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Demonstration of the <a href="">Rico</a> Accordion.
Please note the accordian CSS styles are defined in the <tt>/assets/css/style.css</tt> file.
<div style="margin-top:2em; border-top-width:1px; border-top-style:solid;" id="accordionDiv">
<div id="panel1">
<div id="panel1Header" class="accordionTabTitle">
<div id="panel1Content" class="accordionTabContent">
This example illustrates how to use the Rico.Accordion behavior to transform a set of
divs into a first class accordion component.
The Rico.Accordion behavior makes use of the Effect.AccordionSize which is an effect that simultaneously
grows the height of one element while shrinking the height of another. The Rico.Accordion behavior adds
the necessary event handlers on the respective divs to handle the visual aspects of expanding, collapsing
and hovering.
<div id="panel2">
<div id="panel2Header" class="accordionTabTitle">
HTML Code</div>
<div id="panel2Content" class="accordionTabContent">
The HTML structure is an outer div that holds all of the panels. Then, each panel is just a
couple of DIVs (one for the header and one for the content) wrapped in an outer DIV.
<pre style="font-size:8pt;">
&lt;div id="accordionDiv"&gt;
&lt;div id="overviewPanel"&gt;
&lt;div id="overviewHeader"&gt;
Overview &lt;/div&gt;
&lt;div id="panel1Content"&gt;
... content text ...
<div id="panel3">
<div id="panel3Header" class="accordionTabTitle">
Rico Code</div>
<div id="panel3Content" class="accordionTabContent">
<br/>To attach the accordion behavior to the accordion container div, construct a Rico.Accordion
object and pass the container to it. Thats it!
<pre style="font-size:8pt;">
new Rico.Accordion( $('accordionDiv') );
new Rico.Accordion( $('accordionDiv'), '.accordionTabTitle', '.accordionTabContent' );</pre>
The second example specifies the height of the accordion panels. There are many other
configuration parameters that can be specified to modify various visual aspects of the
accordion. The panelHeight is the attribute that is most commonly overridden.
<div id="panel4">
<div id="panel4Header" class="accordionTabTitle">
Important Note</div>
<div id="panel4Content" class="accordionTabContent">
<br/>The content div for each panel should not be styled to have borders, margins, or padding.
When padding/margin is required, nest another DIV inside the content div and style it accordingly.
Also, the panel content should not grow beyond the panelHeight attribute of the configuration
parameter. On Firefox/Mac the scrollbar for an overflow area will cause the scrollbar to
always be visible--even when the panel is collapsed. You can resolve this by setting the
visibility of the contents when the panel starts to collapse or expand.<br/>&nbsp;