blob: d72dd7ef450ddd4797cb0e1606b8d52e8d79fdd4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Provides a FieldSet container control:   <fieldset>.
* <table style='margin-bottom: 1.25em'>
* <tr>
* <td>
* <fieldset id='form-paymentDetails'>
* <legend id='form-paymentDetails-legend'>FieldSet</legend>
* <table class='fields' id='form-paymentDetails-fields'>
* <tr class='fields'>
* <td class='fields' align='left'><label>Card Name</label><font color="red">*</font></td>
* <td align='left'><input type='text' name='cardName' id='form-cardName' value='' size='20'/></td>
* </tr>
* <tr class='fields'>
* <td class='fields' align='left'><label>Card Number</label><font color="red">*</font></td>
* <td align='left'><input type='text' name='cardNumber' id='form-cardNumber' value='' size='19' onkeypress='javascript:return integerFilter(event);' maxlength='19'/><select name='cardtype' id='form-cardtype' size='1'><option selected='selected' value='VISA'>Visa</option><option value='MASTER'>Master</option><option value='AMEX'>AmEx</option><option value='DINERS'>Diners</option><option value='DISCOVER'>Discover</option></select></td>
* </tr>
* <tr class='fields'>
* <td class='fields' align='left'><label>Expiry</label><font color="red">*</font></td>
* <td align='left'><input type='text' name='expiry' id='form-expiry' value='' size='4' onkeypress='javascript:return integerFilter(event);' maxlength='4'/></td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* </fieldset>
* </td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* FieldSet provides a container for laying out form <tt>Field</tt> controls.
* <h3>FieldSet Example</h3>
* An FieldSet example containing credit card payment details is provided below:
* <pre class='codeJava'>
* <span class='kw'>public class</span> PaymentDetails() {
* <span class="kw">public</span> Form form = <span class='kw'>new</span> Form();
* <span class='kw'>public</span> PaymentDetails() {
* FieldSet paymentFieldSet = <span class='kw'>new</span> FieldSet(<span class='st'>"paymentDetails"</span>);
* form.add(paymentFieldSet);
* paymentFieldSet.add(<span class='kw'>new</span> TextField(<span class='st'>"cardName"</span>, <span class='kw'>true</span>));
* paymentFieldSet.add(<span class='kw'>new</span> CreditCardField(<span class='st'>"cardNumber"</span>, <span class='kw'>true</span>));
* IntegerField expiryField = <span class='kw'>new</span> IntegerField(<span class='st'>"expiry"</span>, <span class='kw'>true</span>);
* expiryField.setSize(4);
* expiryField.setMaxLength(4);
* paymentFieldSet.add(expiryField);
* form.add(<span class='kw'>new</span> Submit(<span class='st'>"ok"</span>, <span class='st'>" OK "</span>, <span class='kw'>this</span>, <span class='st'>"onOkClick"</span>);
* form.add(<span class='kw'>new</span> Submit(<span class='st'>" Cancel "</span>, <span class='kw'>this</span>, <span class='st'>"onCancelClick"</span>));
* }
* } </pre>
* When the FieldSet is processed it invokes the <tt>onProcess()</tt> method
* of its contained Fields. Beyond this the FieldSet performs no server side
* processing, and should be considered simply as a container for laying out
* form fields.
* <p/>
* See also the W3C HTML reference:
* <a class="external" target="_blank" title="W3C HTML 4.01 Specification"
* href="">FIELDSET</a>
public class FieldSet extends Field implements Container {
// Constants --------------------------------------------------------------
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// Instance Variables -----------------------------------------------------
/** The list of controls. */
protected List<Control> controls;
/** The map of controls keyed by field name. */
protected Map<String, Control> controlMap;
/** The ordered list of fields, excluding buttons. */
protected final List<Field> fieldList = new ArrayList<Field>();
/** The map of field width values. */
protected Map<String, Integer> fieldWidths;
/** The FieldSet legend. */
protected String legend;
/** The FieldSet legend attributes map. */
protected Map<String, String> legendAttributes;
/** The render fieldset border flag, default value is true. */
protected boolean showBorder = true;
* This property serves as a hint to the number of table columns the fieldset
* is rendered with.
* Currently only {@link Form} acts upon this property.
protected Integer columns;
// Constructors -----------------------------------------------------------
* Create a FieldSet with the given name.
* @param name the fieldset name element value
public FieldSet(String name) {
* Create a FieldSet with the given name and legend.
* @param name the fieldset name
* @param legend the fieldset legend element value
public FieldSet(String name, String legend) {
* Create a FieldSet with no name defined.
* <p/>
* <b>Please note</b> the control's name must be defined before it is valid.
public FieldSet() {
// Public Methods ---------------------------------------------------------
* Add a Field to the FieldSet at the specified index and return the added
* instance.
* <p/>
* <b>Please note</b>: if the FieldSet contains a control with the same name
* as the given control, that control will be
* {@link #replace(, replaced}
* by the given control. If a control has no name defined it cannot be replaced.
* <p/>
* Controls can be retrieved from the Map {@link #getControlMap() controlMap}
* where the key is the Control name and value is the Control instance.
* <p/>
* All controls are available on the {@link #getControls() controls} list
* at the index they were inserted. If you are only interested in Fields,
* note that fields are available on {@link #getFieldList() fieldList}.
* <p/>
* The specified index only applies to {@link #getControls() controls}, not
* {@link #getFieldList() fieldList}.
* <p/>
* <b>Please note</b> if the specified control already has a parent assigned,
* it will automatically be removed from that parent and inserted into the
* fieldSet.
* @see Container#insert(, int)
* @param control the control to add to the FieldSet and return
* @param index the index at which the control is to be inserted
* @return the control that was added to the FieldSet
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the control is null, the Field's name
* is not defined or if the control is neither a Field nor FieldSet
public Control insert(Control control, int index) {
// Check if container already contains the control
String controlName = control.getName();
if (controlName != null) {
Control currentControl = getControlMap().get(controlName);
// If container already contains the control do a replace
if (currentControl != null
&& !(control instanceof Label)) {
// Current control and new control are referencing the same object
// so we exit early
if (currentControl == control) {
return control;
// If the two controls are different objects, we remove the current
// control and add the given control
return replace(currentControl, control);
ContainerUtils.insert(this, control, index, getControlMap());
if (control instanceof Field) {
Field field = (Field) control;
// Add field to fieldList for fast access
if (!(field instanceof Button)) {
Form form = getForm();
if (form != null && form.getDefaultFieldSize() > 0) {
if (field instanceof TextField) {
((TextField) field).setSize(form.getDefaultFieldSize());
} else if (field instanceof FileField) {
((FileField) field).setSize(form.getDefaultFieldSize());
} else if (field instanceof TextArea) {
((TextArea) field).setCols(form.getDefaultFieldSize());
return control;
* Replace the current control with the new control.
* @param currentControl the current control container in the fieldset
* @param newControl the control to replace the current control
* @return the new control that replaced the current control
* @deprecated this method was used for stateful pages, which have been deprecated
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the currentControl or newControl is
* null
* @throws IllegalStateException if the currentControl is not contained in
* the fieldset
public Control replace(Control currentControl, Control newControl) {
// Current and new control is the same instance - exit early
if (currentControl == newControl) {
return newControl;
int controlIndex = getControls().indexOf(currentControl);
Control result = ContainerUtils.replace(this, currentControl, newControl,
controlIndex, getControlMap());
if (newControl instanceof Field) {
Field field = (Field) newControl;
// Replace field in fieldList for fast access
if (!(field instanceof Button)) {
int fieldIndex = getFieldList().indexOf(currentControl);
getFieldList().set(fieldIndex, field);
// Set parent form
Form form = getForm();
if (currentControl instanceof Field) {
// Remove form reference from current control
((Field) currentControl).setForm(null);
if (form != null && form.getDefaultFieldSize() > 0) {
if (field instanceof TextField) {
((TextField) field).setSize(form.getDefaultFieldSize());
} else if (field instanceof FileField) {
((FileField) field).setSize(form.getDefaultFieldSize());
} else if (field instanceof TextArea) {
((TextArea) field).setCols(form.getDefaultFieldSize());
return result;
* Add a Control to the fieldset and return the added instance.
* <p/>
* <b>Please note</b>: if the FieldSet contains a control with the same name
* as the given control, that control will be
* {@link #replace(, replaced}
* by the given control. If a control has no name defined it cannot be replaced.
* <p/>
* Controls can be retrieved from the Map {@link #getControlMap() controlMap}
* where the key is the Control name and value is the Control instance.
* <p/>
* All controls are available on the {@link #getControls() controls} list
* in the order they were added. If you are only interested in Fields,
* note fields are available on {@link #getFieldList() fieldList}.
* @see
* @param control the control to add to the container and return
* @return the control that was added to the container
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the control is null, the Field's name
* is not defined or if the control is neither a Field nor FieldSet
public Control add(Control control) {
return insert(control, getControls().size());
* Add the field to the fieldSet, and set the fields form property.
* <p/>
* <b>Please note</b>: if the FieldSet contains a control with the same name
* as the given control, that control will be
* {@link #replace(, replaced}
* by the given control. If a control has no name defined it cannot be replaced.
* <p/>
* Fields can be retrieved from the Map {@link #getFields() fields} where
* the key is the Field name and value is the Field instance.
* <p/>
* Fields are available on {@link #getFieldList() fieldList}.
* @see #add(
* @param field the field to add to the fieldSet
* @return the field added to this fieldSet
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field is null or the field name
* is not defined
public Field add(Field field) {
add((Control) field);
return field;
* Add the field to the fieldset and specify the field width in columns.
* <p/>
* <b>Please note</b>: if the FieldSet contains a control with the same name
* as the given control, that control will be
* {@link #replace(, replaced}
* by the given control. If a control has no name defined it cannot be replaced.
* <p/>
* Fields can be retrieved from the Map {@link #getFields() fields} where
* the key is the Field name and value is the Field instance.
* <p/>
* Fields are available on {@link #getFieldList() fieldList}.
* <p/>
* Note Button and HiddenField types are not valid arguments for this method.
* @param field the field to add to the fieldset
* @param width the width of the field in table columns
* @return the field added to this fieldset
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field is null, field name is
* not defined, field is a Button or HiddenField or the width &lt; 1
public Field add(Field field, int width) {
add((Control) field, width);
return field;
* Add the control to the fieldset and specify the control's width in columns.
* <p/>
* <b>Please note</b>: if the FieldSet contains a control with the same name
* as the given control, that control will be
* {@link #replace(, replaced}
* by the given control. If a control has no name defined it cannot be replaced.
* <p/>
* Controls can be retrieved from the Map {@link #getControlMap() controlMap}
* where the key is the Control name and value is the Control instance.
* <p/>
* Controls are available on the {@link #getControls() controls} list.
* <p/>
* Note Button and HiddenField types are not valid arguments for this method.
* @param control the control to add to the fieldSet
* @param width the width of the control in table columns
* @return the control added to this fieldSet
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the control is null, control is a
* Button or HiddenField or the width &lt; 1
public Control add(Control control, int width) {
if (control instanceof Button || control instanceof HiddenField) {
String msg = "Not valid a valid field type: " + control.getClass().getName();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (width < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid field width: " + width);
if (control.getName() != null) {
getFieldWidths().put(control.getName(), width);
return control;
* @see Container#remove(
* @param control the control to remove from the container
* @return true if the control was removed from the container
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the control is null
public boolean remove(Control control) {
boolean removed = ContainerUtils.remove(this, control, getControlMap());
if (removed && control instanceof Field) {
Field field = (Field) control;
if (!(field instanceof Button)) {
return removed;
* Remove the given field from the fieldset.
* @param field the field to remove from the fieldset
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field is null
public void remove(Field field) {
remove((Control) field);
* Remove the named field from the fieldset, returning true if removed
* or false if not found.
* @param name the name of the field to remove from the fieldset
* @return true if the named field was removed or false otherwise
public boolean removeField(String name) {
Control control = ContainerUtils.findControlByName(this, name);
if (control != null) {
return remove(control);
} else {
return false;
* @see
* @return the sequential list of controls held by the container
public List<Control> getControls() {
if (controls == null) {
controls = new ArrayList<Control>();
return controls;
* @see
* @param controlName the name of the control to get from the container
* @return the named control from the container if found or null otherwise
public Control getControl(String controlName) {
if (hasControls()) {
return getControlMap().get(controlName);
return null;
* @see
* @param control the control whose presence in this container is to be tested
* @return true if the container contains the specified control
public boolean contains(Control control) {
return getControls().contains(control);
* Returns true if this container has existing controls, false otherwise.
* @see AbstractContainer#hasControls()
* @return true if the container has existing controls, false otherwise.
public boolean hasControls() {
return (controls != null) && !controls.isEmpty();
* Return the fieldset's html tag: <tt>fieldset</tt>.
* @see AbstractControl#getTag()
* @return this controls html tag
public String getTag() {
return "fieldset";
* Return true if the FieldSet is disabled. The FieldSet will also be
* disabled if the parent Form is disabled.
* <p/>
* <b>Important Note</b>: disabled fieldset also disables all its fields
* which will not submit their values in a HTML form POST. This may cause
* validation issues in a form submission. Please note this is a HTML
* limitation and is not due to Click.
* @return true if the Field is disabled
public boolean isDisabled() {
Form form = getForm();
if (form != null && form.isDisabled()) {
return true;
} else {
return disabled;
* Set the FieldSet disabled flag which in turn will disable all its fields.
* <p/>
* <b>Important Note</b>: disabled fieldset also disables all its fields
* which will not submit their values in a HTML form POST. This may cause
* validation issues in a form submission. Please note this is a HTML
* limitation and is not due to Click.
* @param disabled the Field disabled flag
public void setDisabled(boolean disabled) {
* Return true if the FieldSet is readonly. The FieldSet will also be
* readonly if the parent Form is readonly.
* @return true if the FieldSet is a readonly
public boolean isReadonly() {
Form form = getForm();
if (form != null && form.isReadonly()) {
return true;
} else {
return readonly;
* Set the FieldSet readonly flag which in turn will set all its fields
* to readonly.
* @param readonly the FieldSet readonly flag
public void setReadonly(boolean readonly) {
* Return the number of fieldset layout table columns. This property supplies
* a hint to the number of table columns the fieldset should be rendered with.
* <p/>
* <b>Note</b> currently only {@link Form} acts upon the column value.
* <p/>
* By default this property inherits its value from the parent Form, but
* can be specified to override the form value.
* @return the number of fieldset layout table columns
public int getColumns() {
if (columns != null) {
return columns;
} else {
return getForm().getColumns();
* Set the number of fieldset layout table columns. This property supplies
* a hint to the number of table columns the fieldset should be rendered with.
* <p/>
* <b>Note</b> currently only {@link Form} acts upon the column value.
* @param columns the number of fieldset layout table columns
public void setColumns(int columns) {
this.columns = columns;
* Return the render fieldset border flag. The border is the HTML
* &lt;fieldset&gt; element.
* @return the render the fieldset border flag
public boolean getShowBorder() {
return showBorder;
* Set the render fieldset border flag. The border is the HTML
* &lt;fieldset&gt; element.
* @param value the render the fieldset border flag
public void setShowBorder(boolean value) {
this.showBorder = value;
* Return the named field if contained in the fieldset, or null if not
* found.
* @param name the name of the field
* @return the named field if contained in the fieldset
public Field getField(String name) {
return (Field) getControl(name);
* Return the ordered list of FieldSet fields, excluding buttons.
* <p/>
* The order of the fields is the same order they were added to the
* FieldSet.
* <p/>
* The returned list only includes fields directly added to the FieldSet.
* @return the ordered List of fieldset fields
public List<Field> getFieldList() {
return fieldList;
* Return the Map of fieldset fields, keyed on field name.
* @return the Map of fieldset fields, keyed on field name
public Map<String, Control> getFields() {
return getControlMap();
* Return the map of field width values, keyed on field name.
* @return the map of field width values, keyed on field name
public Map<String, Integer> getFieldWidths() {
if (fieldWidths == null) {
fieldWidths = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
return fieldWidths;
* Set the FieldSet's the parent <tt>Form</tt>.
* @param form FieldSet's parent <tt>Form</tt>
public void setForm(Form form) {
this.form = form;
// Set the specified form on the fieldsSets children. This call is not
// recursive to children's children
for (Control control : getControls()) {
if (control instanceof Field) {
((Field) control).setForm(form);
* Return the fieldset Legend element value: &lt;legend&gt;
* <p/>
* If the legend value is null, this method will attempt to find a
* localized label message in the parent messages using the key:
* <blockquote>
* <tt>getName() + ".title"</tt>
* </blockquote>
* If not found then the message will be looked up in the
* <tt>/</tt> file using the same key.
* If a value cannot be found in the parent or control messages then the
* FieldSet name will be converted into a legend using the
* {@link ClickUtils#toLabel(String)} method.
* @return the fieldset Legend element value
public String getLegend() {
if (legend == null) {
legend = getMessage(getName() + ".legend");
if (legend == null) {
String fsName = getName();
if (fsName != null) {
legend = ClickUtils.toLabel(fsName);
return legend;
* Set the fieldset Legend element value: &lt;legend&gt;. If the legend
* value is a zero length string no legend element will be rendered. You
* can set a blank zero length string if you want to render the fieldset
* border but don't want a legend caption.
* @param legend the fieldset Legend element value
public void setLegend(String legend) {
this.legend = legend;
* Return the legend HTML attribute with the given name, or null if the
* attribute does not exist.
* @param name the name of legend HTML attribute
* @return the legend HTML attribute
public String getLegendAttribute(String name) {
if (legendAttributes != null) {
return legendAttributes.get(name);
} else {
return null;
* Set the fieldset HTML attribute with the given attribute name and value.
* @param name the name of the form HTML attribute
* @param value the value of the form HTML attribute
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if name parameter is null
public void setLegendAttribute(String name, String value) {
if (name == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null name parameter");
if (legendAttributes == null) {
legendAttributes = new HashMap<String, String>(5);
if (value != null) {
legendAttributes.put(name, value);
} else {
* Return the fieldset attributes Map.
* @return the fieldset attributes Map
public Map<String, String> getLegendAttributes() {
if (legendAttributes == null) {
legendAttributes = new HashMap<String, String>(5);
return legendAttributes;
* Return true if the fieldset has attributes or false otherwise.
* @return true if the fieldset has attributes on false otherwise
public boolean hasLegendAttributes() {
if (legendAttributes != null && !legendAttributes.isEmpty()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Process the request invoking <tt>onProcess()</tt> on the contained
* <tt>Control</tt> elements.
* @return true if all Controls were processed, or false if any Control
* returned false
public boolean onProcess() {
if (hasControls()) {
for (Control control : getControls()) {
String controlName = control.getName();
if (controlName == null || !controlName.startsWith(
boolean continueProcessing = control.onProcess();
if (!continueProcessing) {
return false;
return true;
* @see
public void onDestroy() {
if (hasControls()) {
for (int i = 0, size = getControls().size(); i < size; i++) {
Control control = getControls().get(i);
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
ClickUtils.getLogService().error("onDestroy error", t);
* @see
public void onInit() {
if (hasControls()) {
for (int i = 0, size = getControls().size(); i < size; i++) {
Control control = getControls().get(i);
* @see
public void onRender() {
if (hasControls()) {
for (int i = 0, size = getControls().size(); i < size; i++) {
Control control = getControls().get(i);
* Return the FieldSet state. The following state is returned:
* <ul>
* <li>all the input Field values and other FieldSets contained in this
* FieldSet and child containers.</li>
* </ul>
* @return the state of input Fields and FieldSets contained in this FieldSet
public Object getState() {
List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>();
addStatefulFields(this, fields);
Map<String, Object> stateMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
for (Field field : fields) {
Object state = field.getState();
if (state != null) {
stateMap.put(field.getName(), state);
if (stateMap.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return stateMap;
* Set the FieldSet state. The state will be applied to all the input Fields
* and FieldSets contained in the FieldSet or child containers.
* @param state the FieldSet state to set
public void setState(Object state) {
if (state == null) {
Map stateMap = (Map) state;
List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>();
addStatefulFields(this, fields);
for (Field field : fields) {
String fieldName = field.getName();
if (stateMap.containsKey(fieldName)) {
Object fieldState = stateMap.get(fieldName);
* Render the HTML representation of the FieldSet.
* <p/>
* The size of buffer is determined by {@link #getControlSizeEst()}.
* @param buffer the specified buffer to render the control's output to
public void render(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
if (getShowBorder()) {
buffer.appendAttribute("id", getId());
if (isDisabled()) {
String legend = getLegend();
if (legend != null && legend.length() > 0) {
if (hasLegendAttributes()) {
Object legendId = getLegendAttributes().get("id");
if (legendId != null) {
buffer.appendAttribute("id", legendId);
} else {
buffer.appendAttribute("id", getId() + "-legend");
} else {
buffer.appendAttribute("id", getId() + "-legend");
// Render Controls
// Render Buttons
if (getShowBorder()) {
* Remove the FieldSet state from the session for the given request context.
* @see #saveState(
* @see #restoreState(
* @param context the request context
public void removeState(Context context) {
ClickUtils.removeState(this, getName(), context);
* Restore the FieldSet state from the session for the given request context.
* <p/>
* This method delegates to {@link #setState(java.lang.Object)} to set the
* field restored state.
* @see #saveState(
* @see #removeState(
* @param context the request context
public void restoreState(Context context) {
ClickUtils.restoreState(this, getName(), context);
* Save the FieldSet state to the session for the given request context.
* <p/>
* * This method delegates to {@link #getState()} to retrieve the field state
* to save.
* @see #restoreState(
* @see #removeState(
* @param context the request context
public void saveState(Context context) {
ClickUtils.saveState(this, getName(), context);
* Returns the HTML representation of the FieldSet.
* <p/>
* The rendering of the FieldSet is delegated to
* {@link #render(}. The size of buffer
* is determined by {@link #getControlSizeEst()}.
* @see Object#toString()
* @return the HTML representation of this control
public String toString() {
HtmlStringBuffer buffer = new HtmlStringBuffer(getControlSizeEst());
return buffer.toString();
// Protected methods -------------------------------------------------------
* Return the map of controls where each map's key / value pair will consist
* of the control name and instance.
* @see
* @return the map of controls
protected Map<String, Control> getControlMap() {
if (controlMap == null) {
controlMap = new HashMap<String, Control>();
return controlMap;
* @see
* @return the estimated rendered control size in characters
protected int getControlSizeEst() {
int size = 20;
if (getTag() != null && hasAttributes()) {
size += 20 * getAttributes().size();
if (hasControls()) {
size += getControls().size() * size;
return size;
* Render the fieldset's form fields to the string buffer. This method will
* apply the parent Forms properties to the layout and rendering of fields.
* @param buffer the StringBuffer to render to
protected void renderFields(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
if (getControls().isEmpty()) {
buffer.appendAttribute("class", "fields");
buffer.appendAttribute("id", getId() + "-fields");
int column = 1;
boolean openTableRow = false;
if (!hasControls()) {
for (Control control : getControls()) {
// Buttons are rendered separately
if (control instanceof Button) {
if (!isHidden(control)) {
// Field width
Integer width = getFieldWidths().get(control.getName());
if (column == 1) {
buffer.append("<tr class=\"fields\">\n");
openTableRow = true;
if (control instanceof Label) {
Label label = (Label) control;
buffer.append("<td align=\"");
buffer.append("\" class=\"fields");
String cellStyleClass = label.getParentStyleClassHint();
if (cellStyleClass != null) {
buffer.append(" ");
buffer.appendAttribute("style", label.getParentStyleHint());
if (width != null) {
int colspan = (width.intValue() * 2);
buffer.appendAttribute("colspan", colspan);
} else {
buffer.appendAttribute("colspan", 2);
if (label.hasAttributes()) {
Map<String, String> labelAttributes = label.getAttributes();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : labelAttributes.entrySet()) {
String labelAttrName = entry.getKey();
if (!labelAttrName.equals("id") && !labelAttrName.equals("style")) {
buffer.appendAttributeEscaped(labelAttrName, entry.getValue());
} else if (control instanceof Field) {
Field field = (Field) control;
Form form = getForm();
// Write out label
if (Form.POSITION_LEFT.equals(form.getLabelsPosition())) {
buffer.append("<td class=\"fields");
String cellStyleClass = field.getParentStyleClassHint();
if (cellStyleClass != null) {
buffer.append(" ");
buffer.appendAttribute("align", form.getLabelAlign());
String cellStyle = field.getParentStyleHint();
if (cellStyle == null) {
cellStyle = form.getLabelStyle();
buffer.appendAttribute("style", cellStyle);
} else {
buffer.append("<td valign=\"top\" class=\"fields");
String cellStyleClass = field.getParentStyleClassHint();
if (cellStyleClass != null) {
buffer.append(" ");
String cellStyle = field.getParentStyleHint();
if (cellStyle == null) {
cellStyle = form.getLabelStyle();
buffer.appendAttribute("style", cellStyle);
// Store the field id and label (the values could be null)
String fieldId = field.getId();
String fieldLabel = field.getLabel();
// Only render a label if the fieldId and fieldLabel is set
if (fieldId != null && fieldLabel != null) {
if (field.isRequired()) {
} else {
buffer.appendAttribute("for", field.getId());
buffer.appendAttribute("style", field.getLabelStyle());
if (field.isDisabled()) {
String cellClass = field.getLabelStyleClass();
if (field.getError() == null) {
buffer.appendAttribute("class", cellClass);
} else {
buffer.append(" class=\"error");
if (cellClass != null) {
buffer.append(" ");
if (field.isRequired()) {
} else {
if (Form.POSITION_LEFT.equals(form.getLabelsPosition())) {
buffer.appendAttribute("class", field.getParentStyleClassHint());
buffer.appendAttribute("align", "left");
String cellStyle = field.getParentStyleHint();
if (cellStyle == null) {
cellStyle = form.getFieldStyle();
buffer.appendAttribute("style", cellStyle);
if (width != null) {
int colspan = (width.intValue() * 2) - 1;
buffer.appendAttribute("colspan", colspan);
} else {
// Write out field
} else {
buffer.append("<td class=\"fields\"");
if (width != null) {
int colspan = (width.intValue() * 2);
buffer.appendAttribute("colspan", colspan);
} else {
buffer.appendAttribute("colspan", 2);
if (width != null) {
if (control instanceof Label || !(control instanceof Field)) {
column += width.intValue();
} else {
column += (width.intValue() - 1);
if (column >= getColumns()) {
openTableRow = false;
column = 1;
} else {
if (openTableRow) {
* Render the fieldset buttons to the string buffer.
* @param buffer the StringBuffer to render to
protected void renderButtons(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
List<Button> buttons = ContainerUtils.getButtons(this);
if (!buttons.isEmpty()) {
buffer.append("<table class=\"buttons\" id=\"");
buffer.append("<tr class=\"buttons\">");
Form form = getForm();
for (Button button : buttons) {
buffer.append("<td class=\"buttons\"");
buffer.appendAttribute("style", form.getButtonStyle());
// Private Methods --------------------------------------------------------
* Return true if the control is hidden, false otherwise.
* @param control control to check hidden status
* @return true if the control is hidden, false otherwise
private boolean isHidden(Control control) {
if (!(control instanceof Field)) {
// Non-Field Controls can not be hidden
return false;
} else {
return ((Field) control).isHidden();
* Add fields for the given Container to the specified field list,
* recursively including any Fields contained in child containers.
* @param container the container to obtain the fields from
* @param fields the list of contained fields
private void addStatefulFields(final Container container, final List<Field> fields) {
for (Control control : container.getControls()) {
if (control instanceof Label || control instanceof Button) {
// Skip buttons and labels
if (control instanceof Field) {
fields.add((Field) control);
} else if (control instanceof Container) {
Container childContainer = (Container) control;
addStatefulFields(childContainer, fields);