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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
* Provides a base class for rendering HEAD resources of an HTML page, for
* example JavaScript (<script>) and Cascading Stylesheets
* (<link>/<style>).
* <p/>
* Subclasses should override {@link #getTag()} to return a specific HTML tag.
* <p/>
* Below are some example Resource elements:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link JsImport}, for importing <tt>external</tt> JavaScript using the
* &lt;script&gt; element.</li>
* <li>{@link JsScript}, for including <tt>inline</tt> JavaScript using the
* &lt;script&gt; element.</li>
* <li>{@link CssImport}, for importing <tt>external</tt> Cascading Stylesheets
* using the &lt;link&gt; element.</li>
* <li>{@link CssStyle}, for including <tt>inline</tt> Cascading Stylesheets
* using the &lt;style&gt; element.</li>
* </ul>
* <a name="remove-duplicates"></a>
* <h3>Remove duplicates</h3>
* Click will ensure that duplicate Resource elements are removed by checking
* the {@link #isUnique()} property. Thus if the same Resource is imported
* multiple times by the Page or different Controls, only one Resource will be
* rendered, if {@link #isUnique()} returns <tt>true</tt>.
* <p/>
* The rules for defining a unique Resource is as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link JsImport} and {@link CssImport} is unique based on the
* attributes {@link JsImport#getSrc()} and {@link CssImport#getHref()}
* respectively.</li>
* <li>{@link JsScript} and {@link CssStyle} is unique if their HTML
* {@link #setId(java.lang.String) ID} attribute is set. The HTML
* spec defines that an element's HTML ID must be unique per page.</li>
* </ul>
* For example:
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* public class MyPage extends Page {
* public List getHeadElements() {
* // We use lazy loading to ensure the JavaScript and Css is only added
* // the first time this method is called.
* if (headElements == null) {
* // Get the head elements from the super implementation
* headElements = super.getHeadElements();
* JsImport jsImport = new JsImport("/js/mylib.js");
* // Click will ensure the library "/js/mylib.js" is only included
* // once in the Page
* headElements.add(jsImport);
* JsScript jsScript = new JsScript("alert('Hello!');");
* // Click won't ensure the script is unique because its ID
* // attribute is not defined
* headElements.add(jsScript);
* jsScript = new JsScript("alert('Hello!');");
* jsScript.setId("my-unique-script-id");
* // Click will ensure the script is unique because its ID attribute
* // is defined. Click will remove other scripts with the same ID
* headElements.add(jsScript);
* CssImport cssImport = new CssImport("/css/style.css");
* // Click will ensure the library "/css/style.css" is only
* // included once in the Page
* headElements.add(cssImport);
* CssScript cssScript = new CssScript("body { font-weight: bold; }");
* cssScript.setId("my-unique-style-id");
* // Click will ensure the css is unique because its ID attribute
* // is defined. Click will remove other css styles with the same ID
* headElements.add(cssScript);
* }
* return headElements;
* }
* } </pre>
* <a name="versioning"></a>
* <h3>Automatic Resource versioning</h3>
* ResourceElement provides the ability to automatically version elements
* according to Yahoo Performance Rule: <a target="_blank" href="">Add an Expires or a Cache-Control Header</a>.
* This rule recommends adding an expiry header to JavaScript, Css
* and image resources, which forces the browser to cache the resources. It also
* suggests <em>versioning</em> the resources so that each new release of the
* web application renders resources with different paths, forcing the browser
* to download the new resources.
* <p/>
* For detailed information on versioning JavaScript, Css and image resources
* see the <a href="../../../../extras-api/org/apache/click/extras/filter/PerformanceFilter.html">PerformanceFilter</a>.
* <p/>
* To enable versioning of JavaScript, Css and image resources the following
* conditions must be met:
* <ul>
* <li>the {@link}
* request attribute must be set to <tt>true</tt></li>
* <li>the application mode must be either "production" or "profile"</li>
* <li>the {@link
* application version} must be set</li>
* </ul>
* <b>Please note:</b> <a href="../../../../extras-api/org/apache/click/extras/filter/PerformanceFilter.html">PerformanceFilter</a>
* handles the above steps for you.
* <a name="conditional-comment"></a>
* <h3>Conditional comment support for Internet Explorer</h3>
* Sometimes it is necessary to provide additional JavaScript and Css for
* Internet Explorer because it deviates quite often from the standards.
* <p/>
* Conditional comments allows you to wrap the resource in a special comment
* which only IE understands, meaning other browsers won't process the resource.
* <p/>
* You can read more about conditional comments
* <a target="_blank" href="">here</a>
* and <a target="_blank" href="">here</a>
* <p/>
* It has to be said that IE7 and up has much better support for Css, thus
* conditional comments are mostly used for IE6 and below.
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* public class MyPage extends Page {
* public List getHeadElements() {
* // We use lazy loading to ensure the JavaScript and Css is only added
* // the first time this method is called.
* if (headElements == null) {
* // Get the head elements from the super implementation
* headElements = super.getHeadElements();
* CssImport cssImport = new CssImport("/css/ie-style.css");
* // Use one of the predefined conditional comments to target IE6
* // and below
* cssImport.setConditionalComment(IE_LESS_THAN_IE7);
* headElements.add(cssImport);
* cssImport = new CssImport("/css/ie-style2.css");
* // Use a custom predefined conditional comments to target only IE6
* cssImport.setConditionalComment("[if IE 6]");
* headElements.add(cssImport);
* }
* return headElements;
* }
* } </pre>
* ResourceElement contains some predefined Conditional Comments namely
* {@link #IF_IE}, {@link #IF_LESS_THAN_IE7} and {@link #IF_IE7}.
public class ResourceElement extends Element {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// Constants --------------------------------------------------------------
* A predefined conditional comment to test if browser is IE. Value:
* <tt>[if IE]</tt>.
public static final String IF_IE = "[if IE]";
* A predefined conditional comment to test if browser is less than IE7.
* Value: <tt>[if lt IE 7]</tt>.
public static final String IF_LESS_THAN_IE7 = "[if lt IE 7]";
* A predefined conditional comment to test if browser is IE7. Value:
* <tt>[if IE 7]</tt>.
public static final String IF_IE7 = "[if IE 7]";
* A predefined conditional comment to test if browser is less than
* or equal to IE7. Value: <tt>[if lte IE 7]</tt>.
public static final String IF_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_IE7 = "[if lte IE 7]";
* A predefined conditional comment to test if browser is less than IE9.
* Value: <tt>[if lt IE 9]</tt>.
public static final String IF_LESS_THAN_IE9 = "[if lt IE 9]";
// Variables --------------------------------------------------------------
* The Internet Explorer conditional comment to wrap the Resource with.
private String conditionalComment;
* Indicates whether the {@link #getId() ID} attribute should be rendered
* or not, default value is <tt>true</tt>.
private boolean renderId = true;
* The <tt>version indicator</tt> to append to the Resource element.
private String versionIndicator;
// ------------------------------------------------------ Public properties
* Return the <tt>version indicator</tt> to be appended to the resource
* path.
* @return the <tt>version indicator</tt> to be appended to the resource
* path.
public String getVersionIndicator() {
return versionIndicator;
* Set the <tt>version indicator</tt> to be appended to the resource path.
* @param versionIndicator the version indicator to be appended to the
* resource path
public void setVersionIndicator(String versionIndicator) {
this.versionIndicator = versionIndicator;
* Returns whether or not the Resource unique. This method returns
* <tt>true</tt> if the {@link #getId() ID} attribute is defined,
* false otherwise.
* @return true if the Resource should be unique, false otherwise.
public boolean isUnique() {
String id = getId();
// If id is defined, import will be any duplicate import found will be
// filtered out
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the element render {@link #getId() ID} attribute status, default
* value is true.
* @see #setRenderId(boolean)
* @return the element render id attribute status, default value is true
public boolean isRenderId() {
return renderId;
* Set the element render {@link #getId() ID} attribute status.
* <p/>
* If renderId is false the element {@link #getId() ID} attribute will not
* be rendered.
* @param renderId set the element render id attribute status
public void setRenderId(boolean renderId) {
this.renderId = renderId;
* Return Internal Explorer's <tt>conditional comment</tt> to wrap the
* Resource with.
* @return Internal Explorer's conditional comment to wrap the Resource with.
public String getConditionalComment() {
return conditionalComment;
* Set Internet Explorer's conditional comment to wrap the Resource with.
* @param conditionalComment Internet Explorer's conditional comment to wrap
* the Resource with
public void setConditionalComment(String conditionalComment) {
this.conditionalComment = conditionalComment;
// Public Methods ---------------------------------------------------------
* Render the HTML representation of the Resource element to the specified
* buffer.
* <p/>
* If {@link #getTag()} returns null, this method will return an empty
* string.
* @param buffer the specified buffer to render the Resource element output
* to
public void render(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
if (getTag() == null) {
renderTagBegin(getTag(), buffer);
renderTagEnd(getTag(), buffer);
// Package Private Methods ------------------------------------------------
* Render the given attribute and resourcePath and append the
* {@link #getVersionIndicator()} to the resourcePath, if it was set.
* If the version indicator is not defined this method will only render the
* resourcePath.
* @param buffer the buffer to render to
* @param attribute the attribute name to render
* @param resourcePath the resource path to render
void renderResourcePath(HtmlStringBuffer buffer, String attribute,
String resourcePath) {
String versionIndicator = getVersionIndicator();
// If resourcePath is null exit early
if (resourcePath == null) {
// If version indicator is not defined render resource path only
if (StringUtils.isBlank(versionIndicator)) {
buffer.appendAttribute(attribute, resourcePath);
// If the resourcePath has no extension render the resource path only
int start = resourcePath.lastIndexOf(".");
if (start < 0) {
buffer.appendAttribute(attribute, resourcePath);
buffer.append(" ");
buffer.append(resourcePath.substring(0, start));
* Render the {@link #getConditionalComment() conditional comment} prefix
* to the specified buffer. If the conditional comment is not defined this
* method won't append to the buffer.
* @param buffer buffer to append the conditional comment prefix
void renderConditionalCommentPrefix(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
String conditional = getConditionalComment();
// Render IE conditional comment
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(conditional)) {
* Render the {@link #getConditionalComment() conditional comment} suffix
* to the specified buffer. If the conditional comment is not defined this
* method won't append to the buffer.
* @param buffer buffer to append the conditional comment suffix
void renderConditionalCommentSuffix(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
String conditional = getConditionalComment();
// Close IE conditional comment
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(conditional)) {