blob: 34e7936a0149b8e84cc046ff9d2638f67de95735 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
* Test Form behavior.
public class FormTest extends TestCase {
* Test that it is not possible to add a duplicate SUBMIT_CHECK
* HiddenField.
* CLK-267.
public void testDuplicateOnSubmitCheck() {
MockContext context = MockContext.initContext("test-form.htm");
MockRequest request = context.getMockRequest();
request.setParameter("form_name", "form");
Page page = new Page();
// Set the page to stateful
Form form = new Form("form");
// Construct name of submit token
String submitCheckName = Form.SUBMIT_CHECK + form.getName() + "_" + context.getResourcePath();
// Simulate a submit check
boolean valid = form.onSubmitCheck(page, "/invalid-submit.html");
// Assert that the submitCheck hidden field was created
Field submitCheckField = form.getField(submitCheckName);
// Add submitCheckField as a request parameter
request.setParameter(Form.SUBMIT_CHECK + form.getName() + "_" + context.getResourcePath(), submitCheckField.getValue());
// Simulate a second submit check.
valid = form.onSubmitCheck(page, "/invalid-submit.html");
// Assert the second onSubmitCheck did succeed as well.
* Test Form#onSubmitCheck when the SUBMIT_CHECK parameter is
* missing.
* CLK-289.
public void testOnSubmitCheckMissingParam() {
MockContext context = MockContext.initContext("test-form.htm");
MockRequest request = context.getMockRequest();
request.setParameter("form_name", "form");
Page page = new Page();
Form form = new Form("form");
// Construct name of submit token
String submitTokenName = Form.SUBMIT_CHECK + form.getName() + "_" + context.getResourcePath();
// Ensure there are no submitCheck hidden field yet
Field submitCheckField = form.getField(submitTokenName);
// Simulate a submit check
boolean valid = form.onSubmitCheck(page, "/invalid-submit.html");
// Add the submitCheckField name and value to the parameters.
submitCheckField = form.getField(submitTokenName);
request.setParameter(submitTokenName, submitCheckField.getValue());
// If we submit again, the assert should be true because the submit
// token is set in the request parameters.
valid = form.onSubmitCheck(page, "/invalid-submit.html");
// Now imagine the SUBMIT_CHECK token is removed by a hacker. To simulate
// such a scenario we remove the submitTokenName from the request paramters.
valid = form.onSubmitCheck(page, "/invalid-submit.html");
* Test that form processing binds a request parameter to a field value.
public void testFormOnProcessRequestBinding() {
// Create a mock context
MockContext context = MockContext.initContext("test-form.htm");
MockRequest request = context.getMockRequest();
// The request value that should be set as the textField value
String requestValue = "one";
// Set form name and field name parameters
request.setParameter("form_name", "form");
request.setParameter("name", requestValue);
// Create form and fields
Form form = new Form("form");
TextField nameField = new TextField("name");
// Check that nameField value is null
// Simulate a form onProcess callback
// Check that nameField value is now bound to request value
Assert.assertEquals(requestValue, nameField.getValueObject());
* Check that Form processes controls even if their names is not defined.
* CLK-463
public void testProcessControlWhenNameIsNull() {
MockContext context = MockContext.initContext();
context.getMockRequest().setParameter("form_name", "form");
String fieldValue = "test";
context.getMockRequest().setParameter("field", fieldValue);
Form form = new Form("form");
Panel panel = new Panel();
TextField textField = new TextField("field");
assertEquals("", textField.getValue());
assertEquals(fieldValue, textField.getValue());
/** Form which index position to test. */
private Form testForm;
/** Field which position is tracked in the Form. */
private HiddenField trackField;
* Setup the form and trackField instances for testing the Control index
* positions after being added or inserted.
public void setUp() {
// Create form.
testForm = new Form("form");
// Form automatically creates and adds one HiddenField for storing
// the form name between requests. The form name field is at index 1
// at the start of each test.
// The tests below checks the trackField index position in the Form
// for the lists Form#controls, Form#fieldList and Form#buttonList
trackField = (HiddenField) testForm.getField(Form.FORM_NAME);
// trackField index: #controls=0
assertTrue(testForm.getControls().indexOf(trackField) == 0);
// trackField index: #fieldList=0
assertTrue(testForm.getFieldList().indexOf(trackField) == 0);
* Test that Form#add(Control) inserts field at the correct index.
* The Form#controls list should be affected by the insert index, while
* Form#fieldList should not.
public void testInsertOrderAfterAddingField() {
TextField nameField = new TextField("name");
// Add new field
// nameField index: #controls=0
assertTrue(testForm.getControls().indexOf(nameField) == 0);
// nameField index: #fieldList=0
assertTrue(testForm.getFieldList().indexOf(nameField) == 0);
// trackField index: #controls=1
assertTrue(testForm.getControls().indexOf(trackField) == 1);
// trackField index: #fieldList=1
assertTrue(testForm.getFieldList().indexOf(trackField) == 1);
* Test that Form#insert(Control, int) inserts field at the correct index.
* The Form#controls list should be affected by the insert index, while
* Form#fieldList should not.
public void testInsertOrderAfterInsertingField() {
TextField nameField = new TextField("name");
// Insert field at index 0
testForm.insert(nameField, 0);
// nameField index: #controls=0
assertTrue(testForm.getControls().indexOf(nameField) == 0);
// nameField index: #fieldList=0
assertTrue(testForm.getFieldList().indexOf(nameField) == 0);
// trackField index: #controls=1
assertTrue(testForm.getControls().indexOf(trackField) == 1);
// trackField index: #fieldList=1
assertTrue(testForm.getFieldList().indexOf(trackField) == 1);
* Test that Form#insert(Control, int) inserts table at the correct index.
* The Form#controls list should be affected by the insert index, while
* Form#fieldList should not contain table as Table is not a Field.
public void testInsertOrderAfterInsertingTable() {
Table table = new Table("table");
// Insert table at index 0
testForm.insert(table, 0);
// table index: #controls=0
assertTrue(testForm.getControls().indexOf(table) == 0);
// table index: #fieldList=-1
assertTrue(testForm.getFieldList().indexOf(table) == -1);
// trackField index: #controls=1
assertTrue(testForm.getControls().indexOf(trackField) == 1);
// trackField index: #fieldList=0
assertTrue(testForm.getFieldList().indexOf(trackField) == 0);
* Test that Form#insert(Control, int) inserts Button at the correct index.
* The Form#controls list should be affected by the insert index, while
* Form#buttonList should not.
public void testInsertOrderAfterInsertingButton() {
// Check that the fieldList includes only hidden field, FORM_NAME,
// thus size is 1
assertTrue(testForm.getFieldList().size() == 1);
Button button = new Button("button1");
testForm.insert(button, 0);
// button index: #controls=0
assertTrue(testForm.getControls().indexOf(button) == 0);
// button index: #buttonList=0
assertTrue(testForm.getButtonList().indexOf(button) == 0);
// Check that button was not added to fieldList accidentally
assertTrue(testForm.getFieldList().size() == 1);
* Test that Form#insert(Control, int) inserts HiddenField at the correct index.
* The Form#controls list should be affected by the insert index, while
* Form#fieldList should not.
public void testInsertOrderAfterInsertingHiddenField() {
HiddenField hidden = new HiddenField("hidden", Boolean.class);
// Insert hidden at index 0
testForm.insert(hidden, 0);
// hidden index: #controls=0
assertTrue(testForm.getControls().indexOf(hidden) == 0);
// hidden index: #fieldList=0
assertTrue(testForm.getFieldList().indexOf(hidden) == 0);
// trackField index: #controls=1
assertTrue(testForm.getControls().indexOf(trackField) == 1);
// trackField index: #fieldList=1
assertTrue(testForm.getFieldList().indexOf(trackField) == 1);
* Test that Form#remove(Control) properly cleans up.
public void testRemove() {
TextField field = new TextField("field");
testForm.insert(field, 0);
int expectedIndex = 0;
// field index: #controls=0
assertEquals(expectedIndex, testForm.getControls().indexOf(field));
// field index: #fieldList=0
assertEquals(expectedIndex, testForm.getFieldList().indexOf(field));
int expectedSize = 1;
// trackField index: #controls=1
assertEquals(expectedSize, testForm.getControls().indexOf(trackField));
// trackField index: #fieldList=1
assertEquals(expectedSize, testForm.getFieldList().indexOf(trackField));
expectedSize = 2;
// Check the list sizes to be 2
assertEquals(expectedSize, testForm.getControls().size());
assertEquals(expectedSize, testForm.getFieldList().size());
// Removing field should shift up trackField index
expectedSize = 1;
// Check the list sizes to be 1
assertEquals(expectedSize, testForm.getControls().size());
assertEquals(expectedSize, testForm.getFieldList().size());
// trackField index: #controls=0
expectedSize = 0;
assertEquals(expectedSize, testForm.getControls().indexOf(trackField));
// trackField index: #fieldList=0
assertEquals(expectedSize, testForm.getFieldList().indexOf(trackField));
* Test that Form#add(Control, int) and Form#remove(Control) properly
* sets and removes the fieldWidth for a Field.
public void testFieldWidthForField() {
TextField field = new TextField("field");
// Check that fieldWidth is empty
int colspan = 4;
testForm.add(field, colspan);
// Check that fieldWidth has entry for field
assertTrue(testForm.getFieldWidths().size() == 1);
Integer width = testForm.getFieldWidths().get(field.getName());
assertEquals(4, width.intValue());
// Check that fieldWidth is empty
* Test that Form#add(Control, int) and Form#remove(Control) properly
* sets and removes the fieldWidth for a Control.
public void testFieldWidthForTable() {
Table table = new Table("table");
// Check that fieldWidth is empty
int colspan = 4;
testForm.add(table, colspan);
// Check that fieldWidth has entry for table
assertTrue(testForm.getFieldWidths().size() == 1);
Integer width = testForm.getFieldWidths().get(table.getName());
assertEquals(4, width.intValue());
// Check that fieldWidth is empty
* Test that Form.getFieldList() return only Fields directly added to the
* field list. The list should include FieldSets but exclude Buttons.
* The main use case for Form.getFieldList() is that it enables one to use
* Velocity to render Fields e.g.:
* #foreach ($field in $form.fieldList)
* <td>$field.label:</td> <td>$field</td>
* #end
* Also check that Form.getFieldList() returns a cached List so that access
* to Form.getFieldList() is fast.
* Q: Why not include fields recursively?
* A: Its not really needed for Velocity usage. For example one would rarely
* wrap a field inside a "border container" when the rendering will be
* done with Velocity. Instead one would rather wrap the field inside
* a "border container" in the Velocity template e.g. wrapping it inside a
* span element.
* <span>$field</span>
* If recursive fields are needed users can use ContainerUtils.getFields().
public void testGetFieldList() {
Form form = new Form("form");
// Assemble Fields
TextField nameField = new TextField("name");
Div div = new Div("div");
Button button = new Button("button");
// Assemble FieldSet
FieldSet fieldSet = new FieldSet("fieldSet");
// Add Field to FieldSet
TextField fieldSetField = new TextField("fieldSetField");
// Check that list contains TextField
// Check that list contains FieldSet
// Check that list does *not* contains the FieldSet's Field
// Check that list does *not* contain Div
// Check that list does *not* contain Button
// Check that field list is cached
assertSame(form.getFieldList(), form.getFieldList());
* Test that Form.getButtonList() return only Buttons directly added to
* Form and exclude all other Controls.
* The main use case for Form.getButtonList() is that it enables one to use
* Velocity to render Buttons e.g.:
* #foreach ($button in $form.buttonList)
* $button
* #end
* Also check that Form.getButtonList() returns a cached List so that access
* to Form.getButtonList() is fast.
* Q: Why not include buttons recursively?
* A: Its not really needed for Velocity usage. For example one would rarely
* wrap a button inside a "border container" when the rendering will be
* done with Velocity. Instead one would rather wrap the button inside
* a "border container" in the Velocity template e.g. wrapping it inside a
* span element:
* <span>$button</span>
* If recursive buttons are needed users can use ContainerUtils.getButtons().
public void testGetButtonList() {
Form form = new Form("form");
// Assemble Fields
TextField nameField = new TextField("name");
Div div = new Div("div");
Button button = new Button("button");
// Assemble FieldSet
FieldSet fieldSet = new FieldSet("fieldSet");
// Add Field to FieldSet
TextField fieldSetField = new TextField("fieldSetField");
// Add Button to FieldSet
Button fieldSetButton = new Button("fieldSetButton");
// Check that button list does *not* contains TextField
// Check that button list does *not* contains FieldSet
// Check that button list does *not* contains the FieldSet's Field
// Check that button list does *not* contain Div
// Check that button list does contain Button
// Check that button list does *not* contain FieldSetButton since that
// button was not directly added to Form
// Check that button list is cached
assertSame(form.getButtonList(), form.getButtonList());
* Test that Form.getFields() return all Controls by delegating to
* AbstractContainer#getControlMap().
* The main use case for Form.getFields() is that it enables one to use
* Velocity to render Controls and Fields e.g.:
* $ <- name this is a TextField
* $form.fields.div <- div is a AbstractContainer
* $form.fields.button <- button is a Submit
* Also check that Form.getFields() returns a cached Map so that access to
* Form.getFields() is fast.
* Q: Why not return Fields only?
* A: Form will then have to maintain another map besides #controlMap.
* However it could lead to issues when users iterate the map and receive
* ClassCastExceptions when casting to Field. In future release this issue
* could be revisited.
public void testGetFields() {
Form form = new Form("form");
// Assemble Fields
String fieldName = "name";
form.add(new TextField(fieldName));
String divName = "div";
form.add(new Div(divName));
String buttonName = "button";
form.add(new Button(buttonName));
// Assemble FieldSet
String fieldSetName = "fieldSet";
FieldSet fieldSet = new FieldSet(fieldSetName);
// Add Field to FieldSet
String fieldSetFieldName = "fieldSetField";
fieldSet.add(new TextField(fieldSetFieldName));
// Check that map contains both TextField, Button and Div
// Check that map contains FieldSet
// Check that map does *not* contain the FieldSet's Field
// Check that field map is cached
assertSame(form.getFields(), form.getFields());
assertSame(form.getFields(), form.getControlMap());
* Test that insert(int, Control) works properly.
public void testInsert() {
Form form = new Form("form");
int defaultFieldSize = 17;
TextField field = new TextField("name");
// Assert that defaultFieldSize is not equal to field size
assertFalse(defaultFieldSize == field.getSize());
// Assert that after adding field, defaultFieldSize is equal to field size
assertTrue(defaultFieldSize == field.getSize());
* Test that add(Control) works properly.
public void testAdd() {
Form form = new Form("form");
form.add(new TextField("name"), 1);
// Check that add does not allow null arguments
try {
fail("Control cannot be null");
} catch (Exception expected) {
// Check that field can be added
try {
form.add(new TextField("field"));
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("TextField can be added");
// Check that button can be added
try {
form.add(new Button("button"));
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Button can be added");
// Check that table can be added
try {
form.add(new Table("table"));
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Table can be added");
* Test that add(Control, int) works properly.
public void testAddWidth() {
Form form = new Form("form");
form.add(new TextField("name"), 1);
// Check that add does not allow null arguments
try {
form.add(null, 1);
fail("Control cannot be null");
} catch (Exception expected) {
// Check that field can be added
try {
form.add(new TextField("field"), 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("TextField can be added");
// Check that table can be added
try {
form.add(new Table("table"), 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Table can be added");
// Check that add fails when width is less than 1
try {
form.add(new TextField("name"), 0);
fail("Width cannot be less than 1");
} catch (Exception expected) {
// Check that add fails when button is added
try {
form.add(new Button("button"), 1);
fail("Button cannot have width set");
} catch (Exception expected) {
* Tests the Form insert performance.
* Creating 100 000 forms with 20 fields takes 1034 ms -> 1934 inserts per ms.
* System used: Sun JDK 1.4, Dual core, 2.16GHz, 2.00GB RAM, Windows XP
public void testInsertPerf() {
// Specify the amount of text fields to create
int textFieldCount = 15;
// Number of times to populate a form with fields
int loops = Integer.getInteger("click.perf.loops", 100000);
long time = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
Form form = new Form("form");
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
populateForm(textFieldCount, form);
time += System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
System.out.println("Time :" + time);
* Test the isDisabled() for a child component. Intent is to ensure that a
* child component of the Form is disabled when the Form is itself disabled.
public void testIsDisabled() {
// Form is not disabled.
// Hiddenfield inside is not disabled.
// Change form state.
// Hiddenfield is now disabled too.
* Test the isReadonly() for a child component. Intent is to ensure that a
* child component of the Form is disabled when the Form is itself disabled.
public void testIsReadonly() {
// Form is not disabled.
// Hiddenfield inside is not disabled.
// Change form state.
// Hiddenfield is now disabled too.
* Check that adding fields replace existing fields with the same name.
* CLK-666
public void testReplaceFields() {
Form form = new Form("form");
// Add two fields named child1 and child2 (form auto adds FORM_NAME HiddenField as well)
Field child1 = new TextField("child1");
Field child2 = new TextField("child2");
assertEquals(3, form.getControlMap().size());
assertEquals(3, form.getControls().size());
assertEquals(3, form.getFields().size());
assertSame(child1, form.getControls().get(0));
assertSame(child2, form.getControls().get(1));
assertSame(child1, form.getFieldList().get(0));
assertSame(child2, form.getFieldList().get(1));
// Add another two fields named child1 and child2 and test that these
// panels replaces the previous fields
child1 = new TextField("child1");
child2 = new TextField("child2");
assertEquals(3, form.getControlMap().size());
assertEquals(3, form.getControls().size());
assertEquals(3, form.getFields().size());
assertSame(child1, form.getControls().get(0));
assertSame(child2, form.getControls().get(1));
assertSame(child1, form.getFieldList().get(0));
assertSame(child2, form.getFieldList().get(1));
* Check that adding buttons replace existing buttons with the same name.
* CLK-666
public void testReplaceButtons() {
Form form = new Form("form");
// Add two fields named child1 and child2 (form auto adds FORM_NAME HiddenField as well)
Button child1 = new Button("child1");
Button child2 = new Button("child2");
assertEquals(3, form.getControlMap().size());
assertEquals(3, form.getControls().size());
assertEquals(3, form.getFields().size());
assertSame(child1, form.getControls().get(0));
assertSame(child2, form.getControls().get(1));
assertSame(child1, form.getButtonList().get(0));
assertSame(child2, form.getButtonList().get(1));
// Add another two fields named child1 and child2 and test that these
// panels replaces the previous fields
child1 = new Button("child1");
child2 = new Button("child2");
assertEquals(3, form.getControlMap().size());
assertEquals(3, form.getControls().size());
assertEquals(3, form.getFields().size());
assertSame(child1, form.getControls().get(0));
assertSame(child2, form.getControls().get(1));
assertSame(child1, form.getButtonList().get(0));
assertSame(child2, form.getButtonList().get(1));
* Check that Label style attribute is not rendered on the parent TD element.
* CLK-712: In Click 2.2.0 the label style attribute was removed before rendering the
* label attributes, after which the label style attribute was added again.
* This could cause concurrent modification exceptions if the Form is rendered
* by multiple threads.
public void testLabelStyle() {
Form form = new Form("form");
Label label = new Label("label");
// Parent hint should be rendered as the TD style
label.setParentStyleHint("color: white;");
// Label style should not be rendered
label.setStyle("color", "black");
String formStr = form.toString();
// Check that parentStyleHint style was rendered
assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(formStr, "style=\"color: white;\""));
// Check that the label style was not rendered
assertEquals(1, StringUtils.countMatches(formStr, "style="));
* Test that Form.getState contains the state of all the Fields in the Form.
* Also test that Immutable HiddenFields are not saved as it is unnecessary
* state to keep in memory.
* CLK-715
public void testGetState() {
// Setup Form and Fields
Form form = new Form("form");
Field nameField = new TextField("name");
Field ageField = new TextField("age");
FieldSet fs = new FieldSet("address");
Field streetField = new TextField("street");
// Dummy onSubmitCheck to ensure submit check hiddenField is added by the Form
form.onSubmitCheck(new Page(), "dummy.htm");
Object state = form.getState();
Map formStateMap = (Map) state;
assertEquals(formStateMap.get(nameField.getName()), nameField.getValue());
assertEquals(formStateMap.get(ageField.getName()), ageField.getValue());
// Retrieve FieldSet state
Object fsState = formStateMap.get(fs.getName());
Map fsStateMap = (Map) fsState;
assertEquals(fsStateMap.get(streetField.getName()), streetField.getValue());
// Check that only the fields defined above are returned
assertEquals(3, formStateMap.size());
* Test that Form.setState correctly set the state of the Fields in the Form.
* CLK-715
public void testSetState() {
// Setup Form and Fields
Form form = new Form("form");
Field nameField = new TextField("name");
Field ageField = new TextField("age");
FieldSet fs = new FieldSet("address");
Field streetField = new TextField("street");
// Setup state
Map formStateMap = new HashMap();
formStateMap.put("name", "Steve");
formStateMap.put("age", "10");
Map fsStateMap = new HashMap();
fsStateMap.put("street", "short");
formStateMap.put("address", fsStateMap);
// Check that field values were restored
assertEquals("Steve", nameField.getValue());
assertEquals("10", ageField.getValue());
assertEquals("short", streetField.getValue());
* Populate the given Form with hidden fields.
* @param count the number of hidden fields to add
* @param form the form to add hidden fields to
public void populateForm(int count, Form form) {
// Add 5 hidden fields
form.add(new HiddenField("-1", Boolean.class));
form.add(new HiddenField("-2", Boolean.class));
form.add(new HiddenField("-3", Boolean.class));
form.add(new HiddenField("-4", Boolean.class));
form.add(new HiddenField("-5", Boolean.class));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
form.add(new TextField(String.valueOf(i)));
* Div container used for testing.
static class Div extends AbstractContainer {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Constructor.
public Div(String name) {
* @return div tag
public String getTag() {
return "div";