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<h1>Creating a Release</h1>
This page documents the steps to create a release.
<b>Please note</b> this section is for committers only.
<h3><a href="#" name="prerequisites"></a>Prerequisites</h3>
Before creating a release ensure you have setup your own public OpenGPG key signature
for signing the distribution.
An OpenGPG key can be generated using <a class="external" target="_blank" href="">GnuPG</a>.
There is also a <a class="external" target="_blank" href="">Windows</a> port available.
Before starting the release ensure that you have your <tt>public key</tt>
appended to the <a class="external" target="_blank" href="">KEYS</a>
file and that the key is published to a public key server
such as <a class="external" target="_blank" href="">MIT</a>.
More info can be found here: <a class="external" target="_blank" href=""></a>.
<h3>Building Distribution</h3>
Update to the latest SVN revision:
<pre class="codeConfig">svn update</pre>
Alternatively do a clean checkout as described on the page <a href="source-code.html">Source Code</a>.
Upgrade Click to the next version which consists of the following steps:
Ensure these files have the correct version:
documentation/header.html, framework/src/,
build/, examples/src/,
documentation/xdocs/src/docbook/click/click-book.xml and
Ensure third-party library versions are correct. Check the following
files: build/build.xml, examples/build.xml, documentation/docs/developer-guide/building.html.
Add upgraded libraries to documentation/docs/roadmap-changes.html
Finalize website:
Finalize <tt>documentation/docs/click.html</tt> and add
news about the upcoming release.
Finalize <tt>documentation/docs/roadmap-changes.html</tt>
and ensure that the release date is correct.
Update <tt>downloads.html</tt> and ensure the release date is correct.
Build documentation:
Navigate to the folder <tt>/documentation/xdocs</tt> and
download the list of third-party documentation dependencies:
<pre class="codeConfig">ant get-deps</pre>
Build the documentation in PDF and HTML formats:
<pre class="codeConfig">ant all</pre>
Navigate to the <tt>/build</tt> folder and download the list of
third-party library dependencies:
<pre class="codeConfig">ant get-deps</pre>
Run checkstyle to ensure source code adheres to the coding standard:
<pre class="codeConfig">ant checkstyle</pre>
Test the release and ensure there are no failures:
<pre class="codeConfig">ant test-all</pre>
Build the Click distribution:
<pre class="codeConfig">ant build-distribution</pre>
This step also creates MD5 and SHA1 hashes of the .zip file
which must be published together with the distribution.
Deploy the examples to a Servlet container (e.g. Tomcat)
and test click-examples.
Digitally sign the distribution
If you have more than 1 GPG Key, use the -u argument to specify
the KEY name.
<pre class="codeConfig">gpg --armor --output --detach-sig</pre>
Upload the distribution to your account at <tt></tt>
under the folder <tt>/home/USER/public_html/click/click/X.X.X/dist</tt>, where
USER is your Apache user name and X.X.X is the version number of Click.
The following files must be uploaded:
Make sure the uploaded files have the right permissions (<tt>664</tt>)
and belong to the 'click' group to ensure that other members
have proper access to these files.
If not execute the following commands to ensure file and directory
permissions are correct:
<pre class="codeConfig">ssh
cd ~/public_html/click/click/X.X.X/dist
find . -type d | xargs chmod 775
find . -type f | xargs chmod 664
chgrp -R click *</pre>
Verify the digital signatures at <tt></tt> to
ensure nothing went wrong with the upload.
Please note if this is the first time you verify your key
at <tt></tt>, you'll need to import your public
key first.
Assuming your public key ID is 'B51329CB' and your key is available
from the public key server '', the following command
will import the key on <tt></tt>:
<pre class="codeConfig">
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys B51329CB
Next verify the signature with the following command:
<pre class="codeConfig">
cd ~/public_html/click/click/X.X.X/dist
gpg --verify
<h3><a href="#" name="voting"></a>Voting</h3>
Each release must be voted by the PMC on the <tt>click-dev</tt>
mailing list.
Vote threads are indicated by starting the subject line with <tt>[VOTE]</tt>.
For a vote to pass at least three +1 votes are needed.
Votes are normally run for 72 hours. When starting the vote, indicate the
date and time the vote period ends.
When the vote period ends, tally up the votes and report the final result to the mailing list.
<h3>Publishing the Release</h3>
Tag the new release, e.g. click-2.0.1
<pre class="codeConfig">svn copy -m "tag X.X.X"
Releases are published at <tt></tt> under
the folder:
First login at apache:
<pre class="codeConfig">ssh</pre>
Then make sure your umask is set to 002. If not, enter the following command:
<pre class="codeConfig">umask 002</pre>
In order to publish the release you can copy the files from your
<tt>/public_html</tt> account to the apache distribution folder,
for example:
<pre class="codeConfig">
cp -r ~/public_html/click/click/X.X.X/dist/ /www/
<h3>Publishing Maven Bundles</h3>
Before publishing the artifacts, ensure the following settings
are present in your Maven settings file <tt>"~/.m2/settings.xml"</tt>:
<pre class="codeConfig">
Ensure the version and dependencies of the following files are up to date:
build/click.pom, build/click-extras.pom, build/click-mock.pom, build-nodeps.pom.
Build the Maven artifacts:
<pre class="codeConfig">ant build-maven-bundles</pre>
The maven sign-and-deploy command does <b>not</b> sign POM files,
so you will have to do this manually. From the <tt>maven-upload</tt>
folder execute the following commands:
<pre class="codeConfig">
cd maven-upload
gpg --armor --output click/click-X.X.X.pom.asc --detach-sig click/click-X.X.X.pom
gpg --armor --output click-extras/click-extras-X.X.X.pom.asc --detach-sig click-extras/click-extras-X.X.X.pom
gpg --armor --output click-mock/click-mock-X.X.X.pom.asc --detach-sig click-mock/click-mock-X.X.X.pom
gpg --armor --output click-nodeps/click-nodeps-X.X.X.pom.asc --detach-sig click-nodeps/click-nodeps-X.X.X.pom</pre>
The signed poms will have to be manually uploaded after the
artifacts have been deployed. More on this in the next section.
Maven <tt>snapshots</tt> must be uploaded to: <tt>/home/USER/public_html/click/click/X.X.X/maven2</tt>
(USER should be replaced with your home dir on
while <tt>releases</tt> must be uploaded to: <tt>/www/</tt>.
Please note the <tt>mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file</tt> command will both sign and upload
the maven artifacts to the server. You will be prompted for your
GPG passphrase.
<li>For <b>snapshots</b> execute the following commands from the <tt>maven-upload</tt> folder:
(If you have more than 1 GPG Key, use the <tt>keyname</tt> attribute
to specify the KEY name.)
<pre class="codeConfig">
cd maven-upload
mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file -DpomFile=click/click-X.X.X.pom -Dfile=click/click-X.X.X.jar -Durl=scp:// -DrepositoryId=apache.releases
mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file -DpomFile=click-extras/click-extras-X.X.X.pom -Dfile=click-extras/click-extras-X.X.X.jar -Durl=scp:// -DrepositoryId=apache.releases
mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file -DpomFile=click-nodeps/click-nodeps-X.X.X.pom -Dfile=click-nodeps/click-nodeps-X.X.X.jar -Durl=scp:// -DrepositoryId=apache.releases
mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file -DpomFile=click-mock/click-mock-X.X.X.pom -Dfile=click-mock/click-mock-X.X.X.jar -Durl=scp:// -DrepositoryId=apache.releases
For the commands above remember to replace USER with your Apache
username and X.X.X with the Click version.
<li>For <b>releases</b> execute the following commands from the <tt>maven-upload</tt> folder:
(If you have more than 1 GPG Key, use the <tt>keyname</tt> attribute
to specify the KEY name.)
<pre class="codeConfig">
cd maven-upload
mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file -DpomFile=click/click-X.X.X.pom -Dfile=click/click-X.X.X.jar -Durl=scp:// -DrepositoryId=apache.releases
mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file -DpomFile=click-extras/click-extras-X.X.X.pom -Dfile=click-extras/click-extras-X.X.X.jar -Durl=scp:// -DrepositoryId=apache.releases
mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file -DpomFile=click-nodeps/click-nodeps-X.X.X.pom -Dfile=click-nodeps/click-nodeps-X.X.X.jar -Durl=scp:// -DrepositoryId=apache.releases
mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file -DpomFile=click-mock/click-mock-X.X.X.pom -Dfile=click-mock/click-mock-X.X.X.jar -Durl=scp:// -DrepositoryId=apache.releases
<li>The <tt>sign-and-deploy-file</tt> command creates a number
of unnecessary artifacts that can be deleted. The artifacts
that can be deleted are:
<pre class="codeConfig">
<li>Next upload the POM signature files to each artifact folder. The
following POM's must be uploaded to their respective folders:
(this step must be done for both <tt>snapshots</tt> and <tt>releases</tt>)
<pre class="codeConfig">
click-X.X.X.pom.asc -> /www/
click-extras-X.X.X.pom.asc -> /www/
click-mock-X.X.X.pom.asc -> /www/
click-nodeps-X.X.X.pom.asc -> /www/</pre>
<li>Once the artifacts and POM signatures have been uploaded, execute
the following commands to ensure the file, directory permissions
and group is correct. Note that because of a bug in "maven deploy", all
<tt>maven-metadata.xml*</tt> files must have their permissions set
to 664. (this step must be done for both <tt>snapshots</tt> and <tt>releases</tt>)
<pre class="codeConfig">
cd /www/
#cd public_html/click/click/X.X.X/maven2
find . ! -perm 775 -type d -user ${USER} -exec chmod 775 {} \;
find . ! -perm 664 -iname maven-metadata.xml* -user ${USER} -exec chmod 664 {} \;
find . ! -perm 644 ! -iname maven-metadata.xml* -type f -user ${USER} -exec chmod 644 {} \;</pre>
<li>Once the artifacts are uploaded you need to verify the signatures:
(this step must be done for both <tt>snapshots</tt> and <tt>releases</tt>)
<pre class="codeConfig">
cd /www/
#cd public_html/click/click/X.X.X/maven2/org/apache/click
gpg --verify click/X.X.X/click-X.X.X.jar.asc click/X.X.X/click-X.X.X.jar
gpg --verify click/X.X.X/click-X.X.X.pom.asc click/X.X.X/click-X.X.X.pom
gpg --verify click-extras/X.X.X/click-extras-X.X.X.jar.asc click-extras/X.X.X/click-extras-X.X.X.jar
gpg --verify click-extras/X.X.X/click-extras-X.X.X.pom.asc click-extras/X.X.X/click-extras-X.X.X.pom
gpg --verify click-nodeps/X.X.X/click-nodeps-X.X.X.jar.asc click-nodeps/X.X.X/click-nodeps-X.X.X.jar
gpg --verify click-nodeps/X.X.X/click-nodeps-X.X.X.pom.asc click-nodeps/X.X.X/click-nodeps-X.X.X.pom
gpg --verify click-mock/X.X.X/click-mock-X.X.X.jar.asc click-mock/X.X.X/click-mock-X.X.X.jar
gpg --verify click-mock/X.X.X/click-mock-X.X.X.pom.asc click-mock/X.X.X/click-mock-X.X.X.pom
<h3>Post release</h3>
The following tasks should be completed once the release is out:
Upload the web site to <tt></tt> under the folder
You can either upload the website from your local machine or
checkout and sync the site on the server. For
<pre class="codeConfig">
mkdir temp
cd temp
svn co
cd click/build
ant get-deps
ant build-distribution
cd ../documentation/xdocs/
ant get-deps
ant all
rsync -avz --exclude ".svn" --exclude "xdocs" ~/temp/click/documentation/ /www/</pre>
Make sure the website files and folders have the right permissions (<tt>664</tt>)
and belong to the 'click' group to ensure that other members
have proper access to these files.
If not execute the following commands to ensure file and directory
permissions are correct:
<pre class="codeConfig">ssh
cd /www/
find . -type d | xargs chmod 775
find . -type f | xargs chmod 664
chgrp -R click *</pre>
Update the DOAP file (<tt>/documentation/doap/click.rdf</tt>) and
ensure the new release is added. Commit the changes to ensure the
DOAP file is picked up by Apache processes.
Email release announcement to the <tt>user</tt> and <tt>dev</tt>
mailing lists.
Upgrade Click to the next version. The following files must be updated:
documentation/header.html, framework/src/,
build/, examples/src/,
documentation/xdocs/src/docbook/click/click-book.xml and