give page class.
* @param pageClass the class of the Page to redirect the request to
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Page Class is not configured
* with a unique path
public void setRedirect(Class pageClass) {
String target = getContext().getPagePath(pageClass);
* Return the path of the page template to render, by default this method
* returns {@link #getPath()}.
* <p/>
* Pages can override this method to return an alternative page template.
* This is very useful when implementing an standardized look and feel for
* a web site. The example below provides a BorderedPage base Page which
* other site templated Pages should extend.
* <pre class="codeJava">
* <span class="kw">public class</span> BorderedPage <span class="kw">extends</span> Page {
* <span class="kw">public</span> String getTemplate() {
* <span class="kw">return</span> <span class="st">"border.htm"</span>;
* }
* } </pre>
* The BorderedPage returns the page border template <span class="st">"border.htm"</span>:
* <pre class="codeHtml">
* &lt;html&gt;
* &lt;head&gt;
* &lt;title&gt; <span class="blue">$title</span> &lt;/title&gt;
* &lt;link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" title="Style"/&gt;
* &lt;/head&gt;
* &lt;body&gt;
* &lt;h1&gt; <span class="blue">$title</span> &lt;/h1&gt;
* &lt;hr/&gt;
* <span class="red">#parse</span>( <span class="blue">$path</span> )
* &lt;/body&gt;
* &lt;/html&gt; </pre>
* Other pages insert their content into this template, via their
* {@link #path} property using the Velocity
* <a href="../../../../velocity/vtl-reference-guide.html#parse">#parse</a>
* directive. Note the <span class="blue">$path</span> value is automatically
* added to the VelocityContext by the ClickServlet.
* @return the path of the page template to render, by default returns
* {@link #getPath()}.
public String getTemplate() {
return getPath();