blob: a5776ab5daddf7a1296fbcc5416669eeabe93619 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* MockContext tests.
public class MockContextTest extends TestCase {
// Variables --------------------------------------------------------------
/** Indicates that an actionListener was invoked. */
private boolean submitCalled = false;
/** Indicators that behavior events was invoked. */
private boolean preRenderHeadElementsCalled = false;
private boolean preResponseCalled = false;
private boolean preDestroyCalled = false;
* Test MockContext.
public void testContext() {
MockServletContext servletContext = new MockServletContext();
MockContext.initContext(new MockServletConfig(servletContext),
new MockRequest(), new MockResponse(), new ClickServlet());
// Test ActionListeners ---------------------------------------------------
* Test that context can properly fire action listeners.
public void testFireActionListeners() {
MockContext context = MockContext.initContext();
MockRequest request = context.getMockRequest();
request.setParameter("save", "save");
submitCalled = false;
Submit submit = new Submit("save");
// Registry a listener which must be invoked
submit.setActionListener(new ActionListener() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public boolean onAction(Control source) {
// When action is invoked, set flag to true
return submitCalled = true;
ActionEventDispatcher dispatcher = ActionEventDispatcher.getThreadLocalDispatcher();
// Assert there is only one event listener and event source registered
assertEquals(1, dispatcher.getEventListenerList().size());
assertEquals(1, dispatcher.getEventSourceList().size());
// Fire all action events that was registered in the onProcess method
assertTrue("Submit action was not invoked", submitCalled);
// Assert that after invoking executeActionListeners there are no event
// listeners and event sources registered
assertEquals(0, dispatcher.getEventListenerList().size());
assertEquals(0, dispatcher.getEventSourceList().size());
* Test that registered action listeners are removed through the method
* MockContext.reset().
public void testResetActionListeners() {
MockContext context = MockContext.initContext();
MockRequest request = context.getMockRequest();
request.setParameter("save", "save");
Submit submit = new Submit("save");
// Registry a listener which must be invoked
submit.setActionListener(new ActionListener() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public boolean onAction(Control source) {
// When action is invoked, set flag to true
return true;
ActionEventDispatcher dispatcher = ActionEventDispatcher.getThreadLocalDispatcher();
// Assert there is only one event listener and event source registered
assertEquals(1, dispatcher.getEventListenerList().size());
assertEquals(1, dispatcher.getEventSourceList().size());
// Context reset should clear the dispatcher
// Assert there are no event listener and event source registered after invoking reset
assertEquals(0, dispatcher.getEventListenerList().size());
assertEquals(0, dispatcher.getEventSourceList().size());
// Test Behaviors ---------------------------------------------------------
* Test that context can properly fire behaviors.
public void testFireBehaviors() {
MockContext context = MockContext.initContext();
MockRequest request = context.getMockRequest();
request.setParameter("save", "save");
submitCalled = false;
Submit submit = new Submit("save");
// Register an ajax behavior
submit.addBehavior(new DefaultAjaxBehavior() {
public ActionResult onAction(Control source) {
// When action is invoked, set flag to true
submitCalled = true;
return new ActionResult();
ActionEventDispatcher dispatcher = ActionEventDispatcher.getThreadLocalDispatcher();
// Assert there is one behavior registered
assertEquals(1, dispatcher.getAjaxBehaviorSourceSet().size());
// Fire all behaviors registered in the onProcess method
assertTrue("Submit behavior was not invoked", submitCalled);
// Assert there are no behaviors registered after reset is invoked
assertEquals(0, dispatcher.getAjaxBehaviorSourceSet().size());
* Test that registered behaviors are removed through the method
* MockContext.reset().
public void testResetAjaxBehaviors() {
MockContext context = MockContext.initContext();
MockRequest request = context.getMockRequest();
request.setParameter("save", "save");
Submit submit = new Submit("save");
// Register an ajax behavior
submit.addBehavior(new DefaultAjaxBehavior() {
public ActionResult onAction(Control source) {
// When action is invoked, set flag to true
return new ActionResult();
ActionEventDispatcher dispatcher = ActionEventDispatcher.getThreadLocalDispatcher();
// Assert there is one behavior registered
assertEquals(1, dispatcher.getAjaxBehaviorSourceSet().size());
// Context reset should clear the dispatcher
// Assert there are no behaviors registered after reset is invoked
assertEquals(0, dispatcher.getAjaxBehaviorSourceSet().size());
// Test Behavior Interceptor Methods --------------------------------------
* Test that context can properly process Behavior interceptor methods.
public void testProcessBehaviorInterceptorMethods() {
MockContext context = MockContext.initContext();
Submit submit = new Submit("save");
preRenderHeadElementsCalled = false;
preResponseCalled = false;
preDestroyCalled = false;
ControlRegistry.registerInterceptor(submit, new Behavior() {
public void preDestroy(Control source) {
preDestroyCalled = true;
public void preRenderHeadElements(Control source) {
preRenderHeadElementsCalled = true;
public void preResponse(Control source) {
preResponseCalled = true;
ControlRegistry registry = ControlRegistry.getThreadLocalRegistry();
// Assert there is one interceptor registered
assertEquals(1, registry.getInterceptors().size());
// Process the preResponse interceptor methods
assertTrue("preResponse was not processed", preResponseCalled);
// Process the preRenderHeadElements interceptor methods
assertTrue("preRenderHeadElements was not processed", preRenderHeadElementsCalled);
// Process the preRenderHeadElements interceptor methods
assertTrue("preDestroy was not processed", preDestroyCalled);
// Assert that the behavior was not removed after all events was processed
// The reason the behaviors are not automatically removed is because the
// last behavior is onDestroy, which is right before the request goes out
// of scope anyway
assertEquals(1, registry.getInterceptors().size());
* Test that context can properly fire and reset behavior interceptors.
public void testResetControlInterceptors() {
MockContext context = MockContext.initContext();
Submit submit = new Submit("save");
preRenderHeadElementsCalled = false;
preResponseCalled = false;
preDestroyCalled = false;
ControlRegistry.registerInterceptor(submit, new Behavior() {
public boolean isRequestTarget(Context context) {
return false;
public ActionResult onAction(Control source) {
return null;
public void preDestroy(Control source) {
preDestroyCalled = true;
public void preRenderHeadElements(Control source) {
preRenderHeadElementsCalled = true;
public void preResponse(Control source) {
preResponseCalled = true;
ControlRegistry registry = ControlRegistry.getThreadLocalRegistry();
// Assert there is one interceptor registered
assertEquals(1, registry.getInterceptors().size());
// Context reset should clear the dispatcher
// Assert that the interceptor was not removed after all events was processed
// The reason the interceptor are not automatically removed is because the
// last interceptor is onDestroy, which is right before the request goes out
// of scope anyway
assertEquals(0, registry.getInterceptors().size());
// Behavior tests ---------------------------------------------------------
* Test that context can properly process behaviors.
public void testProcessBehaviors() {
MockContext context = MockContext.initContext();
MockRequest request = context.getMockRequest();
request.setParameter("save", "save");
Submit submit = new Submit("save");
submitCalled = false;
preRenderHeadElementsCalled = false;
preResponseCalled = false;
preDestroyCalled = false;
submit.addBehavior(new DefaultAjaxBehavior() {
public ActionResult onAction(Control source) {
// When action is invoked, set flag to true
submitCalled = true;
return new ActionResult();
public void preDestroy(Control source) {
preDestroyCalled = true;
public void preRenderHeadElements(Control source) {
preRenderHeadElementsCalled = true;
public void preResponse(Control source) {
preResponseCalled = true;
ActionEventDispatcher eventDispatcher = ActionEventDispatcher.getThreadLocalDispatcher();
// Assert there is one behavior registered
assertEquals(1, eventDispatcher.getAjaxBehaviorSourceSet().size());
// Fire all behaviors registered in the onProcess method
assertTrue("Submit behavior was not invoked", submitCalled);
// Assert there are no behaviors registered after reset is invoked
assertEquals(0, eventDispatcher.getAjaxBehaviorSourceSet().size());
ControlRegistry registry = ControlRegistry.getThreadLocalRegistry();
// Assert that the submit control is registered as an AJAX target
assertEquals(1, registry.getAjaxTargetControls().size());
assertSame(submit, registry.getAjaxTargetControls().iterator().next());
// Process the preResponse interceptor methods
assertTrue("preResponse was not processed", preResponseCalled);
// Process the preRenderHeadElements interceptor methods
assertTrue("preRenderHeadElements was not processed", preRenderHeadElementsCalled);
// Process the preRenderHeadElements interceptor methods
assertTrue("preDestroy was not processed", preDestroyCalled);
// Assert that the behaviors was not removed after all events was processed
assertEquals(1, registry.getAjaxTargetControls().size());
// Test that reset will clear the ControlRegistry
// Assert that the behavior was removed after reset
assertEquals(0, registry.getAjaxTargetControls().size());
* Test that initContext removes previous Contexts from the ThreadLocal.
public void testInitContextCleanup() {
assertEquals(1, Context.getContextStack().size());
assertEquals(1, ActionEventDispatcher.getDispatcherStack().size());
assertEquals(1, ControlRegistry.getRegistryStack().size());
assertEquals(1, Context.getContextStack().size());
assertEquals(1, ActionEventDispatcher.getDispatcherStack().size());
assertEquals(1, ControlRegistry.getRegistryStack().size());